
return with a vengeance

2020/01/07 04:12:30 網誌分類: 生活
07 Jan
          People in Hong Kong are now tagged (labelled, categorized) as either yellow or blue. This tagging of people began during the 2014 Umbrella Movement when democracy supporters took to wearing yellow ribbons on their jacket lapels or elsewhere. Government supporters then took to wearing blue ribbons. The expression “take to” used this way means to start doing something as a habit. When the Umbrella Movement ended after 79 days, the tagging of people as either yellow or blue gradually disappeared from Hong Kong’s political jargon. But the labelling of people as either yellow or blue returned with a vengeance after the government’s now-withdrawn extradition bill caused protests that deeply divided society.

          The word “jargon” means special words and phrases used by particular groups of people. For example, soldiers or policemen often use words or phrases that ordinary people won’t understand. Political jargon means words and phrases used in politics. When something returns with a vengeance, it means it comes back with great force or energy. Hong Kong people are now tagged as either yellow or blue even more than during the Umbrella Movement. Did you know that the words “yellow” and “blue” don’t just mean the colour of something? For example, the word “yellow” is also a slang word for cowardly. If someone says you’re yellow, it means you are cowardly or not brave.

         The expression “yellow journalism” means lurid or sensational journalism. The word “lurid” means shocking because it involves sex. The word “blue” can also mean sad or depressed. If you say you’re feeling blue, it means you are sad, unhappy, or have no hope. The expression “blue movie” means a pornographic movie or a movie with a lot of sexual content. The word “pornographic” is the adjective of “pornography”, which means content that shows sexual organs or lurid sex. In Hong Kong, if you are yellow it means you support democracy and the protesters. If you are blue, it means you support the government and mainland China. Are you blue or yellow?


          在香港的人現在都被貼上標籤(tagged),劃分成黃(yellow)或藍(blue)的。這種標籤(tagging)人的做法在二〇一四年雨傘運動期間已經開始,當時支持民主的人士開始養成一個習慣(took to),就是在上衣翻領又或別處去扣上黃(yellow)絲帶;政府支持者則開始去(took to)戴上藍(yellow)絲帶。習語take to在這裏是指開始做某事而成為習慣。隨着雨傘運動在七十九天後結束,這種將人分為黃(yellow)或藍(blue)的標籤(tagging),在香港的政治術語(political jargon)中漸漸消失。然而,在政府現已撤回的引渡條例引發持續的抗議,並嚴重地撕裂社會之後,這種將人歸類為黃(yellow)或藍(blue)的標籤捲土重來,並且來得更兇、更猛烈(with a vengeance)。

          Jargon是指某一行業或社群所用的特定行話或術語。譬如,士兵或警察會用一些一般人聽不明白的字詞。Political jargon就是政治術語。當某事returns with a vengeance,即是指它以更強烈的姿態回歸。香港人現在被標籤(tagged)成黃(yellow)或藍(blue),比雨傘運動時期更甚。你可知道,“yellow”和“blue”並不單是指某物的顏色?譬如,“yellow”可以是俚語,解作膽小的;若某人說你是yellow,即是指你太膽小怕事,不夠勇氣。

          習語“yellow journalism”解作俗艷(lurid)又或煽情的新聞。一字是指因為涉及色情而令人震驚的。“Blue”可以解作傷心或憂鬱。若你說 you’re feeling blue,即是指你感到情緒低落、悶悶不樂又或沒有希望。習語“blue movie”是指色情(pornographic)電影,又或含有許多性內容的電影。Pornographic是 pornography 的形容詞,就是展示性器官又或俗艷(lurid)性交場面的色情作品。在香港,你若支持民主和示威者,你是黃(yellow)的;若你是藍(blue)的,那即是說你支持政府和中國內地。你是藍(blue)抑或黃(yellow)?




        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧

回應 (2)
Michael stokes
Michael stokes 2020/01/14 23:54:00 回覆

Everyone should go on YELLOW because it does not include pornography however, there are lot of BLUE movies that are hit listed now a days in China and other contries as well it have become mode of earning for lot of agencies however, people are promoting it and earning handsome amount from it. I personally consider YELLOW and for more information visit Dissertation Editing services UK.

RMH 2020/01/11 17:35:34 回覆

One thing is quite sure that you are becoming yellow.  Your recent articles have already proved it.

