
2009/01/13 17:31:08 網誌分類: 娛樂
13 Jan
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休息時間,由過路少年人跳番 part 舞先,唔做得笑人地架。


回應 (126)
2009/01/19 10:48:59 回覆


現家 好多人 都喜歡 自己砌傢俬,  好似砌 大模型咁, 幾有成功感 咖. A 可能 暗中 多謝你.


現家 全世界都好似 力保 輸出, 都要 鬥 貶值, 最後鹿死誰手都未知, 港鐅 都唔知 係升定 跌.

狂印的 鈔票, 是否狂印, 是否只是冚數用. 去唔去到 消費者 市場都唔知.

即是, 消費市場中 的 資金 是 供過於求, 還是 都是 短缺, 都唔知. 即是 通縮定通漲, 都係 唔知.

任何行動 或者 不行動, 都好像 迫你 玩 俄羅斯 輪盤咁.

間間公司都變咗 高借債率, 買股唔再係 買盈利前景, 係買復完速度

穩健  都係 唔好諗 咯.

2009/01/18 23:12:57 回覆

天佑: 對, 可能好似阿婆, 放錢係屋企, 除去被打劫風險, 最穩健 {#icon25}

2009/01/18 23:09:16 回覆


答唔上咀, 即係我講得太多, 咁我 下次都係唔好講咁多廢話啦. {#icon24}

呢兩個星期, A都幫我做木工, 上星期就裝電腦枱, 今個星期就裝電腦椅 (哈哈兩樣都要換),由傢俬铺搬番屋企,張枱成3,4十磅都幾甘,  想讚下佢。 {#icon9}


2009/01/18 23:04:02 回覆


唔好 信  "穩健",


2009/01/18 22:01:14 回覆


2009/01/18 12:44:47 回覆

IYY: 股票遲d先買啦, 大學基金, 穩健.

小人仍在, 你要撐住呀. 有兩個小朋友, 有的就是責任, 唔似我同C+ (又拉埋C+落水添), 你知我講咩既, 唔詳細寫啦,


有得選, 我就選依家, 做一個唔自律, 唔負責任既小朋友K

唔似我呢日日進進出出既賭徒, 唔進場唔睇市唔得 {#icon24}

唔過12點瞓? 下星期1開始啦, 跑步都未開始, 又下星期1啦.


2009/01/18 12:30:47 回覆

Good afternoon.  陽光普照, 出動去 ...... go go go  {#icon8}

2009/01/18 02:27:39 回覆



2009/01/18 02:25:50 回覆

IYY: Tomorrow is another day!

Good luck. God bless you.


2009/01/18 02:00:47 回覆

過過 : 煩惱中 ..... sleepless la

2009/01/18 01:56:58 回覆

C+:係咪產左回應? 睇唔到添。

亞K: 林伯 yeah ~

IYY: 仲唔 sleep?

2009/01/18 01:49:54 回覆

亞 K : 早 D 瞓, 身體會健康 D !

我仲未買 #5, 3988, 1398 & 939, 在死忍難忍中 !

講起信命, 上年有人跟我說我有小人纏身, 很麻煩。聽說今年那位小人會更強更纏身, 我會更加麻煩 ...... {#icon29}

2009/01/18 01:19:28 回覆

C+: 我覺得努力同運氣, 係相符相成.

當努力完, 運氣總會自已企係自已個邊. 我信千里馬終會遇上伯樂, 多過無人欣賞.  

你有感既感覺, 可能你人生真係太順景了.

我都唔算係d好艱苦既環境長大, 但出入得醫院多,總會體會, 甚麼是生命無常,

命運是掌在自已手, 但不是一切囉. K

2009/01/18 01:14:19 回覆

好野, 林伯係臨完場一分鐘入波, 反勝2:1.

小粉絲K興奮到飛起, yeah. {#icon26}

唔買波, 齊睇林伯,都好興奮.

命運? 一時信一時唔信, 抽親獎都唔信, 因為我信我無抽獎運.

但做人, 努力都可以幫到下,改善命運既.


大家都知k係左搖右擺, 呵呵.

今日去完行山, 跟著去左布袋澳食海鮮, 非常happy.


nite nite.  


2009/01/18 01:03:03 回覆


2009/01/18 00:56:16 回覆



2009/01/18 00:49:02 回覆

Just say hi. >

2009/01/18 00:47:06 回覆

好奇怪喎,今晚?  有冇人

Just say hi. >

2009/01/17 01:30:12 回覆


Nice dream.

2009/01/17 00:36:38 回覆

你倆個真係好合拍咁喎,人地幾時變咗絲瓜? C+傻瓜乎?

Good night and have a nice dream la.

2009/01/17 00:25:50 回覆

旺旺: ,  我都唔想加一腳, 睇死匯豐, 但如果要供股, 真係好多人未有預定錢, 好多公公婆婆用來長期收息收得好開心呀.


