全職股民 (4)

2009/05/21 21:40:35 網誌分類: 未分類
21 May

第三階段 混亂


跟著每天大約都一半時間看書, 另一半時間學睇市和消化經濟消息.  感覺上是自己自訂了一個大學課程. 也有想過正正經經讀書考個股票經紀或甚麼CFP (Certified Financial Planner)牌, 但看過下那些課程, 都是理論多多. 據我做左咁多年工經歷, 真正打得的人都不是靠甚麼牌. 牌只是方便搵工, 但我當時是想搵錢不是搵工吧. 以我年紀, 有了牌也未必有工. (現在看可能是錯)


一面看書看報, 也用學到的嘗試在股市內尋寶, 其實當時隨便選都好易搵到好股, 只是在熊市中, 悲觀情緒比較強, 加上初入市, 是短是長末攪清, 好易被震走.


也開始學了些技術分柝皮毛, 就用於買賣上, 自然中了不小招.  也學了些價值投資理論, 用以解讀一些大行或公司出的報告, 自然也死得不明不白.


就在貼市其間, 開始偏離原先搵長線組合的目標. 因為市況每天都有有利可圖的機會, 例如炒熱的版塊, 炒消息, 炒業績, 跟莊家活動 等等.  於是被吸引到這些短線炒賣技巧方面, 就是很多人所說的搵 方法, 即入市出市的技巧. 可以是很複雜的算式, 也可以是一個很簡單的圖表形態. 鬼佬叫 holy grail (聖杯), 即是說有了就得永生. 結果是花了很多時在搵聖杯. 


之後才續漸發覺, 就算有聖杯在手, 也只可以給你一個高機率取勝機會, 但心理質素唔得, 贏一百次輸一次都死.


就此我是混亂了, 由找組合, 管理組合, 變了找聖杯.


這段時期, 所有老散會做錯的都試過了吧, 慶幸是一早知自己是初哥也不假設自己有天份, 只是細細注和永不孖展, 沒有甚麼大損傷. 也算是學了不小吧.


(待續 下集 第四階段 迷失)

回應 (11)
Persie 2009/05/24 23:04:53 回覆

Thanks Daytradegirl!  I will work hard.

Time for my football games now!  Goodnight.

2009/05/24 22:49:19 回覆


We all human being and are greedy as well.  It will be difficult for us to wripe out our greed.  However, we could minimize it.  I'm learning to control myself not to trade to frequently unless the big trend is arrived.

I'm not that clever, I just got lucky to enter the market at the right timing and pick the right stock.   

Sorry to hear that you are force to take no pay leave.  Keep you job is the most important thing right now.  

We all have a lot to learn either in the stock market or as a human being.

Work hard pal!

Good night!




Persie 2009/05/24 21:45:31 回覆


Thanks for sharing!

I lost my flat in 2001 too.  It was a very hard decision for me but believe me I had no way to solve my problem apart from selling my flat.

You are so clever, making 10 times your capital!  I notice you trade in options recently with K.  I have no knowledge on this although I've tried to understand and digest what K wrote.  In fact I am rather dumb and have never tried trading warrants or bull/bear contracts!  For me, what I earned in 2007 I returned to the market in 2008.  In fact, I returned more than I gained.  I was devastated and lived in depression for a year. Recently I have finally concluded that if I am to change my life, I have to change my attitude first.  I am now trying to build up a portfolio which can lead to some stable income after I retire.

The bad news is, starting from this month I am required to take 2 no-pay days per month, and I lose 10% of my salary in return.  Of course I'll still hang on to my job for as long as I could.

I really hope I can "short fry" and earn my 10% salary back, but my job made it hard for me to trade during office hours.  I still try to, but the result is not good.  I earned a "candy" following Rail and 婆婆's advice.  You see I can't even s elect stocks on my own!  There is so much for me to learn.

巧茹與小泡泡 2009/05/24 10:54:40 回覆




2009/05/24 00:53:41 回覆

Bro Grass, Persie,

Just tell a bit of my trading experience.

1997 -  I don't know what is stop loss at all during 1997, so many tips from the my clients and colleagues.  (Most of them are either FC or CEO of listed company or close friends of them)  Most of my capital are gone after that Asia Financial Crises.  Especailly my flat...

2000 Internet bubble  - After 2 years hard work and able to keep some savings.  Greed come back again... I bet all my funds into one stock.  I know how to stop loss this time but I lost 60%.

I told myself " Never listen to any tips anymore (even from the CEO), they are all traps!".

2002- No trading, only buy currency, such as AUS, NZD and CNY.

2006-7 Start trading frequently again, and i made 10 times of my capital.  I tade at least 20 times a day and trade 2628 warrents only.  Luckily I managed to withdraw 1/3 of the balance.

2008 -  I felt the market senitment is not looking good.  I switch my money from stock to gold etf, funds and bonds.  I thought these category are much safer and with lower risk.  

My profolio shrink 30% within 3 months and I was worried about Citi Bank will collapse as well.  Do I have to close my account or transfer the funds to other banks, which one then?

Mar 2009 - Start trading options in HK. Find it very interesting and its a fair game.  March earned 17%, April lost 10% and May - to be confirmed.



Persie 2009/05/22 23:35:47 回覆

Daytradegirl,可以說說妳是如何決定加入全職股民行列呢?成績如何?有沒有後悔自己的決定? Thanks!




2009/05/22 22:58:58 回覆

有人會睇我會繼續寫, 不過我幾懶架.


are u in HK ? how about u share with us about yr work as well, e.g. how u approach the mkt, your daily schedule, etc ... 我話過想拋磚引玉啦. 

working all alone at home is quite lonely, yes, that's why sometimes i check in to broker's place or the library.


我試過 SP 2628 $22/23, 收過好幾次權金, 但在去年十月恒指跌千六果日, $2628 見$15, 跟住被嚇到蝕走, 嘔凸.  所以真係唔易玩.  同時今年股票期權金大縮水左.


2009/05/22 18:46:29 回覆

Bro Grass:  Just finish reading your 全職股民 1-4.  Thanks for sharing you feeling .

I'm also a full time trader since 2008, as Bro Kam said it is quite boring and lonely somethimes.  We all sit in the study room and watching a few monitors, all the blinking prices, graphs...etc., making your own decision to trade.  

Hope we could all find our own trading system and be relex.

I look forward to see your part 5.



2009/05/22 17:17:46 回覆

每人都想找到一必殺絕技。Holy gail,哈哈!我現在很細膽,$22 short put #2628想儲多d貨兼賺下期權金。呢個階段你亦經歷過。



2009/05/22 10:17:54 回覆


四個字: "身同感受". 

期待下集 .

巧茹與小泡泡 2009/05/21 21:53:21 回覆

{#20080603103301606.GIF} 故事太精彩啊,要追看啊。

