

2021/11/23 04:13:09 網誌分類: 生活
23 Nov
          As readers may know by now, my favourite drink is a martini. I used to drink martinis as an aperitif, then switched to red or white wine. But I have gone off red wine and seldom drink white wine. I sometimes drink whiskey but my drink of choice is an ice-cold (very cold) martini. The French word “aperitif” means an alcoholic drink people have before a meal to stimulate the appetite. If you have gone off something, it means you no longer like something or someone. The expression “drink of choice” or “cuisine of choice” means your favourite drink or type of food. Cantonese food is my cuisine of choice.

          There are many types of martinis but the only one I drink is the traditional martini, which is known as a classic martini. It is made with six parts gin and one part vermouth. This combination is put into a shaker with a lot of ice and either shaken or stirred. I prefer stirred martinis. The martini is then poured into a chilled martini glass. Some people prefer adding a green olive to it, others prefer a twisted lemon peel. Sometimes I add an olive, other times a lemon peel. Some people like a “dry” martini. A martini cannot be dry because it is liquid. The word “dry” used this way means adding less vermouth, which means the martini is almost just gin!

          Using vodka instead of gin for a martini has become popular. It is called a vodkatini. I like both types. Experts say a martini should only be an aperitif because it doesn’t match well with a meal. They say wine matches better with meals. As an aperitif, martinis go well with appetizers, which are small dishes before a meal, such as shrimp cocktail, cheese, or smoked salmon on toast. Sometimes I think food experts are bullshit. I like martinis with Cantonese food, sushi, and even steak! Do what you enjoy. Bon appétit. This is a French expression before a meal. It means have a good appetite.


          各位讀者現在應該都已知道,我最喜歡的飲品是馬天尼。我過去一向將馬天尼當作開胃酒(aperitif)來喝,然後再喝紅酒或白酒;但我已不再喜歡(gone off)紅酒,也很少喝白酒了。我有時會喝威士忌,但我首選的杯中物(drink of choice)仍是一杯冰凍的(ice-cold)馬丁尼。法語“aperitif”是指人們在餐前為了增加食欲而喝的開胃酒。若你已gone off something,意即你不再喜歡或開始厭煩某事或某人。習語“drink of choice”或“cuisine of choice”即是你首選、至愛的飲品或菜式。廣東菜就是我的cuisine of choice,我的至愛。


          近年漸趨流行用伏特加酒取代氈酒來做馬天尼,那叫做vodkatini,即伏特加天尼,我兩樣都喜歡。專家說,馬天尼應該只能作為開胃酒(aperitif)來喝,因為它跟主餐並不相配;他們說,葡萄酒更為搭配主餐。作為開胃酒(aperitif),馬天尼跟appetizers搭配最好——appetizers就是前菜,例如雞尾酒蝦、芝士又或煙三文魚多士這些小碟。有時我認為食物專家都是胡說八道。我就很喜歡邊喝馬天尼邊吃廣東菜、壽司,甚至牛扒!即管做自己享受的事吧!Bon appétit. 這是個用膳前說的法式習語,它的意思是祝在座的人有好的胃口,盡情享用美食。mickchug@gmail.com


        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧

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