
2010/04/05 23:41:43 網誌分類: 未分類
05 Apr


From the above monthly graph- ssec, the index can stand on the average line SMA(30) now. It will never stand on the SMA(30) before during the adjustment. Besides, it can stand on SMA(10) for two months now also. In addition, the golden-hill-valley, had already shown on the graph also now. However, the SMA(30) is flatten with the less trading volume now, that means the index will have a retun before the index start a rally.

P.s The stock markets in the world are support based on the U.S.A & Chinese markets. As the economy of U.S.A is not very well now. It suports by the Chinese also. that means, the U.S.A will not pull down the Chinese market even that the 中國股指期貨 has been announced on 16-4-2010.

估計上証綜指會在阻力位 3200 受阻而稍作回調, 如能守住 3100~3120, 上升趨勢持續

恒指及國指快將出現金山谷, 由於上証綜指有可能會在3200受阻而回, 相信稍作回調後, 港股以及上証綜指均會展開升浪

恒指如能守住~周線圖SMA(10), 走勢仍強, 恒指正處上升趨勢

美匯出現死亡谷, 油價創新高, 顯示市場上熱錢充裕

P.s The VIX is in a lower level even that the U.S.D is in a relative high level now that means the market emotion is very hgh also .

As the real market trend = hot money + market emotion and both of the hot money and market emotion are positive(+) now, that means the trend for HSI is a upward direction also.

Wa... The HSI is so bull now!{#icons_panda4}

So. the bear bear will will be.....{#icons_panda5}



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門徒 2024/04/19

烏雞煲補呀 {#icons_boy9}

美味雞煲 2024/04/19

元帥,收到,我無帶防曬液🤣🙈 但有帶傘,防曬手袖,太陽帽同防曬日霜😆😂 我上次遊玩亞州3個月....用防曬液......毛管閉塞 😖😫

朝早起身飲杯瑞幸¥9.9熱咖啡 (+ 其他茶底👍🏾) 精神 😂👍🏾 低消費漫遊......+ 埋美團.....大愛祖國 🤭😍🥳 5 明啲國內後生....好鍾意 un 腳同 mou 係度 😆🙈 

soho* 2024/04/19

雞煲, 如果你去雲南大理昆明等地, 一定一定一定要做好防曬措施, 因為紫外線極強, 曬半日你就會變黑美人

美味雞煲 2024/04/19

史哥,我係坐車時睇市🤣 你啱丫,專心旅行😄 現貨開市至貼市 😂👍🏾 噚日入咗隻牛....簡直係嘥精神,捱眼瞓又要貼士又遲出門口仲要輸錢真係滾 😡

元帥,門師兄 可能係我個網絡差,之前都放上載到,我用手機影相,容量應該唔算好大。出發去成都,有時間再試上載 😂🤭 我喺國內需要留一段時間,我要買VPN用 😅 香港買嗰張數據卡得50 GB,平均一日用一GB