My review on my anniversary

2010/04/20 11:49:38 網誌分類: 宗教
20 Apr

My review on my anniversary on Yahoo-blog

Today is my first anniversary since I started writing blog message on 20 April 2009 at Yahoo-blog. Through writing blog messages, I came to know many blog mates.  However, many of them are no longer my friends and they seldom visited my blog.  Most of them are Christians but some of them still love the world.  Some of them are from traditional churches and they did not accept my way of presenting spiritual things and charismatic. Some of them showed interest in Christianity for they thought that religion is good. However, they never think of surrender to Christ; it means deny ourselves and take up the cross and follow Jesus. They did not count their cost before say ‘Yes’ to Jesus.  It is sad to know that many people do not bother a place named Hell even though it is a real torture place where demons and fallen angels are kept.  I sent many emails and visited many blog mates to disseminate good messages and useful information. However, there were only a few feed-backs from my friends and blog mates. I was disappointed due to their indifference (冷淡;不感興趣).  The amount of effort that I have put in was not commensurate 相稱的 to what I have seen in the results. I expected that good Christians should say good-bye to me before they left me ( no longer coming to my blog due to the variance in opinion of spiritual or worldly matters ). Anyway, I knew that God sees all these things and all are recorded in video and written records.  Thank the Lord Jesus who has saved me from the everlasting punishment.  He has found me twice and brought me back to Himself although I have gone astray from Him.  May the Lord bless you as you read my review on my anniversary!


The following was my first prophecy 預言 from the Lord.  It was given to me on 9 January 1978 by an elder (長老) of St Mathias Church (聖公會 church) at Leeds, U.K.  The elder of the church was Mr. Graham Buxton who was a lecturer in Bradford University. The prophecy was spoken to me after a Sunday worship service when I requested for prayer inside the church. I requested Graham to write it down on a piece of paper.

My child, rest in me.  Do not be anxious (焦慮) for I am going to bless you. I have filled you with my love, and I am going to use you.  I am going to use you to bless others that they too may know the love that I have given you.  I am going to use you that those who are far off may know me, for I am going to bless mightily through you. I have called you to be my servant, rest in me and allow me to work in you. Do not look around at others, but look at me that my fullness may fill you and reach out to others. Trust in me, my child, and you will know my blessing today and in the days ahead.

The Lord gave me a bible verse at 1 John 3: 1-2 so that I was convinced that the prophecy was from the Lord. 約翰一書 3:1-2 你們看,父賜給我們的是怎樣的愛,就是讓我們可以稱為神的兒女,我們也真是他的兒女因此,世人不認識我們,是因為他們不認識父。 2 親愛的,現在我們是神的兒女,將來怎樣,還沒有顯明;然而我們知道:主若顯現,我們必要像他,因為我們必要看見他本來是怎樣的。


這樣的愛   曲、詞:亞薩

這樣的愛 這樣高深的愛, 遠至亙古不變直到未來
降生人世內 彰顯神的愛, 接近人群抹去病困悲哀

這樣的愛 甘願犧牲的愛, 這愛傾出寶血贖我回來
捨身除障礙 血盡流的愛, 世上無人如同這份愛

我的主恩深比海更深, 這份愛解我心中罪困
淒清中伴我同行,孤單中伴我前行, 這份情仍是最真

我的主恩高比天更高, 這份愛今我竟可遇到
漆黑中沒有迷途, 幽谷中是我路途, 這份情難以盡訴

這樣的愛 這份一生的愛, 這愛永測不透但很精彩
祢竟住我內 空虛已不再, 晝夜同行從來沒有分開

這樣的愛 傾盡一生的愛, 縱有困苦厄困也不更改
世間無替代 這情和這愛, 傾出一生報答這份愛  


馬太福音 7:13-14

你們當進窄門,因為引到滅亡的門是寬的,路是大的,進去的人也多 14 但引到生命的門是窄的,路是小的,找著的人也少

箴言 14:12


因有同行,走天路的人 走天路 並不孤單 




The above is taken from the testimony of 遠志明牧師



The following is my sharing with a brother on 19 April 2010.



