

2020/10/27 04:12:47 網誌分類: 生活
27 Oct
          It was gut-wrenching to see the mass sackings at Cathay Pacific last week. Speculation had been rife (widespread) of a big restructuring at Cathay. But my jaw dropped when Cathay announced it would cut almost 6,000 local jobs and shut down Cathay Dragon, formerly known as Dragonair. Cathay officials said Dragonair, which started in 1985 and became a top local brand, will not be revived even when the airline industry recovers from the coronavirus pandemic. It is gut-wrenching because I have flown Dragonair many times and even more times when it became Cathay Dragon. The word "gut-wrenching" means extremely unpleasant or upsetting. The expression "mass sackings" means firing a lot of people. If your "jaw dropped", it means you were very surprised.

          I feel very sad about the mass sackings. I always fly Cathay because I want to support Hong Kong's airline. The flight attendants are always friendly. Checking in at Cathay's airport counters is always a breeze, which, when used this way, means very easy and trouble-free. The bartenders at the Cathay lounges are professionals. Of course, I cannot afford to fly first-class but sometimes fly premium economy or business class on business trips. As a Marco Polo member, I can use the lounges. The coronavirus pandemic has ruined the global economy. Many people have been fired. I hope the sacked Cathay staff will find new jobs or be re-hired by Cathay when the global economy recovers.

          As a freelance journalist, I also worry about being sacked if Hong Kong's economy worsens. That's why I hope there will be a vaccine soon so the world can return to normal and airlines such as Cathay can recover. Cathay's mass sackings shocked Hong Kong but the airline felt it had no choice. I hope Cathay's mass sackings will at least make it lean and mean so it can become successful again when the economy recovers. The expression "lean and mean" means doing whatever is necessary to become efficient and successful. Cathay is a Hong Kong icon. We need to preserve Hong Kong icons.


          上星期,國泰航空大裁員(mass sackings),實在看得人揪心(gut-wrenching)。有關國泰將有大型重組的推測早已盛傳(rife),但當國泰公佈會削減接近六千個本地職位,及關閉前名為港龍航空的國泰港龍航空時,我還是很吃驚(jaw dropped)。港龍創始於一九八五年並成為頂級本地品牌,國泰官方說,即使在航空業熬過全球新冠肺炎疫情而復甦後,它也不會重生了。這實在是刺心裂肝(gut-wrenching),因為我乘搭過港龍很多遍,在它成為國泰港龍後搭過更多遍。Gut-wrenching是指極之痛苦、悲傷的。習語“mass sackings”就是指大量裁員。若你的“jaw dropped”,意即你驚訝得瞠目結舌。

          我對於大裁員(mass sackings)感到非常難過。我常常乘搭國泰,因為我想支持香港的航空公司,空服員總是很友善。在國泰的機場櫃位辦登機手續是always a breeze——在這裏用的意思,即是輕而易舉又不麻煩的。國泰貴賓室的調酒師都是專業的。當然,我付不起錢搭頭等艙,但有時去公幹也會搭特選經濟或商務艙。身為馬可孛羅會會員,我可以使用那貴賓室。新冠肺炎疫情摧毁全球經濟,許多人都被炒了。我希望那些被解僱的(sacked)國泰員工可以找到新工,或者當全球經濟復甦時可以再獲國泰聘用。

          身為自由身新聞工作者,若香港的經濟惡化下去,我也會擔心被炒(sacked)。因此我希望早日有疫苗面世,好讓世界能重返正軌,航空公司如國泰亦得以復元。國泰的大裁員(mass sackings)震驚全港,但航空公司感到沒有甚麼選擇的餘地。我希望國泰的大裁員(mass sackings)至少可以令它lean and mean,以至它在經濟復甦時可再度成功。習語“lean and mean”是指破釜沉舟,豁出去用盡一切辦法去變得有效率和成功。國泰是香港的標誌。我們需要保護香港的標誌。中譯:七刻

        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧

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