Celebrate Rita B-day by Rosians

2008/06/13 09:01:16 網誌分類: 生活
13 Jun

Rosian is my secondary schoolmate, we will have gathering when one of our friend is birthday.  This time is me la.

This time we have dinner at Time square- 鍾菜  The menu is


五香牛展伴青瓜 (average)

濃雞湯竹笙燴魚翅 ( Good taste but some of my rosian say salty)
鮑魚扣遼參 (Good athough small)
紅酒燴斑件 ( so far so good)
拍薑秀珍浸菜苗 (Ok ga)
合時甜品 (Yummy)




 Then they have prepare a Cova mango chesses cake for me.  So thank you.  P and B have give a handlace to me, very nice ar

Also on that day I have visit my Koo ma, she is already 90 ga la but still very heathly.  Her mind is still very ching Ming.  on that way to visit her ( at causeway bay), a girl give me a booklet about red bull ( give u a pair of wings)  then give me a free can. haha so nice, the taste is acceptable a bit sweet and like grape juice which mention that can give u extra energy as it contain coffeeine and taurine.  But at night the nightmare come, I cannot sleep, as sleep is very important to me.  So I need to eat sleeping pill and till 2:30 sin can sleep.

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