
Bunch of Hooey

2021/07/06 04:13:14 網誌分類: 生活
06 Jul
          American presidents usually refrain from (avoid) criticizing their predecessors or successors. But former President Donald Trump ended this custom when he got elected. He criticized past presidents and has not refrained from attacking his successor President Joe Biden. Trump’s criticism of his predecessors and successor has convinced past presidents and the current president they should not refrain from criticizing him too. Biden has accused Trump of ruining America’s global image when he was president. Former President Barack Obama is usually soft-spoken. He seldom uses harsh (blunt, tough) words. The expression “soft-spoken” means having a quiet and gentle voice. But last week Obama used harsh language to criticize Trump.

          He said Trump had violated a “core tenet” of democracy by making up a “bunch of hooey” about election fraud when he lost the election. Obama was referring to Trump’s refusal to accept the vote count and admit he lost the election to Biden. The word “core” can be used in several ways. The central part of some fruits, such as apple, is called the “core”. But when Obama used the word, he meant the central or most important part of something. The word “tenet” means a principle or belief upheld by a person but mostly by a group of people. A “core tenet” therefore means the most important part of a principle or belief.

          The slang word “hooey” means nonsense or something that is not true even though some people believe it. The word “bunch” usually means a number of things of the same kind, such as a bunch of grapes. When Obama said a “bunch of hooey” he meant a lot of nonsense or untruths. He accused Trump of violating the most important part, or tenet, of democracy, which is to count the votes in an election and declare a winner. He said Trump had instead made up a lot of nonsense, or hooey, about improper vote counts and election fraud.


          美國總統通常避免(refrain from)去批評他們的前任或繼任人。然而,前總統唐納德‧特朗普當選後,便結束了這個習俗。他批評歷屆的總統,亦毫不避諱(refrained from)去攻擊他的下任總統祖‧拜登。特朗普對其前任與繼任者的批評,使歷任和現任的總統開始相信,他們亦毋須再抑制自己不去(refrain from)批評他了。拜登指責特朗普就任總統期間,毁壞了美國的國際形象。前總統巴拉克‧奧巴馬通常較 soft-spoken,他很少用上嚴厲尖銳(harsh)的言詞。習語“soft-spoken”是指說話溫和可親的。然而在上星期,奧巴馬就用上了嚴厲(harsh)的措辭去批評特朗普。

          他說,特朗普敗選時,編了關於選舉舞弊的一派胡言(bunch of hooey),是違反了民主的「核心教條」(core tenet)。奧巴馬指的是特朗普拒絕接受點票結果,承認他在大選中輸給拜登。Core一字有幾個意思,一些生果如蘋果的果核,就叫作 core。但當奧巴馬用這個字時,他的意思是某事物的核心或最重要的部份。Tenet則解作一個人所抱持的宗旨、原則或信念,但更多是指一群人共同秉持的信條、教條、教義。因此,a “core tenet”就是指核心原則或核心信條。

          俚語“hooey”是指胡說八道,又或好些人深信不疑但其實並不真確的事。Bunch是一束、一串同類事物,或一群人,譬如 a bunch of grapes就是一束提子。當奧巴馬說a “bunch of hooey”時,他指的是一大堆廢話或謊言。他指責特朗普違反了民主最重要的原則( tenet),就是選舉中的點票以及宣判誰勝選;他說,特朗普反倒編造了一派胡言(hooey),指控點票出錯及出現了選舉舞弊。mickchug@gmail.com


        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧
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