(以弗所書 4:2 ) 凡事謙虛、溫柔、忍耐,用愛心互相寬容。




//凡事謙虛、溫柔、忍耐,用愛心互相寬容。//These are teachings from the Lord and we need to follow them. If we have the love of God in our heart and the in-filling of the Holy Spirit daily, we are able to do it although it is difficult to follow.

If you know that an angel is watching you and what you have done are recorded both in written and video records, will you do it as instructed in the bible?  Remember, we have to face our judge Jesus Christ when we die in future.

Good night!


A song : If the Savior stood beside me.

Words and music by Sally DeFord

If the Savior stood beside me, would I do the things I do?
Would I think of His commandments and
try harder to be true?
Would I follow His example? Would I live more righteously,
If I could see the Savior standing nigh (靠近地), watching over me?

If the Savior stood beside me, would
I say the things I say
Would my words
be true and kind
if He were never far away?
Would I try to share the gospel? Would I speak
more reverently(恭敬地)
If I could see the Savior standing nigh, watching over me?

If the Savior stood beside me, would my
thoughts be clean and pure
Would His presence
give me strength and hope,
and courage to endure (忍受)?
Would His counsel guide my actions? Would I choose more worthily
If I could see the Savior standing nigh, watching over me?

He is
always near me, though I do not see Him there

And because He loves me dearly, I am
in His watchful care
So I'll be the kind of person that I know I'd like to be
If I could see the Savior standing nigh, watching over me.


The following is my sharing with a sister on 18 April 2010.

//肉體所行的都是顯而易見的,就如淫亂、污穢、邪蕩、20 拜偶像、行邪術、仇恨、爭競、忌恨、忿怒、自私、分黨、結派、21 嫉妒、醉酒、荒宴,和類似的事。Who can have a clean hands always and not commit any of these really??? He says, repent and sin no more !...though. //

My reply : 行這些事的人,必定不能承受神的國! 如果我們靠聖靈活著,就應該順著聖靈行事. I think that the above is correct. If someone is accidentally committed the above sin, repent, and ask the Lord to cleanse us with the blood of Jesus.  In 1 John, if we confess our sins and God is faithful and He will forgive us. 

However, if the person keep on sinning ( e.g. 醉酒, he get drunk every week) and not repent ( the change of mind, sin no more ), then this person will be in Hell although he accept Jesus as saviour. 行這些事的人,必定不能承受神的國 ( cannot enter into the Kingdom of God ).  I know a blog mate who confessed that she is now a Christian, but she still steals money occasionally, occasional smoking, drinking beer ( not sure whether she was drunk or not ), etc.  Some Christians have football gambling.  Some Christians revealed that they often went to sex websites, reading sex magazines etc.   Many more…..

//OH my goodness.......everyone got their weakness. The young men asked Jesus, who can be saved then....and he said, I have kept all these things since I were young. Jesus then told him, sell all things and follow me. And again this young man was sad ....because he was very rich !
All these seem to tell us, no one is perfect except the one sent by God.
The gate to heaven is narrow.....true.  I pray God will set me free from my own weaknesses too. .and not be bondage of sin anymore. Be free, for I have set you free, so did Jesus said.//

My reply:

行這些事的人,必定不能承受神的國! 如果我們靠聖靈活著,就應該順著聖靈行事.


