
Seeing is believing.

2019/08/01 04:12:47 網誌分類: 生活
01 Aug
          Seeing is believing. This is a well-known proverb that means you need to see something for yourself before you can believe it is true. If someone tells you your husband has a girlfriend, you may not believe it. But if you see with your own eyes your husband kissing another girl, then you will know it's true. Seeing is believing. This proverb has lost its meaning nowadays because of the proliferation of social media. The word "proliferation" means a quick and sudden increase in something. Over the past few years there has been a proliferation in the types of social media as well as a proliferation in the number of people using social media.

          There are a lot of videos on social media. Many are edited for political reasons to show only one side of an event. I don't use social media such as Facebook but have received innumerable (too many to be counted) such videos by WhatsApp since the start of the protests against the extradition bill. For me, seeing is not believing when I look at these videos because I didn't see the events happening myself. Last week I received a widely-shared video of young protesters at the airport following and shouting at an elderly Hong Kong man. The video was edited in a way to make people believe the protesters were bullying an innocent old man.

          Can you say seeing is believing when you watch this video? Of course not, because the video did not show the whole event. There was a peaceful protest at the airport arrival hall to show foreign visitors that many Hong Kong people no longer trust or support the government. When the elderly Hong Kong man, who had returned from a trip, saw the protest, he angrily hit a protest sign held by a young girl, then quickly walked away. The widely-shared video did not show the elderly man had attacked the protester first because he disagreed with the protest. It only showed the protesters angrily following him. My advice is don't believe everything you see on social media.


          Seeing is believing. 這是一句家喻戶曉的諺語,意即眼見為憑,你得親眼看見,才能相信某事為真。若有人告訴你,你的丈夫在外邊有女朋友,你未必會相信;但若你親眼目睹丈夫在親吻另一個女孩,你就知道那是真的了。百聞不如一見(Seeing is believing)。今時今日,因着社交媒體的急劇增長(proliferation),這句諺語已失去了意義。Proliferation是指某事突然而急速的增長。過去幾年,社交媒體的類型迅速增生(proliferation),使用社交媒體的人數亦同樣急劇增加(proliferation)。

          社交媒體上流傳着很多影片,當中有許多都基於政治原因而被剪輯,只顯示一樁事件的一面。我不用社交媒體,例如臉書,但自反對引渡條例修訂的抗議行動以來,也從WhatsApp收到無數(innumerable)這樣的短片。對我來說,即使看了這些影片,眼見亦未為憑(seeing is not believing),因為我沒有親眼看見事件的發生。上星期,我收到一個廣傳的短片,在機場的年輕示威者尾隨和喝罵一位年老的香港人。這條影片的剪輯方式,令人相信示威者在欺凌一位無辜的老人。

          你看這條短片時,你又可否說眼見為憑(seeing is believing)?當然不能了,因為影片並未展示事件的全部。當天在機場接機大堂有一個和平的抗議集會,表現給外國遊客知道許多香港人不再相信或支持政府。當那位香港老人外遊回港時,見到這場示威集會,他憤怒地拍打一位少女手持的抗議標語,然後快速地離開。那條廣傳的短片並沒有顯示那位老人因為不認同集會而首先襲擊示威者,它只顯示了示威者憤怒地尾隨他。我的建議是,別全然相信你在社交媒體所看到的一切。


        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧
回應 (2)
WT 2019/08/01 13:46:23 回覆

Why are you wrote this topic??? Are you angry with HK Gov?? Are you agree young people take off loudly to a elder man in airport??? 

matt poon
matt poon 2019/08/01 10:18:45 回覆

Hi Michael,

Can you play the whole movie about how the elderly hit the sign so that viewers can be able to know what's happened?

