
A nutjob

2021/11/11 04:12:28 網誌分類: 生活
11 Nov
          For several days last week my upper arm was sore (painful) and slightly swollen. I also felt lethargic. If you feel lethargic it means you feel tired and have no energy. It made me happy to have a sore and swollen arm and to feel lethargic. You may think I am a nutjob for being happy about feeling unwell with no energy. A nutjob is an American slang to describe someone who is crazy or silly. I can assure you I am not a nutjob. There is a simple reason why I felt happy about feeling unwell and lethargic.

          Last week I took my Pfizer-Biontech booster shot for the coronavirus. If you have already been vaccinated twice and get vaccinated again six months later it is called a booster shot. The word "booster" means something that improves or increases something. A rocket booster is an engine that gives extra power for the first part of a spacecraft's flight. In medical terms it means an injection that increases or renews the effects of an earlier one. The word "shot" used this way means an injection. The word "jab" is more commonly used in Hong Kong for "shot". The booster shot made me unwell and lethargic for two days.

          I was happy because it meant the booster shot made my body believe a virus had entered and fought against it, causing a sore arm. I felt the same after my first two shots in Hong Kong, which meant they worked. The pandemic has wreaked havoc across the world. To "wreak" means to cause much damage or harm. The word "havoc" means widespread damage, disorder, or destruction. To "wreak havoc" means to cause much harm or damage. No one knows for sure when the pandemic (noun) will become an endemic (adjective) disease. An endemic disease is a disease that is still present but not rapidly spreading because vaccines or antibodies of recovered patients are protecting them.


          上星期有幾天,我的上臂疼痛(sore),也有些腫脹。我又感到lethargic——若你感到lethargic,意即你委靡不振、沒精打采的。我卻高興自己的手臂疼痛(sore)和腫脹,以及感到倦怠(lethargic)。身體感到不適又沒有精力,倒還覺高興,你一定以為我是個nutjob了。A nutjob是美式俚語,形容一個人瘋了或神經錯亂。但我可向你保證,我並非瘋子(nutjob),我喜見自己不適和倦怠(lethargic),有一個很簡單的原因。

          上星期,我打了輝瑞復必泰加強針(booster shot),以對抗新冠肺炎病毒。若你已經接種了兩劑疫苗,過六個月再接種第三劑疫苗,那支加強針就叫 a booster shot。Booster意指該物有助推進或強化某事物。A rocket booster就是火箭推進器,在太空船起飛時提供附加推力。而作為醫學名詞使用時,它則解作強化注射劑,加強或補充較早時注射劑量的效果。Shot在這裏解作注射的針,在香港,比shot更常用的字是jab。加強針(booster shot)令我不適和倦怠(lethargic)了兩天。

          我很高興,因為那意味着加強針(booster shot)令我的身體相信有病毒入侵並奮力對抗,以致我手臂疼痛(sore)。我在香港打首兩針(shots)時,感覺也一樣,意即它們起了作用。疫情已經肆虐(wreaked havoc)全球。To "wreak" 意即造成破壞或危害;havoc則指大規模的破壞、混亂或浩劫;to "wreak havoc" 即指造成嚴重破壞、蹂躪或摧殘。沒有人確實知道,到底這場疫情(pandemic,名詞)何時會變成一個風土(endemic,形容詞)病。 An endemic disease就是風土病,即某疾病仍然存在但不會快速傳播,因為疫苗或康復病人的抗體能保障他們不受感染。



        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧

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