
2010/03/26 09:08:15 網誌分類: 攝影
26 Mar


I went to this flower show on 24 March 2010 with my sister. I had visited similar flower shows about ten years ago. I took some photos and I would like to share them with you.



明報2010319 星期五 16:15


今屆花展的主題花為「富貴菊」,主題為「花之童話」; 花卉展覽的展期至328日,為期10天,期間展出5萬株主題花富貴菊。

今年花展有21個國家、約二百個機構參與,展出悉心栽培的盆栽、造型獨特的園林景點及花藝擺設。參展的國家包括中國、澳洲 、加拿大 、愛沙利亞、法國 、德國 、印尼 、意大利 、日本 、韓國 、馬來西亞 、荷蘭 、新西蘭 、巴基斯坦、菲律賓 、新加坡 、南非、西班牙 、瑞士 、英國 和美國 

為了宣傳香港參與上海 世博會,會場內展出一幅以花卉植物等砌成的 9米乘3米花牆,並以淺藍色的三色堇砌出上海世博會吉祥物「海寶」。

花卉展覽的其他特色景點包括:大型花壇「夢幻海洋」,這個花壇由一群活潑可愛又栩栩如生的海洋動物組成,包括海馬、海龜、八爪魚、海星、龍蝦、魚和蚌;在大草地上擺設兩個造型可愛,以橙、檸檬及蔬果鋪砌而成的農夫及農作物;由超過一萬五千株鬱金香鋪設而成的一片逾180平方米的橢圓形花海;以及富特色的花卉及植物展品,包括莖幹狀植物「攀援洋蔥」、被稱為「球根狀植物之王」的「領帶蘭」、原產於非洲    索馬里的「假活石」及常綠喬木「肉桂樹」。

花卉展內來自國內的特色景點亦同樣吸引,包括北京 市公園管理中心、鄭州市園林局等。

會場展出的主題花富貴菊(學名Pericallis x hybrida)又名瓜葉菊、黃瓜花、瓜葉蓮,隸屬菊科(Asteraceae)中的瓜葉菊屬(Pericallis),是多年生草本,原產於非洲北部及西班牙加拿利羣島(Canary Islands)。




The following is my sharing with a sister about the testimony of Rev. Philip Mantofa and the divine healing on 25 March 2010.

//Thanks,我全看完;但我的感覺不大相信 Philip Mantofa,好虛假//

Dear sister XX,

Thank you for your reply and comment. I understand that you did not believe the testimony of Rev. Philip Mantofa (腓力曼都法牧師) and the divine healing 治病 at his healing meetings in Taiwan in 2009.  I know that it is difficult for those Christians who worship God in traditional churches to believe supernatural things in modern 現代 days. Some people have doubts in the bible that the bible is not 100% true while others cannot accept supernatural things such as, the opening of Red Sea when Moses 摩西 lead the Jews 猶太人out of Egypt, a donkey spoke to a man in an earthly language, Jonah 約拿came out of a belly 腹部 of a big fish, etc.  I came with traditional 傳統的 church background for more than 25 years of worshipping God in 循道衛理教會 and 宣道會.  In the past, I also had doubts in some of the events 事件 as mentioned in Old Testament. However, I now believe that it is 100% true in the bible. In the past 18 months, I spent an average of 5 hours each day to learn the things of Christianity.  God has revealed to me through the testimonies, video clips on the internet, and my personal experience that there are supernatural 超自然的 things in the physical world and the spiritual world.  The gifts of the Holy Spirit as stated in 歌林多前書 12:8-10 are still manifested in our present days.

I believe the testimony of Rev. Philip Mantofa (腓力曼都法牧師) and he has the gift of healing.  If I have doubt in Philip Mantofa, I would not have posted the information about him on my blog.

Here below are some points of my argument.

1. His two books (one about his experience in Hell, and one is about his life in the past 30 years.) are displayed at a Christian bookstore 'Elim bookshop以琳書房'.  The two books are some of the most popular books at present as indicated by 以琳書房.

2. There are about ten testimonies in the book (trip to Hell) to support Rev. Philip Mantofa about his good ministry in church and the healing of sicknesses.

3. He is popular in Taiwan for he had several healing meetings in Taiwan. If the healings were false one 虛假, the things could not be lasted for several years.  The meetings were crowded with Christians and sick people.  They went up to the stage to testify what God had done in their healing. If the healings were not of genuine真實的in nature, the hidden things would have been exposed easily and could not last for several years.

4. In Feb 2010, Philip Mantofa together with two great Man of God (海蒂貝克(Heidi Bakerand比爾強生(Bill Johnson) held a meeting “2010 天國文化特會 “ at 台北小巨蛋.  If Philip was a false preacher, the other two speakers would not agree to join the meeting.  You may find over ten books of Bill Johnson and Heidi Baker in 以琳書房.  It was noted that one new book of Heidi Baker and four books of Bill Johnson displayed at the main entrance of 以琳書房. You can search the information and background of Bill Johnson and Heidi Baker on the internet.

Her reply :

Dear Brother Frankie

感恩!你能指出我的愚昧,我重新閱讀歌林多前書;甚重閱數次,終明白 神要在女兒心底作工;將我閉塞心靈蒙恩:








An extract from a book 天堂是如此真實

愛天然 blog  http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/cheer-belle/article?mid=5589

















回應 (5)
2010/03/30 23:14:27 回覆

Thanks for your information.

Maybe go next year la.

2010/03/28 15:34:22 回覆


花卉展覽的展期至328,為期 10. Therefore, today is the last day!

You can enjoy the photos only. You may go there next year.

Have a happy Sunday!


2010/03/28 14:52:45 回覆


你去左花卉展啦 ! 多唔多人 ?

我都想在easter 帶孩子去走走 ~

2010/03/27 23:04:26 回覆


Thank you for your appreciation.   {#icons_cat1}

Have a happy Sunday!


2010/03/27 10:30:51 回覆

影得好好 1+ 
