Jesus healed a Venezuela woman

2010/03/03 11:17:18 網誌分類: 宗教
03 Mar

Jesus healed a Venezuela woman who had

paralysis for 3 years

A brief summary of the incident

A great miracle happened in Venezuela about three years ago. A woman had paralysis 癱瘓 due to some problem in child birth. She sat on wheel-chair for 3 years. Her husband left the family after she suffered from this problem and sat on wheel-chair for 12 months. She never held the little girl since her birth. At the crusade, she prayed for healing and she was surrounded by some Christians for prayer.  She had faith that God would heal her. In the meeting, suddenly the power of God fell on her. She noticed that something happened at her backbone and the lower part of her body. She then fainted.  After a while, she woke up. The people nearby told her to stand up and walk away from the wheel-chair. She felt that her legs were shaking and then she started walking slowly to the stage where the pastors and their staff were located.

The next day, she put on a new red dress when she was requested to go back to the stage and witness for Jesus Christ again. She said that she had a little make-up for the Lord Jesus as God c reated her to be a beautiful woman. She was healed in the open air (it could be an open stadium) so that Jesus was glorified and a multitude of people could see how God worked miracles among them.  Because of this miracle, her brother and her mother accepted Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord.  Several scenes on the stage were very touching and numerous attendants were weeping for joy in the open air.

Jesus still heals sick people nowadays. Miracles are not only happened two thousand years ago. They are still happening in our world today. Be prepared, you need towels and handkerchief because you may weep for joy.

走天路的人 Frankie

馬太福音 11:5



Benny Hinn - Dead Legs Come Alive (1) Venezuela


Benny Hinn - Dead Legs Come Alive (2) Venezuela


Benny Hinn - Dead Legs Come Alive (3) Venezuela ( Must see)



Benny Hinn's 'Miracle Woman"

She is back on stage one year later .

(God healed her elder sister, she could not hear at one of her ears)


馬可福音 3:22-30

22.從耶路撒冷下來的經學家說:他有別西卜附在身上!又說:他靠著鬼王趕鬼。” 23. 耶穌把他們叫來,用比喻對他們說:撒但怎能趕逐撒但呢? 24. 一國若自相紛爭,那國就站立不住; 25. 一家若自相紛爭,那家就站立不住。26. 如果撒但自相攻打紛爭,不但站立不住,而且還要滅亡。27. 誰都不能進入壯漢的家,搶奪他的財物,除非先把壯漢捆綁起來,才可以搶劫他的家。 28. 我實在告訴你們,世人的一切罪和一切褻瀆的話,都可以得到赦免; 29. 但褻瀆聖靈的,就永世不得赦免,他還要擔當罪惡到永遠。” 30. 耶穌說這話,是因為他們說他有污靈附在身上。


The following is my sharing with a Christian at his blog.


Dear brother, Thank you for your sharing.  When I read your blog message, one of my thoughts was the things that I presented in my blog.  Most of the Christians in Hong Kong are afraid to tell and acknowledge miracles and healings by Jesus.  Some of the great preachers even mentioned that the power might come from the evil spirits when they saw signs and wonders. In the past 16 months, I spent 6 to 8 hours per day in average, searching for the mighty work of God and reading great testimonies including hell and heaven testimonies.  I knew that there were false cases but there were real cases. I insisted to present some of them on my blog although many brothers and sisters are afraid to come to my blog and wrote down some comments.  當大家也認為我是錯的話, I insisted my way for I believe that they are the truth and they are real cases. I shared them so that God can be glorified.



The following is part of the message of a blog mate and my sharing about the use of parables.

路加福音 8:10 他() 

1. 其實耶穌這樣做的用意是想試驗有追求明白神道的心的人有多少,如果聽道者是有心去追求要明白的話,他們大可以去問問耶穌這個撒種的比喻是甚麼意思。

8:9 門 。耶穌就解答比喻。

2. 耶穌想要他們明白,不是每個來聽道的人都是有追求明白的心,有些只是為看神蹟奇事、湊熱鬧等,不要預期聽道者會把訊息放在心上或有領受。


I have a different view.  I opined that Jesus wanted to disclose the secret of the Kingdom of God to His chosen people only (神國的奧秘、 只叫 你們知道. 至於別人、 就用比喻).   When Jesus was with his followers (disciples and regular attendants), Jesus will tell them direct and explain the truth and implication of the parables.

However, Jesus told us that the repentance and salvation messages are to be preached to all Man.

Frankie,  1 March 2010

For sharing, please.  The following was found on a bible study website









Frankie , 3 March 2010


The following is my sharing with a blog mate and his new blog message today (a part only) 

Good morning!  I  am glad to see you back (six weeks after missing).  Please remember the following:


Sickness is not the end of the world. Sickness can be a means for us to draw close to God.  Based on the promises of God, we can be healed.  By His stripes (Jesus Christ was punished), we are healed by His grace through our faith.

I was backsliding for many years.  God did not give up.  He lifted me up again so that I can face tomorrow.  If you insist to live a life full of depression and upset, you cannot glorify God and you have omitted the purpose of life.  God want us to live a happy life.  A Joyful life with peace is the way for us to live on earth.  God is always with us. Take courage and stand up again.


因為深信神會幫我,經常記述這句經文----詩篇 Psalms 118:5 我在急難中求告耶和華、他就應允我、把我安置在寬闊之地

XXXXX  2 March 2010

回應 (1)
2010/03/03 11:32:17 回覆

Good morning!

Sharing of an old song 

Barbra Streisand-Woman in love (with lyrics)
