
2009/07/04 16:42:42 網誌分類: 健康
04 Jul



     dai dai有兩位夫婦朋友,大約60歲,男的已三高(高血壓,高血脂、高血糖),他每天有飲茶習慣,雖然要食藥,但健康還可以。但他的太太(有高血壓)因怕飲茶後不能成眠,所以沒有飲茶,最近她半邊身突然麻痺,不能行動,要急call白車入急症室,原來是中風。經急救後雖已復原,但再中風風險也不小。由此可知飲綠茶有保健作用。

回應 (10)
2009/07/05 20:28:33 回覆

Good evening dai dai sir and all blogmates

 I purchase those products is from my friend who purchase them directly from USA and Austraila and organic products.

tks yr advice again, tks for yours sharing


2009/07/05 19:26:54 回覆

pokemonpc200 : 在萬記和屈記貨架買的蒜丸,良莠不齊,好易中招,dai dai選擇的是美國貨, 較有監管,由於是直銷的,不便在這公開,因為dai dai並非想圖利。

2009/07/05 17:37:56 回覆


thanks for advice, wl chk carefully, on the other hand my friend tells me it is organic product. Is organic product is more safe or not?

wait for advice again coz eat health food i am just a green horn

tks again



2009/07/05 15:51:06 回覆

pokemonpc200:  小心選購蒜丸,有些含硫量會過高。

2009/07/05 14:09:53 回覆

Good afternoon dai dai sir and all blogamte,

JUst prepare a bottle of green tea and watching your blog. Last week,having dinner with my friends , she is study herbs. Coz few days ago u have mentioned garlic pills is good to health then I am going to order some. And she said to me even though garlic have many kinds - like u and me healthy people can eat the normal one,

If the ppl like my husband have (3 evil brothers) there is other kind of garlic pills that can reduce the symptoms.

Enjoy watching yr blog , support



2009/07/05 10:26:59 回覆


Good Morning, Dai Dai~

2009/07/05 09:44:20 回覆



2009/07/05 09:42:34 回覆

小薯仔 :  您好,早晨呀!

2009/07/05 08:54:31 回覆

Good morning, dai dai sir!

2009/07/05 05:57:22 回覆

