
2009/07/28 14:38:49 網誌分類: 經濟
28 Jul



而富蘭克林鄧普頓(Franklin Templeton)這家歷史悠久基金集團的總裁唐里德(Don Reed)倒一直苦口婆心地勸投資者不必完全撤離股市,因為按長期業績而言歷史上股市仍為最佳的投資處所。

今年三月以來,市場仍在谷底呻吟,唐里德就告訴大家歷史顯示股市終將復原(history shows us that stocks will recover)。他反覆表示大家一定要避免跌市升市兩頭虧,當時他提出的口號是「Don't lose twice」,指出為長遠利益着想,投資者必須確保自己不致連敗兩局。

Don Reed: Don't lose twice. What I mean is that, with the big declines that we saw, that in itself presents some opportunity as long as good fundamentals are there for a given security. If you stay invest and add to your position, you will have a chance to recover your losses on the way up. But if you don't and say I am getting out of here and sit on the sidelines, you don't have the chance of regaining your former amount.

他解釋說,市價有跌必有升,為退休的長遠目的作準備,一般的投資者很應該逐步買進以降低平均成本價,但不能完全撤出在市場外邊慢慢等待:這是因為在復原的進程中,大部分的失地將在最初的階段收復(because most gains happen at the beginning of the recovery),唐里德說。


每日美語知新——The only way to avoid mistakes is not to invest, but that is the biggest mistake of all. (John Templeton)
