
Thank God it’s Friday!

2020/04/14 04:12:22 網誌分類: 生活
14 Apr
          Thank God it's Friday! That was a common saying some years ago. A US restaurant chain even named itself after that expression. When people say "thank God it's Friday", they are expressing happiness because it's the last day of the working week before the weekend. Most working people take it easy on Fridays and look forward to the weekend when they don't have to work. Office workers in Hong Kong, especially government officials, dress very formally compared to some Western countries such as the US. The men usually wear ties and jackets. But some dress down on Fridays. To "take it easy" means to relax or rest. To "dress down" means to wear less formal clothes or to dress casually.

          When I lived near Lan Kwai Fong some years ago, the bars were always full of people on Friday evenings. It was "thank God it's Friday" for them because they could take it easy over the weekend. Binge drinking on Fridays is common for many people. Binge drinkers don't seem to understand that it's really bad for their health. The expression "binge drinking" means drinking a lot of alcohol in a very short period of time. A "binge drinker" is a person who drinks a lot of alcohol in a very short period of time. Your body, especially your liver, needs time to process and absorb alcohol. If you drink too much too quickly, your body cannot absorb the alcohol.

          Now that the government has ordered bars to close to avoid the spread of the coronavirus, Lan Kwai Fong is no longer full of people on Fridays. There is no longer any binge drinking in bars but there is a rise in binge eating because many people are staying at home to avoid catching the coronavirus. With bars, cinemas, and beauty parlours closed, and restaurants allowing only four people per table, people have nothing to do but eat. They are binge eating, which means eating a lot more than they should. This is also bad for health.


          Thank God it's Friday! 這是句好幾年前很盛行的俗語。一間美國連鎖食肆甚至以此俗語命名。當人們說“thank God it’s Friday”,他們是在表達愉悅之情,慶祝星期五是周末前最後一天要上班的日子。

          大部份打工仔在星期五都會放輕鬆(take it easy),期待周末不用上班的日子。相對於一些西方的國家如美國,香港的白領,尤其是政府官員,都會穿得非常正式。男人通常會打領呔,穿西裝。但一些人在周五會穿着得較為隨便(dress down)。To“take it easy”意即放鬆或休息一下。To“dress down”意即穿得沒那麼正式,或穿得休閒一點。

          好幾年前我住在蘭桂坊附近,在周五傍晚那些酒吧總是塞滿人。對他們來說那是“thank God it’s Friday”,因為他們可以在周末好好放鬆(take it easy)一下了。對許多人來說,逢周五的晚上豪飲(binge drinking)很平常。暴飲者(binge drinkers)似乎不會明白,那對他們的健康是不好的。習語binge drinking即在很短時間內喝大量的酒;A“binge drinker”就是暴飲的人。你的身體,尤其是你的肝臟,需要時間去處理和吸收酒精,若你喝得太急太多,你的身體就不能吸收酒精。

          現在政府已勒令酒吧關門停業,避免傳播新冠病毒,星期五的蘭桂坊不再滿是人了。再沒有在酒吧裏狂歡暴飲(binge drinking)的場面,但開始多了暴食(binge eating),因為許多人都留在家中,避免感染到新冠病毒。酒吧、戲院和美容院都關門停業,餐廳亦只限四人或以下同枱進食,人們除了吃,已沒其他事可做。他們都在binge eating,意即吃多於自己應該吃的份量。這對身體健康也不好。中譯:七刻mickchug@gmail.com

        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧

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