虎年行大運(19) - 八白財星入中宮

2010/01/29 23:58:12 網誌分類: 虎年行大運
29 Jan

大家再回想前文提到, 在長沙發前放一張矮茶几。

如果大家在這張矮茶几上, 放上一套配合八白財星的紫砂茶具, 原來可以增強財運, 並且帶來桃花, 增進人緣。



大家看看上圖, 在茶几上, 放了一個茶盤, 在茶盤旁邊, 放了紙巾、茶葉罐、水煲、電爐、水杯、香煙、煙灰缸、毛巾等等雜物。

茶盤旁的一眾雜物, 都不是主角。

大家的焦點, 應該落在茶盤內。

數一數茶盤內, 除了一隻招財的蟾蜍, 計有大小不一的紫砂壺、茶葉罐、茶盅, 共八樣物件。

這一家人差一點便發達、發大財!可惜, 就是差一點!




如果這一家人於茶盤內, 放八集大小不一的紫砂茶壺, 顏色如上述兩隻砂紫杯, 就可以與招財蟾蜍構成八九同宮效應。

八九同宮, 喜慶滿門, 富貴萬千年!

這一家人就是衹差一點點, 大家不要看輕這小小的一點點, 就差這一點點, 這户人家祇是不窮, 還未大富大貴, 若是流年不利, 還要招來憂心煩惱。這個結論, 就是從茶盤的擺設而得來。

這個茶盤屬不規則形狀, 代表如果户主心術不正, 就會走上不規則的路。若是户主心地善良, 光明正大, 則經常有很多鬼主意。商業社會是需要鬼主意多多的機靈妙計, 但是必須外表莊重。這樣不規則形狀的茶盤, 若是户主每日都在這裡沏茶, 人生必定多起伏。有安穩的人生, 才能輕易聚財。

應該換一個規則形狀的茶盤, 人生自會暢順一點。

雖然小弟經常跟欽差大臣留言開玩笑, 但是從來不談私隱的事情, 亦未見過面, 連他是甚麼模樣都不知道, 更沒有他的生辰八字。以上的內容, 純粹從茶盤的擺設, 大發謬論, 胡說八道一番。

八個紫砂茶壺自然是八數, 加一隻蟾蜍合成九數, 取其八九同宮的效應。但是有人會反駁, 認為這是八一同宮。

請反對者別反駁了, 這是小弟經年累月不斷找自己做實驗, 總結出來的心得。

回應 (48)
欽差大臣 2010/01/30 21:56:09 回覆



欽差大臣 2010/01/30 21:51:50 回覆






平凡人 2010/01/30 09:31:10 回覆









2010/01/30 01:27:27 回覆

Doctor, what if I don't drink Chinese tea, are there any other way to have the same effect? {#icons_girl9}

2010/01/30 01:03:33 回覆


qqcheng (小吉)
qqcheng (小吉) 2010/01/30 00:53:24 回覆

蛋哥 : 多謝晒 !

走啦,bye !!


qqcheng (小吉)
qqcheng (小吉) 2010/01/30 00:52:40 回覆

我都走啦,返歸寫嘢 !


2010/01/30 00:52:08 回覆




qqcheng (小吉)
qqcheng (小吉) 2010/01/30 00:51:40 回覆

pokemonpc200:goodnight !! {#200911171530428797.gif}

2010/01/30 00:49:30 回覆

Good night Dr. 168, qqcheng, zero mind , Mr.egg and blogmates {#SleepBall.gif} {#200912140057212886_600wbye.gif}

2010/01/30 00:44:50 回覆

Mr. egg : Oh ic, {#200911301510471783.gif}

qqcheng (小吉)
qqcheng (小吉) 2010/01/30 00:43:09 回覆

{#200911180021048616.gif}蛋哥 :送俾您 ,請笑納!


2010/01/30 00:43:05 回覆

Good night diamond have a nice dream {#SleepBall.gif} {#200912140057212886_600wbye.gif}

qqcheng (小吉)
qqcheng (小吉) 2010/01/30 00:41:44 回覆

diamond: GOOD NIGHT! {#201001061733453673.gif}


2010/01/30 00:41:23 回覆

qqcheng, 你好!


2010/01/30 00:40:35 回覆

Almost the time to sleep,

You are all my friends

I will not 閃 silently

If I disappear suddenly, it should be some computer problem.

Good night everybody {#Goat Bye Bye2.gif}



qqcheng (小吉)
qqcheng (小吉) 2010/01/30 00:39:47 回覆

pokemonpc200:我唔係 smart,係同博士 chat 得多知佢百厭.