8.我們若說自己沒有罪,就是自欺,真理就不在我們裡面了。 9 我們若承認自己的罪, 神是信實的、公義的,必定赦免我們的罪,潔淨我們脫離一切不義。



凡是說我已經認識他,卻不遵守他命令的,就是說謊的人,真理就不在他裡面了。 5 然而凡是遵守他的道的,他愛神的心就的確在他裡面完全了。這樣,我們就知道我們是在神裡面了。 6 凡說自己是住在他裡面的,就應該照著他所行的去行。


I think that the above is correct. If someone is accidentally committed the above sin, repent, and ask the Lord to cleanse us with the blood of Jesus.  In 1 John, if we confess our sins and God is faithful and He will forgive us. However, if the person keep on sinning ( e.g. 醉酒, he get drunk every week) and not repent ( the change of mind, sin no more ), then this person will be in Hell although he accept Jesus as saviour.

//What is your view about these activities? I do not want to judge others on their sins.....but everyone is conscious of their own sins and weaknesses really ! However, I am not trying to be lenient to them. I try to have empathy for them and myself. From my experience, one's weaknesses come with reasons, some are out of ignorance, some are tempted and kept tempted by sins and evils, some due to loneliness, some are moved by covetousness....etc....Lots of reasons for them to come to a situation that they cannot immediately cut off from their sins. Definitely they repeatedly sin for they themselves are too weak too overcome sins and the bondage of Satan ! All these, need to pray for them, or sometimes ourselves if it happens to us, pray God will change the situation. As Jesus says, the heart is willing the body is too weak (not strong in will) ! //
My reply:

//I do not want to judge others on their sins//

I consider that telling your brother or sister about their wrong doings is not judging.  By doing so, you can (may) bring back your brother or sister in Christ.


I would like to share with you something happened with my wife on 18 April 2010.

We went to an English Church as a famous preacher Joshua Mills came to Hong Kong preaching.  He has the gift of healing. My wife and I were greatly blessed in the church morning service.

In the praise session of the church worship service, my wife suddenly felt a great relief 輕鬆 at her heart as she had great pressure on her about her work, her son, etc.

When a sister in Christ, who from South Africa, prayed for my wife, the sister in Christ saw a picture (a vision) that a river of living water flows from the throne of grace ( the Father God sits on the throne of grace) to the head of my wife.  The river is sparkling閃閃發光的and is flowing流動的slowly.
Praise the Lord! The Lord has also healed my wife at the end of the Sunday church service when we went out for prayer. My wife felt heat at her belly 腹部 and her head was shaking搖動a few minutes as the healing angel 天使 anointed her and she was lying on the floor.

On Sunday night, my wife suddenly felt the love of God for her while she was washing the plates and bowls in the kitchen. She said that this was the first time that she felt God loves her. 


回應 (15)
2010/04/23 08:01:45 回覆


Good morning!


A life with Jesus is more beautiful! {#icons_cat1}

God loves you!  Have a beautiful day!



2010/04/22 22:39:37 回覆

God gave Kaye Beyer a beautiful 50 Ct precious stone for making a ring. I love to have one too.

50Ct Stone from Heaven

2010/04/22 22:38:29 回覆

God gave Kaye Beyer a beautiful 50 Ct green colour precious stone for making a ring.  Do you want to have one?  I do!  .  I want the Lord to give me one for my wife. 

God bless! 


Dr. Kaye Beyer - A Minister of God's Provision ( 50 Ct gemstone)  Please watch the video from 2' 30". You will see the beautiful ring.

2010/04/22 22:35:32 回覆

The hidden Manna often found at the Chapter 2 of the Revelation.

Please see the heavenly manna 嗎哪 found in a Christian meeting.  The manna were suddenly appeared on the floor. You may reject this happening if you have doubt.  I just let you know that Manna 嗎哪was not only given to the Jews three thousand years ago.  They are still given to some devoted Christians, such as Dr. Kaye Beyer  and her husband who had already passed away a few years agoMiracles are still happening on earth today, not limited to 2000 years ago.

The hidden Manna often found at the Chapter 2 of the Revelation.  They were eaten and sickness were gone. It is a good medicine. Reports for curing diseases were noted.

Please see the heavenly manna 嗎哪 found in a Christian meeting. 

