

2021/08/10 17:39:33 網誌分類: 時事
10 Aug

Operation Omega Phoenix


I have contacted my sources and this is what they said:


The infiltration of the Positive Military group has been completely removed. The Positive Military is now ready for action. Also, the Resistance Movement and the Pleiadians are ready to back them up with their support.


However, I did not receive direct confirmation for the Green Light or that the sweep period has already started. If the Positive Military wants to confirm the Green Light or if they want me to distribute any message to the public, they can contact me at cobraresistance @gmail.com .


The Resistance Movement will have its own role in the Event and this is known under the codename Operation Omega Phoenix. This operation has two parts.

抵抗運動在【事件】中將會有他們自己的任務,這個任務被知曉為代號歐米茄鳳凰行動(Operation Omega Phoenix)。這個行動有兩個部分。

The First part of Operation Omega Phoenix has just been declassified and I can speak a little bit about it. At the time of the Event, a certain number of Resistance operatives will emerge from their subterranean bases to the surface. They will be wearing plain civilian clothes and not military uniforms. They will closely monitor the mass arrest process and will help the Positive Military and civil authority in the arrests themselves when necessary. Members of the Cabal that will be arrested by the Resistance operatives will be taken to undisclosed locations and later released into the hands of Positive Military / civil authority. The only exception for this are a few members of the Cabal that have committed crimes beyond this planet in their past and must appear before the Galactic Court. Most of those will be later returned to Earth for humanity to determine their destiny, but a fraction of them will be taken to Galactic Central Sun immediately.

歐米茄鳳凰行動的第一個部分剛剛才被從機密表中刪除,我可以透露關於它的一點信息。 【事件】期間,一定數量的抵抗運動操作人員將會從他們的地下基地出現到地面。他們將會穿戴著便衣而不是軍服。他們將會密切監察大規模逮捕的進程並且在必要的時候他們將親自幫助正義軍和公民權利當局執行逮捕。將由抵抗運動的操作人員逮捕的陰謀集團成員將會被帶到秘密的地點並會在晚些的時候交送到正義軍/公民權利當局的手​​裡。有少數的陰謀集團成員屬於這種唯一的例外情況,他們過去曾在這個星球以外的其它地方犯下罪行而他們必須出現在銀河法庭上。他們中的大多數人稍後都會回到地球,讓人類來決定他們的命運,但是他們中的一小部分人將會被直接帶到銀河系的大中央太陽。

Top people inside the Positive Military have been notified about Operation Omega Phoenix and they fully agree with it.


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