
2010/04/28 10:00:16 網誌分類: 恆指走勢
28 Apr






回應 (5)
2010/04/30 09:42:22 回覆

Hi mkm,


Thanks for your interesting bible story.


The bailout of Greece is almost a must for all EU members, as no one can afford a default in Greece which may lead to demise of Euro.


Especially, the US has just managed to get rid of the debacle of the failure of their banks.  I am pretty sure that the bailout of Greece will be in line with American interests.


As such, I don’ t expect that the Greece crisis will escalate into another global financial catastrophe.  Instead, I am more worried about the Mainland authority’s austerity measures.  

2010/04/29 18:55:39 回覆

hi Mr Fisher,

Well, what do you think about the current PIIGS debt crisis?

I confess that i know very little, and I am normally not a conspiracy junkie, but the fact that another "crisis" is about to be triggered by downgrading is a parallel to the same rating agencies giving CDO's AAA grade before the financial crisis.

Vultures fly overhead when they smell "death".

In the Bible, there was a story about a Hebrew named Joseph, who became the 2nd in command of all Egypt, telling all Egyptians to sell themselves and their sons and daughters to the Pharoah for grain during a severe famine........the grain was in fact a tax upon the people in years of bountiful harvests........

Interesting observation from Marc Mobius, at least he's not a fear-mongerer - http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=a0YQ1Qd60rLk

2010/04/29 10:09:40 回覆

Hi naive,

I' m not so sure whether HSI will d rop to below 20000 this time, as the fundamentals remain sound.

For your information, I guess it is 50-50 that the Dow may break through 14000, the peak seen in 2007.  If that happens, HSI may stay above 30000.

2010/04/29 02:55:06 回覆

Hi :

Thank your for your analysis.

Hope your forecast is correct because I plan to buy at 19,500 and 18,500. The last bet will be at 10% up from the HSI bottom or at 16,000 if bear really comes back.

2010/04/28 17:23:37 回覆
2010/04/27 18:38





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