道氏理論 - 續 (確認趨勢原則)

2009/07/22 01:52:58 網誌分類: 投資
22 Jul

1) 指數必須有兩個或以上互相確認趨勢 

2) 成交量與趨勢的配合

3) 狹幅盤整可以取代次級修正

4) 僅採用收盤價

5) 在反轉訊號被確認前,應該假定既有趨勢將繼續發展

1) Two or more Averages Must Confirm 

2) Volume Goes with the Trend

3) Line May Substitute for Secondaries

4) Only Closing Prices Used

5) A Trend Should Be Assumed to Continue in Effect Until Such Time as Its Reversal Has Been Definitely Signaled

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