相信復蘇來臨的人多起來 ---- 何偉傑

2009/07/24 16:38:14 網誌分類: 經濟
24 Jul


Janet Revel: In the two months following the collapse of Lehman Brothers last September, shareholders unloaded a staggering U.S.$120 billion of their stock funds…. But selling at that point merely turned paper loses into real ones, and kept many people on the sidelines when stock prices took off again.



踏進7月,猜測美國經濟真的正在復蘇的人愈來愈多,回心轉意準備將閒置現金重新投入股市的人與日俱增,但行家說,別人急忙追趕重新開動的美股列車不等於說你自己也非急起直追不可(just because everyone else is lining up for the roller coaster doesn' t mean you should too)。也許股價由大低谷強力反彈,一開始最容易賺的方便錢,早已到了別人的口袋,等到你上了車車票價錢肯定已貴,前頭或者仍會有新的低潮再次襲來。

每日美語知新—— There is an interesting little tidbit in this week's Barron's to the effect that nearly 70% of the stocks on the NYSE that are piercing their 200-day moving averages — stating that this is the highest level “since the summer of 2007”. Our only comment to that (which is not addressed in the article) is: was the summer of 2007 really the best time to have been loading up on equities? That 70% number only tells us how overdone this bear market rally is. (David Rosenberg)


我們只想問:2007年夏天真的是大手搜購股票的最好時機嗎? (當然不是。)

七成上市公司股價突破那條平均線,這件事告訴我們的僅僅是,這一回熊市的反彈走得太遠了 。