啟示錄 2: 17

得勝的,我必定把那隱藏的嗎哪 ( manna) 賜給他,並且賜他一塊白石,石上寫著新的名字,這名字除了那領受的人以外,是沒有人能知道的。

Revelation 2:17

To him who overcomes, to him I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, and a new name written on the stone which no one knows but he who receives it.'

Manna Falls During Meeting!, please click the hyperlink

2010/04/22 15:53:38 回覆

有愛的人生才是完美的 {#icons_cat1}2+

2010/04/22 15:51:23 回覆

The following is my sharing with a sister in Christ who had headache for more than 10 days and many other problems.  She was fustrated and could not go to work.


I watched many video clips and sharings on the internet and I learnt the followin prayer format.

Dear sister XXXX,

I suggest that you pray the following prayer two times each day to see any improvement.


When you pray, put your hand on the body part that has pain or other problem.

I speak healing 康復 to my body in Jesus’ name. I command命令 the spirit of pain and the spirits of infirmities 疾病 to go away for I belong to Jesus. My body is the temple of God. I command the pain to leave my body in Jesus’ name. I break the power of pressure 壓力 in me by the might name of Jesus Christ.  In Jesus’ name, every organ and every cell in my body are restored 恢復 to good health.  I speak Heaven into my body that it would be on earth as it is in Heaven.  There is no sickness in Heaven. I speak good health into my body in Jesus’ name right now.

Dear Lord Jesus, Please help me and heal me.  Thank you for hearing my prayer.  In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen! 


2010/04/22 15:49:54 回覆

The following is a sharing from a lovely sister at Yahoo. blog.

Dear Brother Frankie,

Congratulation to your 1st year blog anniversary!

Thanks God that we meet each other here in Yahoo Blog. You are one of the devoted Christian I have ever met and willing to share God's love to other people. I feel happy that your wife experience the healing from the Higher Hands!

May God bless you and your family!

2010/04/22 15:49:13 回覆

The following is a sharing from a good sister in Christ

//感謝神讓我們在這裡相識,很欣賞你在弟兄姊妹前的敢言,地獄是真實的,可是人大部份時間都不想去想它。說真的,有時我會想你常常叫人悔改,否則會有地獄的刑罰,會否令人反感呢? 曾聽過許多人有這方面的不快經歷。不過,我想我們互為肢體,就像不同器官,各有功用。神就是藉著你的經歷、你的見證去揭示各人心裡面的陰暗面,讓人反思自己的生命。願主的愛時刻充滿你,又願你常常在主內分別為聖,為主所用!//

My reply:

Dear sister XXXX,

Thank you for your honest and sincere sharing. 

After my second repentance, I came to know that Christians who are living in sinful life will end up in Hell. The Lord revealed many supernatural things to me through the internet.  I often watched Christian testimonies on Youtube, CBN, and TBN, etc. I came to know that Hell is a terrible place and the torture by demons in Hell is very frightening. However, I am a born-again Christian for 34 years.  However, I never heard proper teachings in Church or bible studies about this subject. 

I understand that my friends will be offended when I tell them the truth, i.e, without Jesus, they will be in Hell.  In general, I seldom told them the details of Hell for I knew very little about it.


2010/04/22 10:07:20 回覆

是時候往前走 -作者:查思博牧師










2010/04/22 09:55:58 回覆

Regarding the feed-back from blog mate XXX, My views are:

My views and his comment:

( 1 )

Jesus Christ is the only way to God.

the only way to  God ,    " ( ) ,

     " " ,

    ,  " "       ,       ,


My view: Jesus is the only way to God. I opine that Jesus Christ is the only route, path to God.  Jesus Christ said, I am the way (道路), the truth, and the life, no man come to my father but by me’’ 約翰福音 14: 6 我就是道路、真理、生命,如果不是藉著我,沒有人能到父那裡去. 


( 2 )

20 : 3. 除我以外,你不可有別的神。4.不可為自己做偶像,也不可做天上、地下和地底下水中各物的形象。 5. 不可跪拜它們,也不可事奉它們,因為我耶和華你們的 神是忌邪的神.


