
Your COVID-19 crisis

2020/04/26 15:15:20 網誌分類: 生活
26 Apr

Your COVID-19 crisis is making it difficult for many meal banks and soup kitchen areas to fulfil their missions at the same time when they are needed one of the most. The sharp and immediate economic crisis and movement restrictions brought on by the pandemic has noticed many businesses close, donations to food banks in certain areas reduce and stockpiling by way of households. This has left a considerable number of vulnerable individuals and families struggling to pay the bills and receive the wholesome food necessary to stay healthy.

The Congregational Church in Pyle Street has become supporting the needy along with homeless for over 4 years and inside current crisis has teamed up with Age UK to obtain as many meals safely to the people vulnerable and in most need now. The safest way to start this is in frozen foods portions. For them, supplies of much needed fresh produce will not be the issue, but being competent to freeze the volumes of food being prepared will be.

To help manage the case, Vectis Refrigeration has not only donated a large chest freezer but will in addition fully maintain it cost-free.

Rev Mark Evans remarks:

“This is a great coming together of region business, charity and people of faith attempting to serve the islands needy at the moment of crisis. ”

Will Overton of Vectis Refrigeration gives:

“I first met Rev Evans in a meeting with Foodbank along with was really pleased when he contacted me to highlight the decision for a chest refrigerator. It comes at a period when we are functioning hard with Island grocery stores and convenience stores to make sure their freezers and cold cabinets will work effectively to keep food in the best condition for customers presently of high demand. So agreeing to provide and maintain the chest freezer to ensure The Congregational Church as well as Age UK can give this essential support was an easy decision for me to generate. ”.
https://www.meibcafreezer.com/Island-Freezer-pl3247086.html Island Freezer 201911ld

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