欣欣: 但係我沽左5, ADR折合61.78 (12:09), 咁快到60, 又有血肉長城.


旺旺: 我知你既口頭蟬係 “一係唔到,一係唔止”, 即係炒股要睇阻力位同支持位,咁支持位一穿,就變得阻力位.如果係齊頭位,阻力就更大,因為大户會係呢D位,早一季做定short, 佢地賺足時間值,要穿起上來一定唔手軟.   


絲瓜:我由140蚊已經有貨, 平就再買, 我唔升唔沽架,傻瓜守下守下就賺,人地要求唔高,高過定期存款都滿足




(講下笑, 呵呵)


哎呀, 又過左12點都未瞓添.

nite nite.

2009/01/16 22:52:50 回覆

15/01/2009 (方向日報)

 上 人 氣 Blog 主 「 市 場 先 生 」 是 匯 控 的 忠 實 門 徒 , 曾 著 書 《 只 賺 不 止 蝕 2 — — 匯 徒 的 審 判 》 , 昨 匯 控 被 大 摩 再 唱 淡 下 , 股 價 險 守 70 元 的 7 年 低 位 , 就 連 市 場 先 生 亦 要 損 手 。 在 他 的 個 人 blog 上 , 透 露 「 九 一 一 」 以 來 頻 頻 搜 集 匯 控 , 平 均 持 股 成 本 為 80.15 元 。 大 摩 再 將 匯 控 目 標 價 降 至 52 元 , 他 又 有 何 看 法 呢 ?

反 對 抽 水 「 損 聲 譽 」
對 此 , 市 場 先 生 接 受 本 報 訪 問 時 表 示 , 手 上 有 接 近 二 萬 股 匯 控 , 對 於 匯 控 , 他 一 刻 也 沒 有 動 搖 , 但 無 可 否 認 匯 控 現 在 處 於 艱 難 時 期 , 各 地 銀 行 尋 求 政 府 注 資 , 以 提 高 資 本 充 足 比 率 , 對 「 靠 自 己 」 的 匯 控 構 成 壓 力 。

不 過 , 他 認 為 若 匯 控 只 為 資 本 充 足 比 率 與 同 業 看 齊 或 滿 足 市 場 預 期 , 而 沒 有 特 定 集 資 用 途 , 供 股 並 不 恰 當 , 該 行 有 龐 大 的 存 款 基 礎 , 供 股 始 終 有 損 存 戶 信 心 及 聲 譽 , 加 上 不 少 退 休 基 金 持 有 匯 控 , 在 股 市 疲 弱 下 , 供 股 有 難 度 。 但 他 也 坦 言 , 若 匯 控 像 渣 打 (02888) 般 91 供 30 , 自 己 也 無 錢 供 , 他 認 為 當 一 級 資 本 充 足 比 率 跌 至 8% 以 下 ( 去 年 中 為 8.8% ) , 才 有 需 要 供 股 。


2009/01/16 21:17:40 回覆

旺旺:今日無 $$ 買波仔飯,只可以食粥。唉,你唔明架啦。



絲瓜:e~ 白粥咁淡,我要鮑魚雞粥,加碟炸兩,一隻稯添,唔該。

旺旺: {#icon29}

家明哥哥路過,口 up up 自言自語:I'm a harmo compared with a die wu.

2009/01/16 21:06:45 回覆



2009/01/16 17:50:34 回覆

亞K:最近去過 旺角永成無得買。 {#icon3}


2009/01/16 16:20:36 回覆

Ah K,

// 要平一隻買一隻囉, 唉, 講你都係唔明.//

I understand ga.  In fact, I am doing similiar action for my petty cash as I don't want to "deposit" too much into the market at this moment.

OK, if #5 < $60, I will definitely buy it. I can hold #5 for several years as I had already bought some around $140 last year. {#icon29}

For 期權, no comment as it is too complicated but good luck to you ar.

2009/01/16 16:05:30 回覆

C+:我今日做左一個動作, 我平左之前沽既5手2628, 賺300元, 哈哈, 又一餐茶. 好過無,欣欣部資金用晒, 於是叫旺旺先食糊,

超少少散户資金超少, 就要平一隻買一隻囉, 唉, 講你都係唔明.  

我見匯控弱過中人壽, 於是沽左5手5仔,將鬆番1萬幾蚊來沽匯豐. 沽係67.5, 今次等我幫你sink到落60元俾你買貨. K

btw, 好似我做股票期權既成績, 好過做指數期權. 因為唔貪, 同有耐性, 今個月旺旺既股票期權部已經袋左2200蚊. 用20000萬呢玩,都有11%. 仲有2480既匯豐, 等緊月結. 如果順利就有4680, 23%.  

mos: 旺角永成, 萬成. 旺角好多相機鋪都有.

