Retha McPherson ;

2009/07/06 22:23:31 網誌分類: 宗教
06 Jul

A message from Retha McPherson - Mrs. South Africa - 22 June 2009

God is seeking for people who are willing to allow their character to be developed in the dry wilderness seasons.  If you find yourself in the dry wilderness, you have to decide not to feel sorry for yourself. These wilderness experiences will draw you closer and closer to God if you allow it to. All of us need to go through the wilderness in order to get to the Promised Land. Ask God for His perspective in these seasons, so that you can see the bigger picture. In these seasons you will need to eat His Word as the Israelites ate the manna – for this is your food from heaven and will give you strength. Understand that God’s plan is so much greater than you can fathom.  God uses the wilderness to teach you patience and trust and to fear His name. Through it, He is empowering you for the miraculous and for the greater things that is to come.

“And you shall remember all the way which the Lord your God led you these forty years in the wilderness, to humble you and to prove you, to know what was in our heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not. And He humbled you and allowed you to hunger and fed you with manna, which you did not know nor did your fathers know, that He might make you recognize that man does not live by bread only, but man lives by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord. Your clothing did not become old upon you nor did your feet swell these forty years. Know also in your hearts that as a man disciplines and instructs his son, so the Lord your God disciplines and instructs you. So you shall keep the commandments of the Lord your God, to walk in His ways and to fear Him.” (Deut. 8: 2-6)

God’s timing is very important and precise. Just keep on moving with the Holy Spirit so that you won’t be out of step. Develop an ear that hears to recognize His voice when He directs your steps.

Before you move to your next level, you will encounter a wilderness experience to prepare you. It will be a time of crying out to God and desperately seeking for more of Him. There He tests your heart, your motives, and the way you respond to the stones and difficulties of life. There I normally find myself repenting and cleansing myself so that I can come boldly to the throne of Grace. Thank You Jesus for never ending Amazing Grace!

If you submit under God’s hand, every step in the wilderness will be one step closer to spiritually maturity. You need the wilderness seasons to grow and to pass the test of promotion in the Kingdom of God. As God builds His character into you through these wilderness seasons, you will move higher in victory and power.

In order for you to receive your miracle or your victory, you must stand on His word, and rid yourself from the religious mindset that keeps you out of God’s River.


30 June 2009

True peace is being aware of the glorious presence of God.

Happiness is what you feel when you stretch your legs and feel good; it depends on your situation or circumstance. This is something that comes and goes. But true (shalom) peace is so much deeper! It is something that stays with you, no matter what situation you are in.

In Jesus, we can experience peace in times of discomfort, during a financial crisis, illness or even when tragedy hits. I know how I daily grab unto this peace in my walk of life. The way to do it is to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. I also realized it is not found when looking to men, or relying on men for help or comfort - God alone holds unwavering peace. This road is a lonely one, a road without lots of people to please. No man can give you what only God has. Man can render his opinion, but God gives truth, grace and understanding. Don’t be moved by the world, only by God. Keep your focus on God, and God alone.



郭炳江先生見證 :








課程在九月下旬開始,逢星期一舉行,為期十一週,還有一個啟發營。大家都知道的,星期一在生意人來說是最多事情處理的一天,如有人在課程開始時一早告訴我:「Thomas, 這是個十一週的課程,你每個星期一都要來啊。」我必會說不可能,但我居然完成了整個課程,這也真是神蹟之一!








回應 (10)
2009/07/08 12:59:48 回覆

Sister Flower,

Good afternoon!

God bless you and your children!



花姐 2009/07/08 12:49:17 回覆

God’s plan is so much greater than you can fathom



2009/07/08 08:30:58 回覆

On 7 July 2009, I had my quiet time and I read the following bible verse.


民數記 22: 21-35

21. 巴蘭早晨起來,備上驢,與摩押的領袖一同去了。 22  神因為巴蘭去就發怒;耶和華的使者站在路上敵擋他。那時他騎著驢,有兩個僕人同行。 23 驢看見了耶和華的使者站在路上,手裡拿著拔出來的刀,就轉離正路,走入田中去;巴蘭就打驢,要叫牠轉回路上。 24 耶和華的使者站在葡萄園間的窄路上,兩邊都有圍牆。 25 驢看見了耶和華的使者,就緊擠在牆上,把巴蘭的腳擠傷了,巴蘭又打驢。 26 耶和華的使者又往前行,站在狹窄之處,左右都沒有轉身的地方。 27 驢看見了耶和華的使者,就臥在巴蘭身下;巴蘭大怒,就用自己的杖打驢。 28 耶和華開了驢的口,驢就對巴蘭說:我向你作了甚麼,你竟打我這三次呢?29 巴蘭對驢說:因為你作弄我。但願我手中有刀,現在就把你殺死。30 驢對巴蘭說:我不是你從起初一直所騎的驢嗎?我以前曾向你這樣行過嗎?巴蘭說:沒有。

31 責備巴蘭那時,耶和華開了巴蘭的眼睛,他就看見耶和華的使者站在路上,手裡拿著拔出來的刀,巴蘭就低頭俯伏在地。 32 耶和華的使者對他說:你為甚麼這三次打你的驢呢?看哪,是我來敵擋你,因為你走的路在我面前邪僻。 33 驢看見了我,就三次從我面前轉開;驢若是沒有從我面前轉開,我早已把你殺了,而留牠活著。34 巴蘭對耶和華的使者說:我有罪了,我不知道是你站在路上阻擋我;現在你若是不喜歡我去,我就回去。35 耶和華的使者對巴蘭說:你與這些人同去吧,但是你只要說我吩咐你的話。於是巴蘭與巴勒的領袖一同去了。

May the Lord open our eyes to see the things in the spiritual realm. When God opened the eyes of  巴蘭, the man saw the angel of the Lord and he bowed down on the ground. When we are humble ourselves before God, we may see the hand of the Lord in our life.




2009/07/07 14:29:51 回覆



Good afternoon!  Have some fruits!





2009/07/07 14:22:19 回覆

郭生要多地去聼書喇! {#icon15}

2009/07/07 10:23:41 回覆

Regarding 一次得救永遠得救, there are arguments between two groups of Christians.


As for me, I believe that those born-again Christians who hold fast their faith in Jesus Christ until the end will be saved.  They love God and obey His commandments.


Those Christians who are living in a sinful life or had already given up their faith in Christ will not be saved. 


I recommend reading one of my blog messages about some Bible reference concerning the back-slide Christians.



2009/07/06 22:53:39 回覆

羅馬書 14


1.你們要接納信心軟弱的人不要論斷引起爭論的事2. 有人相信所有的食物都可以吃,信心軟弱的人卻只吃蔬菜。3. 吃的人不要輕看不吃的人,不吃的人也不要批評吃的人,因為神已經接納他了。

13. 所以,我們不要再彼此批評了;倒要立定主意,決不作絆倒弟兄或使他跌倒的事

19. 所以,我們總要追求和睦的事,與彼此造就的事


22. 你所信的,你自己要在神面前持守人在經自己考驗後認可的事上能夠不自責,他就有福了。

23. 但如果有人存著疑惑的心去吃,他就被定罪了,因為他不是出於信心。凡不是出於信心的,都是罪。




2009/07/06 22:47:52 回覆



基督徒 also have their weakness.  By the grace of God, we can live in this complicated society.





立 冬
立 冬 2009/07/06 22:42:43 回覆

{#200907062143044583.gif} 郭先生早前情緒都很不穩的,原來也是基督徒。

2009/07/06 22:30:21 回覆


雅各書 4: 6-8; 17








