
Michael Chugani 褚簡寧 - a good head on his shoulders|又中又英

2022/12/13 03:12:04 網誌分類: 生活
13 Dec
        Professor David Hui Shu-cheong is a government health adviser with a good head on his shoulders. In my opinion, Health Secretary Lo Chung-mau is not someone with a good head on his shoulders. He is an official who is afraid of his own shadow. Professor Hui told mainland media Hong Kong can now be seen as living with Covid because half the population has already been infected and the vaccination rate is high. Legislators last week repeatedly asked Professor Lo if Hong Kong would loosen its coronavirus restrictions. He insisted he would not follow the mainland in relaxing the rules.

If you have a good head on your shoulders, it means you are intelligent and can make good decisions. If you are afraid of your own shadow, it means you are weak and easily frightened. Professor Hui said Hong Kong’s overall infection number is not an indicator that matters much anymore. He said Hong Kong can live with the virus and the government should change its strict Covid rules. That’s why I say he has a good head on his shoulders. Professor Lo said last May “we will all die together” if Hong Kong decided to live with the virus.

He insists Hong Kong cannot relax rules soon because there are many Covid variants. Hong Kong now has well over 10,000 recorded infections daily, but people are not all dying together. Most of the infected have mild or no symptoms. That’s why I say Professor Lo is afraid of his own shadow. There is no logic in keeping strict Covid restrictions when over 10,000 are being infected daily but most recover after a few days.
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 許樹昌教授是一位政府的衞生健康專家顧問,他頭腦很好(a good head on his shoulders)。在我看來,醫務衞生局局長盧寵茂就不是很聰明了(a good head on his shoulders),他是一個杞人憂天(afraid of his own shadow)的官員。許教授跟內地傳媒說,香港現在可以看成跟病毒共存,因為有一半人口已經感染了新冠肺炎,而疫苗接種率亦高。上星期立法會議員反覆問盧教授,香港會否放寬它的新冠肺炎防疫政策。他堅持他不會跟隨內地放寬相關措施。

若你有 a good head on your shoulders,意即你聰明機智、頭腦靈活,可以做一些好的決定。若你是 afraid of your own shadow,意即你很膽小,很易被嚇怕。許教授說,香港整體疫苗接種率已經不是重要的指標了,他說香港好應與病毒共存,而政府應該改變其嚴謹的防疫措施。因此我說,他頭腦很好、很聰明(a good head on his shoulders)。盧寵茂於五月曾說,若香港決定與病毒共存,我們只會「共赴黃泉」。

他堅持香港在短期內都不會放寬防疫措施,因為有太多新冠病毒變種。香港現時每日有超過一萬宗感染確診紀錄,但人們並沒有共赴黃泉。大部份感染個案都是病情輕微甚或沒有病徵。因此我說盧寵茂是過分膽怯、杞人憂天(afraid of his own shadow)。當每日有逾一萬名人士感染新冠肺炎,但大部份都在幾天後康復,卻仍然維持嚴苛的防疫措施,是毫無邏輯可言的。
Michael Chugani 褚簡寧
Michael Chugani 褚簡寧 - a good head on his shoulders|又中又英
 Michael Chugani 褚簡寧 - a good head on his shoulders|又中又英 
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