苦路 與 主釘十架

2010/04/01 10:54:38 網誌分類: 宗教
01 Apr

哥林多前書 1:18


十字架, 十字架, 永是我的榮耀, 我眾罪都洗清潔, 惟靠耶穌寶血   

The following is a passage of the crucification of Jesus Christ. I found that this passage is precious to me for I am a Christian. The blood of Jesus cleansed us from all sins.  Jesus Christ redeemed us from the Kingdom of Darkness to the Kingdom of Light. 

I take this opportunity to thank my blog mate Ivy 艾菲 and a friend Purple who have offered great help in the translation from English into Chinese.  The report The Cross of Christ was written by Bobby Conner who is a preacher for over 35 years.  You may click the following link if you want to read the English version on my Yahoo-blog.  


苦路 主釘十架  ( English)



我發現自己站在耶路撒冷繁忙的街道上,並且在一大群人當中。 我細看著他們的臉龐,我察覺到有一些人的面上充滿著真實的哀愁。我又看到其他的人,他們呆滯的目光竟滿載著瘋癲, 而且他們的臉上更被那邪惡笑容弄得扭曲。 另外, 我還知道, 我被一個身材魁梧的羅馬士兵強推至路旁,他不單咒罵我,還大叫著: 「讓開!」就是這樣, 我的注意力被轉移了,我親眼目睹那群人一直在等候的是什麼: 「耶穌背著他的十字架。」

我不能相信自己的眼睛,我整個身軀好像被一道突然的快門穿過! 我從沒有看到如此恐怖的景象。他整個臉龐也充滿了被荊棘冠冕刺傷所流出凝固的乾血,那荊棘冠冕的大釘就像刀片般鋒利,刺進了他頭髗的深處。深紅色的鮮血就隨著他每一下的心跳,從那荊棘冠冕的荊棘旁邊噴灑在他的額上及滲進他的眼內。顫抖的我看著那鲜紅色的血從他的臉上滴至他的胸部,再慢慢地灑落在那條滿是灰塵的大街。為著主耶穌的寶血已滲滿了那條石子路的裂縫,大地好像也大聲呼喊。


在人群中,我在震驚下不敢言語。 我看著主耶穌,在沉重的十字架壓下,他絆倒了。在街上,塵土飛揚的狂風,吹開他滿有血跡的衣服,我看見主背上和肩膀的傷口,傷口極其深在遭到羅馬士兵的鞭子嚴重鞭打、擊打下,他的肉裂開我驚訝從他的傷口流出血的數量。

在城外,我們沿著曲折、陡峭的 (steep)、岩石構成的小路走了很久。我們終於來到最高的髑髏地(各各他)山頂上。士兵們極其粗暴地推倒基督在地上。由於主被推倒在地上,民被惡魔的刺激下很激動。他們的刺激引撒旦很興奮和期望。然而,主沒有任何的抵抗或掙扎,基督耶穌伸出他的手臂。在尖鐵釘下屈服他輕看羞辱,並沒有因為痛苦而退縮,願意讓自己釘在十字架上。

混濁的空氣中充滿了壓迫人的惡鬼,使人很難呼吸。血和身體裡液體的氣味是如此強烈,而且勢不可擋,使我哽咽。我嗅到來自士兵令人作嘔的酒香味或廉價啤酒。當大錘打在大釘上,我聽到沉重的錘聲,大釘穿過他的手和他的腳。 我好像是看到整個事件的慢動作。十字架被舉起放置在地洞中,基督的臉反映了極度難以忍受的痛苦。 當主用整個身體的重量來倚靠著大釘,我聽到了深的呻吟來自主的喉嚨。 在這個令人心碎的時刻,我永遠不會忘記那個令人作嘔的聲音,景象和氣味。時間彷彿已經停止了,我不知道我在那裡多久,它彷彿是數不盡的,痛苦時刻過去了。 我哭泣直到不能發聲 我想逃離到遠的地方,但我同樣地想靠近主,沒有人能夠解釋我這種相反對比的情緒和情感。

這不是一個仁慈的地方!然而,歷史上最仁慈的行為卻在完成。我永遠不會忘記我面對矛盾的感覺。 無罪之人如有罪之人,正面對死亡, 完美的人被殺死是違反常情,邪惡者釋放了他們的仇恨在基督的身上。為了反叛者而死,一個義者被殘酷十字架蹂躪。





