

2020/06/11 04:12:25 網誌分類: 生活
11 Jun
          A friend sent me a social media video that made me laugh my head off. The video showed numerous people mooning the Trump Tower in Chicago. I thought it was a new video in response to President Donald Trump's threat of using the military to end the riots that broke out after a policeman choked a black man, George Floyd, to death with his knee. But I noticed the people mooning Trump Tower were wearing winter clothes. A Google search showed the mooning took place in February 2017. People mooned the Trump Tower after Trump refused to release his tax returns. Previous presidents have made public how much taxes they paid. The video is now doing the rounds again on social media to criticize Trump's handling of the protests.

          The expression "laugh your head off" means laughing loudly and uncontrollably. The slang word "moon" means bending your body and exposing your naked buttocks as a joke or as a protest. Hundreds of people in Chicago mooned the Trump Tower in 2017 even though it was very cold. They pointed their naked buttocks in the direction of Trump Tower. The expression "doing the rounds again" means something that is being spread again even though it had already been spread before. Another thing doing the rounds again in the US is taking the knee. Some American football players took the knee in 2016 while the national anthem was being played to protest police brutality and racism.

          To "take the knee" means to kneel with one knee while the foot of the other leg is flat on the ground. The National Football League (NFL) condemned the football players who took the knee in 2016 when the national anthem was being played. But now even some US policemen and politicians have taken the knee to oppose police brutality after the death of Floyd. The NFL said last week it was wrong to condemn football players taking the knee during the national anthem before the start of a game. It said people should be allowed to protest peacefully.


          一位朋友傳來一條社交媒體的短片,令我捧腹大笑(laugh my head off)。那條短片顯示,芝加哥有許多人向着特朗普大廈露屁股(mooning)。我以為這是新的影片,回應總統特朗普威脅會軍事鎮壓騷亂——在一名警員用膝頭按壓制服一名黑人喬治‧弗洛伊德,令他窒息致死後,就爆發了一連串的騷亂。然而我留意到,影片中那些向着特朗普大廈露臀(mooning)的人穿的是冬天衣物。谷歌搜尋顯示,這個露股抗議行動(mooning)是在二○一七年二月發生。當特朗普拒絕公開他的報稅表後,人們就向特朗普大廈露股抗議(mooned)。歷任總統都有公開他們要交多少稅款。短片現在又於社交媒體上四處流傳(doing the rounds again),用以批評特朗普處理抗議活動的手法。

          習語“laugh your head off”意即狂笑不止。俚語“moon”是指彎下身來裸露出你的「八月十五」,作為玩笑又或是抗議。二○一七年芝加哥有數以百計的人向着特朗普大廈露臀抗議(mooned),即使那時候非常寒冷。他們將裸露的屁股對正特朗普大廈。習語“doing the rounds again”意即某事物又一次廣傳,即使之前已曾流傳過了。另一樣在美國再度廣傳的(doing the rounds again)就是單膝下跪(taking the knee)。二○一六年一些美式足球員在賽前奏起國歌期間單膝下跪(took the knee),抗議警暴和種族歧視。

          To“take the knee”意即單膝下跪。國家美式足球聯盟二○一六年就曾譴責那些足球員在奏國歌時單膝跪下(took the knee)。但現在,於弗洛伊德之死後,連一些美國警員和政客也單膝下跪(taken the knee)以抗議警暴。國家美式足球聯盟上星期表示,對那些在開賽前奏國歌期間單膝下跪(taking the knee)的足球員予以譴責是錯的;它指,應容許人們和平抗議。mickchug@gmail.com 中譯:七刻

        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧

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