
Michael Chugani 褚簡寧 - “who's who”|又中又英

2022/09/15 04:12:15 網誌分類: 生活
15 Sep
London will be buzzing next Monday, September 19 but it will be buzzing not for a happy occasion. September 19 will be a somber occasion because the state funeral of Queen Elizabeth II will take place. A long list of who’s who will be in London to attend the state funeral. The slang word “buzzing” used this way usually means full of excitement, such as the buzzing nightlife in Lan Kwai Fong. But it can also mean full of noise and people. The word “somber” means serious and sad. The expression “who’s who” is used to describe the most important or richest people in society.
A state funeral is a ceremonial public funeral usually for a head of state like Queen Elizabeth II or a US president but there can also be state funerals for very important people. The last state funeral in Britain was for the late Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill in 1965. Leaders and monarchs from around the world will be attending the Queen’s funeral. The word “monarch”, as I have explained before, means either a king, queen, or emperor. US President Joe Biden has said he will attend the state funeral. Japan’s Emperor Naruhito will also attend, as will Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida.

Queen Elizabeth II, who died on September 8 at the age of 96, ruled Britain for over 70 years, making her the longest-serving monarch in British history. Britain’s monarchy has a rich history, which means it has a lot of history, culture, and heritage. But now that the Queen’s son Charles has become king, some people believe Britain’s monarchy may end over time because he is not as popular as the Queen. A monarchy is a country with a king or queen. I don’t think it will end because most British people support the monarchy.




  下星期一,九月十九日,倫敦將會人聲鼎沸(buzzing),但它的嘈雜喧鬧(buzzing)卻並非甚麼歡欣的時刻。九月十九日將是個憂傷的(somber)時刻,因為英女皇伊利沙伯二世的國葬(state funeral)將於當天舉行。許許多多的名人(who’s who)將到倫敦出席國葬(state funeral)。俚語“buzzing”這樣用時通常解作一片熱鬧喧嘩,例如蘭桂坊熱鬧的(buzzing)夜生活;但它也可以解作熙攘嘈雜的。Somber是指肅穆而憂鬱的。習語“who’s who”是用來形容社會上最重要或最富有的名人。

A state funeral就是為了一國之首,例如英女皇伊利沙伯二世又或一位美國總統,所舉行的公開葬禮儀式,但也有為非常重要有地位的人舉行國葬(state funerals)的。英國上一次舉行國葬(state funeral)是一九六五年為了前首相溫斯頓‧邱吉爾爵士所舉行的。這次英女皇的葬禮,將有世界各地的領袖和君主(monarchs)出席。正如我從前解釋過的,monarch是指國王、女皇或皇帝。美國總統祖‧拜登已表明他會出席這個國葬(state funeral)。日本德仁天皇及日本首相岸田文雄亦會出席。

英女皇伊利沙伯二世,於九月八日逝世,終年九十六歲,管治英國超過七十年,令她成為英國史上在位時間最長的君主(monarch)。英國的君主立憲制(monarchy)有一個 rich history,意即它擁有悠長的歷史、文化與傳統。但現在,英女皇的兒子查理斯成了英皇,一些人相信英國的君主制(monarchy)將會隨時間過去而終止,因為他不如英女皇般受歡迎。A monarchy就是有君主的國家。我不認為它會結束,因為大部分英國人仍然支持君主立憲制(monarchy)。
Michael Chugani 褚簡寧
Michael Chugani 褚簡寧 - “who\\\
 Michael Chugani 褚簡寧 - “who\\\'s who”|又中又英 
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