這是天父世界This is my Father’s world

2009/05/13 09:57:39 網誌分類: 基督教歌曲
13 May



                           這是天父世界  This is my Father’s world

This is my Father’s world. This is a song that I learnt in the Sunday school when I was about 10 years of age.  I like this song. The song writer reminded me that this world belongs to my heavenly father.  All things were c reated by Him and for Him.  He is in control of everything.  He is upholding the universe in proper order by His power and might.  He is sitting at the Throne of Grace in Heaven. The Lord Jesus has given me peace that the world does not know. The apostle Paul could sing and praise God in prison despite that he was locked up in a prison cell. It was the kind of peace and joy that the world could not give.

   走天路的人 Frankie




這是天父世界:孩童側耳要聽, 宇宙歌唱四圍響應,星辰作樂同聲。
這是天父世界:我心滿有安寧, 樹木花草,蒼天碧海,述說天父全能。  

這是天父世界:小鳥展翅飛鳴, 清晨明亮好花美麗,證明天理精深。
這是天父世界:祂愛普及萬千, 風吹花草,將祂表現,天父充滿世間。  

這是天父世界:求主叫我不忘, 罪惡雖然好像得勝,天父卻仍掌管。
這是天父世界:我心不必憂傷, 父神是王,天地同唱,歌聲充滿萬方。 

這是天父世界: sang by a 4 years old girl


这是天父世界 (This Is My Father's World)




This is my Father’s world, and to my listening ears
All nature sings, and round me rings the music of the spheres.
This is my Father’s world: I rest me in the thought
Of rocks and trees, of skies and seas;
His hand the wonders wrought.


This is my Father’s world, the birds their carols raise,
The morning light, the lily white, de clare their Maker’s praise.
This is my Father’s world: He shines in all that’s fair;
In the rustling grass I hear Him pass;
He speaks to me everywhere. 




這首詩歌的作者貝葆柯(Maltbie Davenport Babcock, 1858-1901)是紐約樂堡(Lockport)長老教會的牧師。貝葆柯酷愛大自然,他經常在清晨到附近山上漫步,遠眺安大略湖的湖光景色。某次貝葆柯徒步林間,在晨曦中聆聽百鳥和鳴,風拂林梢的天籟。欣賞這美麗的天父世界歸來後,即寫下了這首詩歌。 貝葆柯除了述說天父世界的美景,萬物頌揚外,他也看到神的同在和大能,如第三節所言:「求主叫我不忘,罪惡雖然好像得勝,天父卻仍掌管」。






回應 (2)
2009/05/15 09:51:22 回覆


Good Morning,

感謝天父創造天地萬物; 常常希望大家有感恩的心,美麗的風景使人心曠神怡~ 感謝讚美主,啊們~  X 2

Have you been to the Grand Canyon National Park 大峽谷?

If the answer is positive, I am sure that you will marvel at the magnificent creation by GodGod is great! Praise Him. 



2009/05/15 09:26:39 回覆

Good Morning, Frankie,

感謝天父創造天地萬物; 常常希望大家有感恩的心,美麗的風景使人心曠神怡~ 感謝讚美主,啊們~