    "            .

My view: The Ten Commandments were given by God to Man.  The application of the Ten Commandments are not limited to the Jews only. Jesus Christ said that He came not to abolish 廢除 the law but to fulfill 完成 the law.


( 3 )

 You cannot be a Christian and you believe in 佛教 at the same time.  If you did so, you will end up in Hell.  I hope that you can repent (change of mind ).


   ,   的人


  ,    " " ,  

,     ,        .

My view:  The aforesaid reminder to Blog mate XX was given to him out of the love of God, not of any evil intention 意圖. May the Lord open his spiritual eyes and see the truth!

走天路的人  Frankie

2010/04/22 09:52:28 回覆

The following was my sharing with a blog mate XX


Jesus Christ is the only way to God.

出 埃 及 記 20 : 3. 除我以外,你不可有別的神。4.不可為自己做偶像,也不可做天上、地下和地底下水中各物的形象。 5. 不可跪拜它們,也不可事奉它們,因為我耶和華你們的 神是忌邪的神.

You cannot be a Christian and you believe in 佛教 at the same time.  If you did so, you will end up in Hell.  I hope that you can repent ( change of mind ).


The following was blog mate XX reply and his view on the above mentioned issue.


you will end up in Hell. 


( 1 )

Jesus Christ is the only way to God.

the only way to  God ,  指 的 是 " 道 " (真 理 ) ,

而 不 是 單  單  指  "基 督 " ,

不 要  忘  記 ,  "基 督 "   降  世  , 只  有 二  千  年,

而  人  類  出  現   于   地  球   約  百  萬 年.


( 2 )

出 埃 及 記 20 : 3. 除我以外,你不可有別的神。4.不可為自己做偶像,也不可做天上、地下和地底下水中各物的形象。 5. 不可跪拜它們,也不可事奉它們,因為我耶和華你們的 神是忌邪的神.

說 這 些 話 的 是 猶 太 教 徒 ,

亦 是 把  " 基 督 "  侮 辱 與  釘 死  在 十  字   架 的 人.


( 3 )

 You cannot be a Christian and you believe in 佛教 at the same time.  If you did so, you will end up in Hell.  I hope that you can repent ( change of mind ).

請 問  該  入 地 地 獄 的  , 

說 這 些 惡 毒  話 的 人  , 還 是 聽 這 些 惡 毒  話 的人


一 個  基 督 徒 , 只 信  " 基 督 " ,  

並 没 有 錯 , 以  免  分 心 , 特  別  基 礎  階 段 者.


I disagree his view and explanation.

走天路的人 Frankie

2010/04/22 09:50:07 回覆


Dear sister,

Good morning!  Thank you for your sharing.

The following is my view:

//凡事謙虛、溫柔、忍耐,用愛心互相寬容。//These are teachings from the Lord and we need to follow them. If we have the love of God in our heart and the in-filling of the Holy Spirit daily, we are able to do it although it is difficult to follow.

If you know that an angel is watching you and what you have done are recorded both in written and video records, will you do it as instructed in the bible?  Remember, we have to face our judge Jesus Christ when we die in future.


May the Lord open our spiritual eyes so that we can see the importance of being an obedient child of God!


凡是說我已經認識他卻不遵守他命令的,就是說謊的人,真理就不在他裡面了。 5 然而凡是遵守他的道的,他愛神的心就的確在他裡面完全了。這樣,我們就知道我們是在神裡面了。 6 凡說自己是住在他裡面的,就應該照著他所行的去行。

2010/04/21 10:01:42 回覆

深層潔淨 - 作者:查思博牧師







2010/04/20 15:22:34 回覆


Good afternoon!

Thank you for coming to my blog.  Have a pleasant afternoon!

God bless!



2010/04/20 15:08:18 回覆

Happy anniversary!  Add oil! +1
