
2009/06/20 22:43:51 網誌分類: 好書推介 - 青少年
20 Jun

Product Details"James and the Giant Peach" by Roald Dahl

James 的父母在他4歲時,在倫敦逛街時被一隻由動物園出走的大犀牛吃掉。自此之後,James 的快樂童年就完了。他搬到Aunt Spiker和Aunt Sponge家,她們把James當作家中勞工,也不讓他接觸其他人。一天,可憐的James在花園遇見一個老人,老人給他一袋魔法閃珠,並著他把閃珠加水喝掉,那James的生命便能改變。可惜James一個不留神,把閃珠倒在蜜桃樹下。第二天,長了一個巨型蜜桃,而James的一生亦從此改變...

When James was 4 years old, his parents got eaten up by an rhinoceros which had escaped from the London Zoo. His happy childhood was then gone forever. He moved in with Aunt Spiker and Aunt Sponge. They are terrible people and they treated him like a slave. James was not allowed to meet other people. One day, poor James met an old man in the garden. He gave James some magic beads and told James to take the magic beads with some water. The beads will change his life. Unfortunately, James accidentally fell off and pour the magic beads under the peach tree. The next day, a giant peach appear on the tree, and James' life changed forever...

適合年齡: 高小及初中學生

評語: 作者的想像力豐富,故事情節緊湊,很有閱讀價值。

回應 (3)
2009/07/01 11:19:57 回覆

猫猫好中意 tang lee d 古仔、有好開心 ︿v︿

hmmm.... 如果猫猫屋個魔豆都会有生左好大大個 jau 好 laum, jau 会有好大大個豆豆 laum. hehe

2009/06/25 00:15:18 回覆

{#clapping hand.gif}

則卷小雲 2009/06/21 19:11:44 回覆