2010/01/30 00:39:19 回覆

diamond : Gold price now USD1075.30 la {#tongueout2.gif}

2010/01/30 00:37:40 回覆

diamond : today u sleep late wor, u no need go to office tomorrow {#Questionmark.gif}

2010/01/30 00:36:15 回覆

qq : usually diamond sleep about 12:00 ga maybe she is leave already {#200912062256307408.gif}

2010/01/30 00:36:07 回覆

qq: 一日慳一千蚊咪快好多囉 !


pokemonpc200: LV, BV, I don't have anyone

                       環保袋就有十個八個 {#cat7_50.gif}

2010/01/30 00:34:32 回覆

qqcheng : I really think he dont know ga, I am stupid u really smart ar {#200912062256307408.gif}

qqcheng (小吉)
qqcheng (小吉) 2010/01/30 00:34:11 回覆

diamond : 閃左嗱?


2010/01/30 00:33:23 回覆

Mr. Egg : that one is not a frog, it is called招財的蟾蜍 {#tongueout2.gif}

qqcheng (小吉)
qqcheng (小吉) 2010/01/30 00:32:35 回覆

蛋哥:您好 !


qqcheng (小吉)
qqcheng (小吉) 2010/01/30 00:31:43 回覆

pokemonpc200 :博士尊登咁問玩嘢 ka..您咁好心機答佢


2010/01/30 00:30:16 回覆

diamond : u just buy less LV handbag,or BV handbag then u can buy several tael to your sister la {#tongueout2.gif}

2010/01/30 00:29:43 回覆



qqcheng (小吉)
qqcheng (小吉) 2010/01/30 00:28:12 回覆

diamond:您一日慳一千蚊咪快好多囉 !


2010/01/30 00:27:29 回覆

Dr.168 : the story like that

pokemonpc200  30/1/2010 0:04:07 

qq : what kind of exciting matter happen to u ar {#20080519221609321.gif}actually what u eat last night {#Questionmark.gif}

qqcheng  30/1/2010 0:00:55 

pokemonpc200 :一早無喇喇流鼻血,搞得o黎又夠鐘起身,咪瞓少一粒鐘



qqcheng  30/1/2010 0:09:31 

pokemonpc200:冇呀,冇溝仔,冇食熱氣嘢 !

qq : what kind of exciting matter happen to u ar {#20080519221609321.gif}actually what u eat last night//


pokemonpc200  30/1/2010 0:12:08 

qq : u r very clever, guess what I think wor {#tongueout2.gif}


qqcheng  30/1/2010 0:17:34 

pokemonpc200 :您笑得咁衰,一睇就知您諗咩啦 ! {#20080519221609321.gif} {#20080519221609321.gif} {#20080519221609321.gif}


2010/01/30 00:22:09 回覆

大家 keep on talking, 小弟繼續 writing!

2010/01/30 00:20:50 回覆

慳得一蚊得一蚊 {#200912152256521126_600w.gif}

咁慳法, 要萬幾日, (三十幾年)才可買到一兩金呀 {#200912152257203170_600w.gif}

qqcheng (小吉)
qqcheng (小吉) 2010/01/30 00:20:44 回覆

佢諗衰嘢囉 !

唔明啊, 諗咩嘢呀?

2010/01/30 00:19:47 回覆

diamond : u kidding {#tongueout2.gif}

pokemonpc: If u have enough money {#Money3.gif}

                  幫我買住先, I have to save money,

                  成萬幾蚊一兩金, 實在太貴... {#200912021519462594_600w.gif}

2010/01/30 00:19:11 回覆

唔明啊, 諗咩嘢呀?

qqcheng (小吉)
qqcheng (小吉) 2010/01/30 00:17:33 回覆

pokemonpc200 :您笑得咁衰,一睇就知您諗咩啦 ! {#20080519221609321.gif} {#20080519221609321.gif} {#20080519221609321.gif}

2010/01/30 00:16:09 回覆

而家金真係金, 好貴㗎!

2010/01/30 00:14:54 回覆

pokemonpc: If u have enough money {#Money3.gif}

                  幫我買住先, I have to save money,

                  成萬幾蚊一兩金, 實在太貴... {#200912021519462594_600w.gif}

2010/01/30 00:13:16 回覆

Diamond : then no need to hurry , we can wait for good price and buy law {#200912062256307408.gif}

2010/01/30 00:12:07 回覆

qq : u r very clever, guess what I think wor {#tongueout2.gif}


qqcheng (小吉)
qqcheng (小吉) 2010/01/30 00:10:09 回覆

金兄:假日快樂 !


2010/01/30 00:09:33 回覆

pokemonpc200: I'm not hurry to buy gold.

                       It's for my younger sister (wedding)

                       not yet firm the date

                       It should be in 1-2 years.

qqcheng (小吉)
qqcheng (小吉) 2010/01/30 00:09:31 回覆

pokemonpc200:冇呀,冇溝仔,冇食熱氣嘢 !

qq : what kind of exciting matter happen to u ar {#20080519221609321.gif}actually what u eat last night//


2010/01/30 00:09:11 回覆


Zero Mind
Zero Mind 2010/01/30 00:08:28 回覆


2010/01/30 00:06:27 回覆

I am late {#tongueout2.gif}

qqcheng (小吉)
qqcheng (小吉) 2010/01/30 00:02:02 回覆



2010/01/30 00:01:33 回覆

hi +1 {#201001292338594619.gif}
