

2020/10/15 04:12:24 網誌分類: 生活
15 Oct
          Social media in the US was buzzing with zingers and one-liners after a fly landed on Vice President Mike Pence’s head during his debate with Kamala Harris, the Democratic Party’s candidate for vice-president. The fly was on Pence’s head for two minutes but he seemed not to know. Every time there is a presidential or vice-presidential debate before an election, polls are held to show who won. Many joked on social media the fly won. The word “buzzing” has many meanings but used this way it means a place with a lot of activity. There was a lot of activity on social media when the fly landed on Pence’s head.

         Many internet users played with the word “buzz” because the word can also mean the sound a fly or bee makes. A “zinger” is a quick and witty remark that cleverly plays on words. A well-known American comedian used this zinger on Twitter: “That fly knew bullshit when it smelled it”. Another Twitter user said flies only land on shit. The word “one-liner” is similar to the word “zinger”. It means a joke or clever remark that is one sentence long. A Twitter user posted this one-liner: “That fly is an American hero”. Another said: “The fly now has Covid”. A social media user said: “The fly now needs a 14-day quarantine”.

         Some social media users made jokes about Pence by using another meaning of the word “fly”. The word “fly” has many meanings but some may not know it also means the front opening or zipper of a male’s trousers (pants in American English). Men have to open their fly or pull down the zipper of their pants to urinate. Many of the zingers and one-liners about Pence were mean (unkind) but they also prove the US has freedom of speech. Americans are free to use zingers and one-liners against Trump, Pence, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris. Joking about top leaders can help bring a smile to Americans who have seen many family members die from the coronavirus.

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          許多互聯網用家都在玩弄着“buzz”一字,因為這個字同時也指蒼蠅或蜜蜂所發出的嗡嗡聲。A “zinger”就是迅速而機智的評論,聰明地一語雙關。一位著名的美國喜劇演員就在推特上用到這樣一個機智妙語(zinger):「那隻烏蠅一嗅就知道是狗屁廢話了。」另一個推特用家則說,烏蠅只會落在糞便上。One-liner跟 zinger的意思相近,是指一句簡短的笑話或詼諧語。一位推特用者貼了這句打趣的短語(one-liner):「那隻烏蠅是美國英雄。」另一名網友則說:「現在烏蠅中了新冠肺炎了。」一位社交媒體用者則說:「現在烏蠅要隔離十四天了。」


        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧

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