
a heavy heart

2019/12/24 04:13:10 網誌分類: 生活
24 Dec
          Tomorrow is Christmas Day. It should be a happy day for all Christians because Christmas Day celebrates the birth of Christ. Even though I am not religious, I look forward to Christmas every year. To me, it's the best time of year. I hum the traditional Christmas carols I learned in school, and I reminisce (remember) with fondness the happy Christmases (plural of Christmas) I had when I lived in the US. I always looked forward to a white Christmas when I lived in the US. A white Christmas was common when I lived in Washington DC but it was not common when I lived in Seattle.

          I hummed and listened to traditional Christmas carols for the past week but this Christmas I have a heavy heart. Hong Kong has changed a lot since last Christmas. In the last six months, police have fired lots of teargas at the people, protesters have thrown petrol bombs, over 6,000 mostly young people have been arrested during anti-government protests, and Hong Kong society has become deeply divided. That is why I have a heavy heart. If you have a heavy heart, it means you feel very sad. The word "hum" has several meanings but used this way it means to sing without opening your mouth. A white Christmas is a Christmas when there is snow.

          Hong Kong does not have white Christmases because it doesn't snow here. I hope we will not have a teargas Christmas this year! We already had a teargas Halloween. A week after Christmas it will be the start of the year 2020. No one knows what 2020 will bring. But I hope the government will start listening to what the people want. It is because Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor refused to listen that caused so many months of protests. She can give Hong Kong people a great Christmas present by saying she will consider the five demands of the people. But I know that will not happen. That is why I have a heavy heart.


          明天就是聖誕節。對所有基督徒而言,這應該是歡欣的一天,因為聖誕節就是慶祝基督的降生。雖然我沒有宗教信仰,我每年都期待聖誕。對我來說,那是一年中最好的時候。我會輕哼(hum)我從前在學校學過的傳統聖誕頌歌,又會歡喜地緬懷(reminisce)我從前住在美國時的那些快樂的聖誕(Christmases,Christmas的複數)。我還住在美國時,總是期待白色聖誕(white Christmas)。我住在華盛頓哥倫比亞特區的時候,白色聖誕(white Christmas)很常見,但我住西雅圖的時候就不很常見了。

          我上星期也有輕哼(hummed)與聆聽傳統的聖誕頌歌,但今個聖誕我的心情很沉重(heavy heart)。上一個聖誕至今,香港已經改變了很多。在過去六個月,警方向人群發射了許多的催淚彈,有示威者投擲汽油彈,在反政府示威期間超過六千人被捕,當中大部份為年輕人,而香港社會亦已嚴重撕裂。因此我的心情很沉重(heavy heart)。若你有 a heavy heart,即是指你心情沉重、難以釋懷。Hum有幾個意思,但在這裏是指不開口的輕聲哼唱。A white Christmas就是下雪的白色聖誕。

          香港沒有白色聖誕(white Christmases),因為這兒不會下雪。我希望今年的聖誕節,我們不會有催淚彈!我們已經有了一個催淚彈萬聖節。聖誕後的一周,就是二○二○年的開始。沒有人知道,二○二○年會是怎樣的光景。但我希望政府會開始聆聽人民想要甚麼。因為特首林鄭月娥拒絕聆聽,而導致這許多月的示威抗議。她可以給予香港人一份極佳的聖誕禮物,就是宣告會考慮人們的五大訴求。但我知道這不會實現,因此我有着沉重的心情(heavy heart)。中譯:七刻



        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧
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