股市造就富貴 熱錢暗藏風險 (轉載)

2007/01/23 14:08:54 網誌分類: 經濟
23 Jan


Local HSI rose by 34% last year,leaving other major Asian stock markets in the dust.(遠勝其他亞洲主要股市)Our Exchange Fund (外匯基金)racked up (慣用語.獲得,累積)a huge return,and local tyconns also saw their wealth ballon up (身家暴漲),taking up the top positions in the region's wealthiest list.But that doesn't mean that it will be smooth sailing for global and local stock market this year.Two risks,particularly,have to be watched.


First of all,overflowing liquidity is the main propeller of the global stock market bonanza (大旺)of the lst few years.But will it tirn into an ebb(退潮)?US interest rate will go down this year,facilitating capital expansion.But several years of easy liquidity has weakened the risk management mentality,some funds may have borrowed heavily for investment.


What if there is some sudden change,say,Japan has a sudden interest rate hike,will funds that have made cheap Yen loans for investment be forced to dump their global stocks to cut down debet and thus cause a rapid shrinking of capital? If some financial institutions burn their fingers (慣用語.自討苦吃,吃虧,吃苦頭)for being too affressive,will it lead to the domino effect and cause the banks to tighten credit?


Secondly,with the fast speed hot money is flowing into Asia,central banks of the region are worried about the formation of a bubble and followng it a financial turmoil similar to the one in 1997.Thailand last year attempted to stem (動詞.遏止,阻止,堵塞)the tide of hot money with foreign exchange control,and last Monday,South Korea also eased overseas investment control to trim the rising Won.


撰文:Teric @經濟日報.行政專欄.中英聯合社評 

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