
Michael Chugani 褚簡寧 - fright of your life|又中又英

2022/03/17 04:12:18 網誌分類: 生活
17 Mar
Something happened in the middle of the night last week that gave me the fright of my life. I was in my bedroom on the upper level of my elder sister’s two-level house. My brother-in-law woke me up and told me to go to the ground level of the house right away. I was groggy and asked why. He said there was a tornado warning. He and my elder sister had both heard the tornado warning siren in the middle of the night but I was fast asleep and didn’t hear it. I quickly got out of bed and climbed groggily down the stairs to the ground level. My elder sister was already there watching the tornado warning on TV.
The safest place in a house during a tornado warning is a basement but my sister’s house does not have a basement. The next safest place is the ground level away from windows. If you have the fright of your life it means you have a sudden feeling of extreme shock and fear. I had the fright of my life when my brother-in-law told me a tornado could hit Indianapolis where he and my sister live. If you are fast asleep it means you are so completely asleep it is difficult to wake you. A tornado is a strong, fast and dangerous wind that looks like a rotating upside down cone.

Tornadoes can lift up cars and entire houses. They are sometimes called twisters. If you are groggy it means you feel unsteady or a bit weak. Many people feel groggy when they wake up in the morning. We watched the tornado’s path on TV for about an hour. It came close to Indianapolis but luckily spun away. The state of Iowa was not that lucky. It hit the capital city of Iowa, killing seven people. We went back to bed after the tornado warning in Indianapolis ended but none of us could fall asleep again. We were all groggy in the morning.

上星期有一晚半夜發生了一件事,把我嚇了一大跳(fright of my life)。當時我在我胞姐雙層房屋的上層睡房中睡得正酣(fast asleep),我姐夫突然弄醒了我,着我立即下到房屋的地面樓層。我睡眼惺忪、昏昏沉沉(groggy),問他何故,他說有龍捲風(tornado)警報。他和我姐二人半夜都聽到龍捲風(tornado)警報鳴響,我卻睡得熟(fast asleep),完全聽不見聲響。我急促下牀,搖搖晃晃地(groggily)爬下樓梯到地面的樓層。我姐已在那兒收看着電視的龍捲風(tornado)警報消息。

在龍捲風(tornado)警報期間,一間屋內最安全的地方是地下室,但我姐的房屋並沒有地下室,那第二安全的地方就是地面樓層,且要遠離窗戶。若你有 fright of your life,意即你受到突如其來很大的驚嚇和恐懼。當我姐夫告訴我,一個龍捲風(tornado)或會吹襲他和我姐所住的印第安納坡里斯時,實在把我嚇壞(fright of your life)了。若你是 fast asleep,意即你非常熟睡,很難喚醒你。A tornado就是強烈、高速而又危險的龍捲風,它看起來像個旋轉的倒立圓錐體。

龍捲風(tornadoes)可以捲起車輛與整幢房屋,它們有時會被稱為twisters。若你是 groggy,即是說你站立不穩、暈眩無力的。許多人早上起牀時也會感到昏昏沉沉的(groggy)。我們看電視報道龍捲風(tornado)的路徑,看了差不多一個小時,它來得很靠近印第安納坡里斯,幸好它轉着轉着又轉走了。但愛荷華州就沒有那麼幸運了,那龍捲風吹襲愛荷華州的首府,造成七人死亡。印第安納坡里斯的龍捲風(tornado)警報結束後,我們各自回房睡覺,但我們三個都未能再好好入睡,人人早上起牀時都是昏昏沉沉的(groggy)。
Michael Chugani 褚簡寧
Michael Chugani 褚簡寧 - fright of your life|又中又英
 Michael Chugani 褚簡寧 - fright of your life|又中又英 
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