My rainy B-day

2008/06/07 00:29:26 網誌分類: 生活
07 Jun

O today is a rainy day also is my b-day.  I have go to disneyland with my best friend and her sister.  Although raining whole day but also a lot of fun.  So happy that the turtle Mr Koo (new item) have sing B-day day song for me, lo yiu lo yiu lo yiu.........................

So nice that their disney's staff will say happy b-day to me, so this year I think it is the most hear happy b-day to me appromate 20.  So nice that my friend and her sister give me a disneyland T-shirt.

then at night I have celebrate with my family member.  they have buy me the cake from panash, the chocolate mosse cake, so yummy.  Then my nieces and my sisters and brother and parents say b-day song for me then I make wishes and blow the candle with my nieces.

So happy that my sister and brother have give me a necklace form swarovki.  So nice.  What a wonderful b-day at 2008.

回應 (2)
則卷小雲 2008/06/07 01:06:19 回覆

雨天遊迪士尼, 別有一番滋味, 仲有咁多生日禮物收添, 就算再下更大的雨, 心情當然不會受損啦~

則卷小雲 2008/06/07 01:03:19 回覆