2009/01/16 15:56:19 回覆

flower heart big little ar ! {#icon29}

2009/01/16 15:54:00 回覆

one, two, three,.....i don't remember.... {#icon6}

2009/01/16 15:40:54 回覆


2009/01/16 15:33:23 回覆


except Ming So, all are counted. How many ar ?

I choose #2800 instead of # 5 for my monthly installment.



//yu guo ho yi mui yat chan sam chin, ho guo fan kui law (好過返工囉).//

I can only understand a little bit. Please translate into Chinese la.

2009/01/16 15:07:49 回覆


If #5 < 60, I will buy some to 壓倉.  Besides, 如果可以每日賺三千,就好過返工囉!

2009/01/16 15:03:01 回覆

bibi - that depends on how you define "many"... {#icon22}...and whether it is at the same time or ..... one at a time? {#icon35}

honestly, buying 2800 is better than #5......

2009/01/16 14:21:59 回覆

C + ,

You sold #2727 at $2.41. Earn money la . Yeah.......

If # 5 d rop under $60, will you buy more ?



Thanks for your explanation about  Nortel.
Did you  have  many girl friends before get married ? 

2009/01/16 12:24:46 回覆

C Plus,

Earn more la ~

2009/01/16 12:22:14 回覆

Too bad, 路人C+ unable to "dark shan", so retreat from market after short fty #2727 and back to office work.  Have a nice day la.

2009/01/16 12:12:24 回覆

呵呵呵 {#icon26}

2009/01/16 12:11:15 回覆

guo sir - she knows everything already {#icon3}, and says she is the unlucky one {#icon8}

2009/01/16 12:09:47 回覆

Ming Gor,

Oh, don't let Ming So knows all about your love stories.  She will drink the vinegar!

2009/01/16 12:05:09 回覆

guo sir - that's good ah! i have a few people i'd love to find on facebook, but i am sure my wife doesn't want to know....ha ha

2009/01/16 12:01:55 回覆

Ming gor,

Last night I searched from the facebook and accidentally I found my schoolmate whom I knew more than 20 years ago.  She got married and 快快樂樂地生活下去.  What a fairy tale!

2009/01/16 11:56:33 回覆

guo sir -

well, i dunno.....i was lucky not to have bought nortel in 2000, because 1) i had very little money (i still have little money) 2) i was in HK 3) i hated stocks then

now, i have more stocks.....ha ha

school days were definitely distant, but the friends i knew back then are friends for life......

as i grow older, it's become more difficult to have close friendships, but friends from those golden days are still close and we remember each other in prayers....

dianxunyinke - gor kai (ah *** kai gor) lo sue

(ai ya, it's friday, and we've all gone vulgar)

actually, i wasn't very impressed with hkt, for we had spent fortunes on long distance calls at like $5 per minute to Canada.......

2009/01/16 11:49:11 回覆

家明哥哥的  good old days.

Those were the days ...

我仍然懷念香港電話的年代, not the f**king 電訊仍 fall ...

2009/01/16 11:41:10 回覆

Ha ha, a wrong guess tim !

2009/01/16 11:27:44 回覆

C+, bibi -

Nortel is short form for Nortel Networks. Back in my uni days it was known as Northern Telecom and part of the huge BCE (Bell Canada Enterprise). Northern Telecom also comprised of BNR, Bell Northern Research, a premier Telecom research establishment based in Ottawa, Canada. It was just as famous as then Bell Labs in the US. Landing a job at BNR was a dream for engineering graduates.

It was then one of the major telecom infrastructure manufacturers in the world. In 1989, after June 4, it was amongst the first overseas company to sell and finance sales of telecom equipment to China.

The company was really hot during the tech bubble, and once its market cap was equivalent to over 30% of TSX (Toronto Stock Exchange). I remember a lot of my classmates work there and held the stock. Now it's only 0.01% of its value in its heyday.

They face huge competition from Chinese companies such as Huawei. A friend who works in telecom industries says Chinese competitors offer the finance solutions, free aftersale services, and a lot of goodies.


2009/01/16 10:50:02 回覆


2009/01/16 10:26:21 回覆

Good morning.


//chance to short fry//

No idea.  Perhaps, I had better to wait for the crazy sales as I think I am a little bit out of control yesterday.


[I had sold 20,000 shares #2727 @$2.41 this morning.]


Nortel is the "Northern Telephone Company" in Canada and once to be one of the biggest telephone companies.

2009/01/16 09:13:36 回覆

Morning every blogmates !!!!

Uncle Guo,

//nortel // What's that ?



Today you may have chance to short fry ar ~

Yesterday I bought nothing. Coz I am too mean ar~ {#icon26}

2009/01/15 17:21:09 回覆

mkm: nortel {#icon29}

2009/01/15 16:46:20 回覆

天鵝肉都 ok, 唔係鵝肝就得啦。鵝肝太肥啦﹐又殘忍。。。

1200加錢 一股跌到 毫二


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