
Not my thing

2021/10/21 04:12:50 網誌分類: 生活
21 Oct
          Some years ago I wrote that beer is not my thing. The slang expression "not my thing" means it's not something I enjoy or am interested in. I don't enjoy beer. Martinis are my thing, which means I enjoy martinis. Recently I invited my younger brother and his wife to dinner at a restaurant overlooking a river in Wilmington, Delaware. The restaurant, which has outdoor seating on two levels, is called Iron Hill Brewery. A brewery can mean a company that makes beer or a place where beer is made. My younger brother likes beer. The Iron Hill Brewery is a restaurant combined with a brewery.

          My brother asked the waitress about the types of beer the restaurant brews and chose a beer flight with four different types of beer. The expression "beer flight" is used to describe four to six small glasses of different types of beer served on a wooden board called a paddle.

          It's a good way to sample different types of beer. Beer drinkers usually start with the light-coloured beers on the paddle and then drink darker ones. I don't think I've ever seen anyone drink a beer flight in Hong Kong. You can see the beer flight my brother had by going to the Popnews online version of this column.

          I had a martini and my sister-in-law had red wine. After enjoying the river view for a while, we ordered dinner. My brother had schnitzel and chose fries instead of mashed sweet potatoes. Schnitzel is a thin slice of meat, usually veal or pork covered with breadcrumbs then fried. It is a German dish. His came with pieces of sausage and bacon covered with onion gravy. It's a perfect dish to have with a beer flight. His wife chose a large meat and cheese sandwich with fries. I had scallops with creamed rice cooked with peas and leeks. The bill was less than HK$650. I couldn't believe how inexpensive the dinner was!


          幾年前我寫過啤酒is not my thing——俚語 "not my thing" 即它不是你杯茶,你不大享受或喜歡它。我不享受喝啤酒。馬天尼則是my thing,即我喜愛喝馬天尼。最近我邀請了弟弟和他太太,到特拉瓦州威明頓一間能眺望河川景色的餐廳共進晚膳。那間餐廳名叫鐵山啤酒廠(Brewery),有兩層戶外露天座位。A brewery可以是指會釀造啤酒的公司又或啤酒廠。我弟弟很愛喝啤酒。鐵山啤酒廠(Brewery)就是附設釀造啤酒廠(brewery)的餐廳。

          我弟弟問女侍應他們餐廳釀製(brews)啤酒有哪些種類,最後選了一套beer flight,有四款不同的啤酒。習語 "beer flight" 是啤酒品嚐套餐,在一塊名paddle的木槳托盤上放四至六小杯不同種類的啤酒,是個可以一次過品嚐不同啤酒的方法。喝啤酒的人通常會由木槳托盤(paddle)上較淺色的啤酒開始,再陸續喝較深色的。我不認為我見過有人在香港喝啤酒拼盤(beer flight)。你可以在Popnews這個專欄的網上版那裏,看到我弟弟喝的啤酒拼盤(beer flight)。

          我則點了馬天尼,我弟婦則喝紅酒。我們觀賞河畔景色一會後,就點了晚餐。我弟弟叫了schnitzel,在薯條與番薯蓉之間他選了以薯條伴碟。Schnitzel是炸肉排,通常是表面沾了麵包屑再拿去炸的小牛肉或豬排。這是一道德國菜。他的那碟炸肉排還有鋪滿洋蔥肉汁的肉腸和煙肉,跟啤酒拼盤(beer flight)真是絕配。他太太則選了大件的芝士肉三文治與薯條。我則吃了帶子忌廉飯,飯是用大蔥豌豆煮成的。埋單也不用六百五十港元!晚餐一點也不貴,令我難以置信!mickchug@gmail.com


        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧

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