聖經指出,上帝的眼目純潔,不看邪惡,他採用一個純潔的眼光看罪(見哈巴谷書1:13)。因此,父上帝背向他的兒子,基督被他的父親拋棄。這個痛苦,是他在客西馬尼園時求父除去,他祈禱:讓這杯離開我(馬太福音26:39)。他不能忍受自己被他的父親拋棄。 基督死時是沒有被視為上帝的兒子,而是被視為一個罪人(見哥林多後書5:21 加拉太書3:13)。由於這事,他的心被壓碎了。正如詩人預言,我的心像蠟,它在我心中融化(詩篇22:14)。



The above description (描寫) about 苦路 and the scene (現場) of crucification of Christ (主釘十架) were really terrible.  It was a shocking moment to me.

May the writer's description in the passage be embedded 埋置 in our heart in the rest of our life!


Source : The Cross of Christ was written by bobby Conner


約翰福音 3 :16


十字架, 十字架, 永是我的榮耀, 我眾罪都洗清潔, 惟靠耶穌寶血

你願意相信耶穌嗎 ?


十字架, 十字架, 永是我的榮耀, 我眾罪都洗清潔, 惟靠耶穌寶血


This is a true record of 苦路 and the scene (現場) of crucification of Christ (主釘十架).  The writer bobby Conner was caught up in spirit (similar to Apostle Paul) and went back to a place where Jesus was crucified two thousand years ago. That is why he could describe the details of Jesus and His sufferings.

 Frankie   12 Feb 2010

The Cross of Christ was written by bobby Conner


Suddenly, without warning, faster than the speed of light, I was no longer sitting comfortably at my study. The Spirit of God was transporting me through time and space. As Paul stated in the Scriptures, if I was in the body or out of the body I do not know (see 2 Corinthians 12:2). Almost immediately I found myself in the busy streets of Jerusalem. I could hear the sounds of a massive mob of people. I could feel an evil excitement in the air that made my spirit extremely uncomfortable. I wanted to flee yet at the same time I there was a deep longing within my soul to see what was unfolding before me.




The following was my sharing with a sister in Christ.  

屬靈爭戰: We are not fighting with flesh 肉體 and blood but the principalities and power in the air (Second Heaven).

The bible remind us that greater is the one that is in us (the Holy Spirit) than the one of this world (the devil and his fallen angels).  We should be aware that for every born-again Christian, we have a guardian angel for protecting us.  Besides, we can always pray and call for the warrior angels to fight for us in the spiritual realm.  Faith is the key to victory in spiritual battle.  We have Jesus Christ who is the highest in Heaven and on earth.  The name of Jesus is a name above all names in Heaven and on earth. 



Here below is part of my sharing in my blog message: My dreams from God.
I had contacted with spirit inside a church in Leeds and I felt electricity all over my whole body (a kind of numb feeling 麻木的感覺) for about 1 minute. It could be an angel or an evil spirit.  I was so scare 恐懼的 and I immediately cried out to God for protection.  Prior to that moment, I was praying to God for some sisters at a corridor inside an English church.  At that time, I was attending a Chinese Christian Fellowship meeting. Suddenly my heart was very trouble and I went out to a corridor of the church for praying to God. On seeing my peculiar (罕見的) behavior, one sister in Christ, who was a final year Law degree student (also came from Hong Kong), also went out to the corridor and stood next to me, praying to God for protection.  Suddenly, she received a vision with a mountain and a coffin (棺材) when I had the feeling of electricity on my whole body.  We were very frightened. Finally, I committed everything to God, seeking His protection.

回應 (6)
2010/04/03 00:13:50 回覆


Have a happy Easter Holiday! 


2010/04/03 00:10:27 回覆

必必祝你復活節快樂 !

{#108210_ic.gif}  {#108222_ic.gif}  {#108261_ic.gif}

2010/04/02 19:57:37 回覆

FR 芷,

Have a happy Easter Holiday! 


FR 芷
FR 芷 2010/04/02 19:50:52 回覆


2010/04/02 07:49:05 回覆


Have a happy Easter Holiday!


qqcheng (小吉)
qqcheng (小吉) 2010/04/01 22:48:11 回覆


Happy Easter !!
