
thrown caution to the wind

2020/02/27 04:12:45 網誌分類: 生活
27 Feb
          Many people are compulsive face touchers. They unconsciously touch their face a lot. Scientific studies have shown people are compulsive face touchers. These studies have varying (different) results. Some studies found people compulsively touch their face hundreds of times an hour. Other studies found that people touch their face about four to 24 times an hour.

          Researchers say there are about 500 germs on a human hand. The easiest way to catch a cold, flu, or the new coronavirus is to touch your nose, eyes, or mouth with an unwashed hand. That's why doctors advise people to wash their hands if they want to touch their face. I am meticulous about not touching my face with my hands. But I sometimes unconsciously rest my chin on my hand.

          If you are compulsive about something, it means you do it a lot and are unable to stop doing it. If you unconsciously do something, it means you do it without realizing you are doing it. To be meticulous about something means to be very careful and precise about it, or to give it great attention. To rest your chin on your hand means to use the palm or fingers of your hand to support your chin. People who are thinking often rest their chin on their hand. Now that the Wuhan coronavirus is spreading in Hong Kong, I am even more meticulous about not touching my face without first washing my hands.

          The government has advised people to avoid large gatherings but some Hong Kong people have thrown caution to the wind by having large dinner parties. These people need to have their heads examined. If you throw caution to the wind, it means you do something without caring about the risks or dangers of doing it. People who drink and drive are throwing caution to the wind. If you tell someone he needs to have his head examined, it means you believe that person is crazy or has done something stupid. People who drive without safety belts on need to have their heads examined.



          研究人員指,一隻人手約有五百顆細菌。最容易感染感冒、流感又或新型冠狀病毒的方法,就是用未清潔的手去觸摸你的鼻、眼或口。因此醫生都會建議人們若想觸碰面部,都要先洗手。我都會小心翼翼(meticulous)不用雙手觸碰面部,但有時我仍會無意識地(unconsciously)用手托腮(rest my chin on my hand)。

          若你是compulsive about something,意即你常常做某事而欲罷不能。若你unconsciously做某事,即你無意識地做了也不自知。To be meticulous about something意即對某事非常小心、一絲不苟的,又或非常注意細節及周密的。

          To rest your chin on your hand是指用手掌又或手指去托下巴。人們在思考的時候,就不時會用他們的手托腮(rest their chin on their hand)。現在武漢新冠肺炎在香港蔓延,我若未先行清潔雙手,就更會小心翼翼(meticulous)避免觸碰面部。

          政府建議人們避免大型聚集,但有些香港人已經不顧風險,將這些警誡拋到九霄雲外(thrown caution to the wind)去了,仍然有大型的晚餐派對。這些人需要驗一驗腦(need to have their heads examined)。若你 throw caution to the wind,意即你不顧風險,鹵莽行事。人們醉酒駕駛都是throwing caution to the wind。若你告訴某人他needs to have his head examined,意即你相信他是瘋了,又或做了甚麼愚蠢的事。那些駕駛時不佩戴安全帶的司機也是瘋的,需要驗一驗腦(need to have their heads examined)。



        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧

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