old rich 的智慧 5

2008/05/26 22:36:14 網誌分類: 生活
26 May

於一高尚住宅花園下午茶聚, 與old rich 之第二代及第三代吃著蛋糕.

old rich 第二代是一個生意人, 很健談, 他分享一些智慧,他告訴我,他uncle及家人教他沙士放心買貝沙灣,因為4千多元一呎,己是成本價加上是香港海景樓, 沙士後一定平安過渡.

他借錢掃入多個單位, 於8千多9千售出,大賺特賺, 賣早了,他笑笑, 錢總不可以賺盡,當比後手水位啦.

他說家人教落, 買物業,不出出入入,坐下,到好瘋時,代理日日求您,您才賣出去. 而人生大賺的機會每十年,總有一兩次, 平時不一定要投資, 玩下休息下.拿現金,樓好股票好,到人人好怕時,勁入一次, 就比人日日辛苦看市,大壓力的出出入入好好多.

(這些都是陸sir成日教我們的, 原來都是富人自家後花園代代相存的智慧!!!)

第三代是一個好乖巧有禮的十歲小孩.大家談笑之中問小孩,您什麼時候談戀愛, 他說待我找到第一桶金再談! (嘩,好有理財觀念的小朋友). 我們問他什麼是第一桶金, 他說可以令生活安定及開始投資就是了. (yy太想,我好像都只有半桶水, 未有一桶金)

再問他, 如何可得到第一桶金, 他說認識多一些有權力的人,一起做生意, 我們好感興趣, 問他以一個十歲的小孩想到什麼方法認識有權力的人? 他好認真的說,第一桶金之前,就得要爸爸及爸爸的朋友先幫忙!

原來理財營商的種子, 一早己種在孩子的心. 孩子真是父母的影子. 他有這些想法,


回應 (22)
2008/05/30 23:14:13 回覆

Dear kfc

Thanks Mrs yy

KFC 2008/05/30 14:27:01 回覆
2008/05/30 09:06:43 回覆
2008/05/29 22:45:12 回覆


It is a real statement from my friend's real experience. So he is very rich.  Mrs YY

2008/05/29 22:38:47 回覆


" ... 平時不一定要投資, 玩下休息下.拿現金,樓好股票好,到人人好怕時,勁入一次, 就比人日日辛苦看市,大壓力的出出入入好好多..."

2008/05/29 22:21:34 回覆

Dear Ray,

thanks for sharing.  Well, it is good method too.

Dear 111

I am not sure whether I can be successful.  I can only say with Sir luk and all the best friends here, I will be more successful compare with my past years.  That is improvement and that is enough.

Dear all

I hear a TV commerical song for a property.  We finally bought it.  See if it is a good investment this time.

Mrs YY 


2008/05/29 18:05:04 回覆

YY 太


2008/05/29 16:10:32 回覆

Hi again yy太,

That's why the old rich I know teach their children differently.  The old rich don't tell their children that they won't leave them any money. They train their children under a "controlled enviornment" by gradually monitoring their progess in managing money and helping them to become better persons financially along the way.

For example, a rich dad first helps his son by giving him a job at his family's company and helping him with a down payment on an apartment when he's about to get married.  The son then uses his monthly salary to pay for the mortgage.  If the son proves himself in the c/o, the rich dad will give him more and more responsibilites (i.e. climb up the corporate ladder).  Eventually, the son will replace the rich dad as the CEO of the family's business.  And when the son has children, the rich dad will help him buy a bigger place to live (another big mortgage downpayment).  And at this stage of the life cycle, the family company will then provide him with an Alphard/Elgrand along with a driver to take the grandchildren to school and learning centres.

For children who are not capable business persons, the "smart" rich parents will only give them monthly pocket money.  And when the parents die, they will live off the family trust accounts.

In conclusion, the old rich just don't give all their money to their children right away.  The children have to gradually prove to their parents that they're worthy of managing their wealth along the way.  So, the smart and capable rich children will get a substantial portion of the wealth and power before their parents die while the "less capable" rich children will only have to wait for their parents to die before getting the money.





2008/05/29 13:28:26 回覆


我未有孩子.未經驗過. 對呀, 您說不留, 但他的朋友, 會說"您父母有錢比您, 怕什麼". 不易.


2008/05/29 12:04:13 回覆

Hi yy太,

你話小小要教育他父母的財富是父母的.與自己無關. 正確的理財觀念好重要. 父母的不是孩子的.

I totally agree with you but think it is quite difficult to convince the children that they won't receive any financial support from their parents in the future (Especially when the parents are considered "old rich").   Unlike some "鬼佬" old rich, traditional Chinese old rich will most likely pass their wealth onto the next generation.   Maybe it's easier for parents who are from the grassroot or lower middle class backgrounds to teach their children that particular concept.

But I believe you are financially abundant, how do you make your children believe that?

p.s. Sorry, I cannot type Chinese that well.


2008/05/28 22:58:36 回覆


好, 留一件您. YY太

2008/05/28 22:57:43 回覆


謝您的金句. 要記住. YY太

2008/05/28 22:36:06 回覆


多謝提醒大家. 要準備.

這些大機會,我剛錯過了2003買樓, 2005買大陸樓, 2007年十月之前換大樓. 就是沒有深入信心作決定,及時檢討,這個多月,在此跟陸SIR 及網友交流及寫OLD RICH系列之後. 一路寫, 一路組織, 一路反醒. 可比自己多D啟示.

現在資金, 目標, 心理態況己做多了準備. 今次再來, 一定比之前好. (唔敢說好好. 能力問題嘛!) 希望大家都有得著.


2008/05/28 22:20:10 回覆


2008/05/28 21:59:32 回覆

她好錫個仔. 最好都給個仔.

我如果有孩子,我同YY生己講好告訴他, 只供到大學畢業, 小小要教育他父母的財富是父母的.與自己無關. 正確的理財觀念好重要. 父母的不是孩子的. YY太

2008/05/28 21:50:10 回覆



2008/05/28 21:13:14 回覆

Dear 111

無錯是小DD童真,但我提他是因為他是一個好有禮,乖的孩子, 唔係二世祖形.

有一些理想, 好像他答這答案之前, 他說基本要讀好書,上大學學好中英普遍話. 所以才欣賞他.

我有另一個中產專業人士的十歲兒子, 問他為什麼不用心讀好書,不怕他日沒大學收嗎? 他答道, 到海外讀就得, 問他要好多錢怎辦,如果不讀好書,怎樣置業養家. 他答道,我不一定好有成就, 但不打緊, 父母得我一個兒子, 供我出國不成問題, 而且他們都不用我養. 他們死了而家的2層樓我就可以住.

是真人真事. 朋友只有苦笑. 十分無奈. 是香港中產小孩的通病. YY太

2008/05/28 18:33:46 回覆

YY 太

睇完你講old rich 第三代 真係明白點解有錢人  有錢 , 不過睇真D十歲小孩以無天真有D..........

2008/05/28 14:15:38 回覆


Think what you mentioned in your article coincides with Nathan Rothschild's old saying.



(Chinese translation)

2008/05/28 00:39:19 回覆


2008/05/27 22:28:26 回覆


哇! old rich既後代果然有old rich既智慧,大家起步點就已經差好遠,真係要急起直追。

2008/05/27 20:26:16 回覆


