
2010/05/06 07:49:59 網誌分類: 宗教
06 May


The following was my sharing with a sister in Christ on 3 May 2010,

//起初你是為何會信主的 ? 我是為了得到永生才信主,做決志祈禱...但有些人覺得信主為了得永生是不應該的, 她說不是等價交換..我心想, 如果信主的人死後得不到永生, 甚至要下地獄, 他們會否仍去教會 ? 他們自命高人一等, 去批評別人. 我有一次去恩福堂五牧, 那個女導師叫有返其他團契的人去返自己的團契. 她又說我為何為了得永生才信主. 那麼應該為了什麼原因才信主 ?? //

My reply:

Dear sister,

//起初你是為何會信主的 ? //

I am a siner.  I was living in sinful life. I experienced that God is real .  After my second repentence, I spent 7- 8 hours each day in the first 6 months for watching video testimonies, learning Christian teachings from various websites, learning what God is doing around the world.  I have watched over 300 Christian testimonies about their personal experience with God and the Holy Spirit through a Christian TV programme - Sid Roth's Messianic Vision It's Supernatural - and a Spiritual gift seminar organised by CBN. 

God is real. The devil is real.  The demons are real. Hell is real. From the Christian testimonies, it was noted  that there are various degree of punishements and types of punishment in Hell. 

//為何為了得永生才信主. // There is nothing wrong to accept Jesus as saviour and Lord for the sake of securing everlasting life 永生 ( eternal presence with God).  God wanted us to repent and accept Jesus as saviour so that our relationship with God can be restored. We can become son or daughter of God because He loves us.

For details of my testimonies, pl. read the following blog messages.

Frankie 的見證


Two prophecy (預言) from God for Frankie.


My dreams from God.


Brothers and sisters in Leeds


苦路 and 主釘十架


Please also read my blog messages about Hell.

23 Minutes in Hell 地獄, by Bill Wiese


天堂地獄的啟示 by 卡特琳巴斯德牧師

Rev. Mary Kathryn Baxter



Philip Mantofa  (腓力曼都法牧師 的地獄之旅).


//我覺得舊約故事可能有些是故事, 不是事實, 有人就話我不是信主.

我聽朋友說, 信主的人會認為全本聖經都是事實, 是真的.

為了得到永生, 相信部分是真實: 如耶穌死而復活洗我們罪是事實.

但又難相信祂當時是人, 能夠行在水上, 五餅二魚....你認為我是信主嗎 ??//

My reply:

Dear Cathy,

//我覺得舊約故事可能有些是故事, 不是事實//

You are wrong. All books in the bible are inspired by the Holy Spirit.  It is 100% correct.  They have reported true facts of real happenings.

If you have doubts about the accuracy of the bible, you must repent (a change of mind ) and request God to forgive you. Tell the Lord that you are very sorry about your doubts. May the blood of Jesus to cleanse you from all your sins. You can command the spirit of liar to leave you in the name of Jesus. You can command the spirit of doubt to leave you and no return in the name of Jesus.

//祂當時是人, 能夠行在水上, 五餅二魚...//. Jesus is God and God in the fresh ( God in man ).  Therefore, He can do supernatural things. In the past 10 years in Africa, over 100 people has risen from the Dead after prayer due to temporary death. It was reported by Heidi Baker.  She also reported that many times in her experience, God provided food for them.  Sometimes food just suddenly appeared on the table.  If you have widen your knowledge, you will know that God is working in this world in many areas.  I have read over 300 testimonies in Sid Roth's Messianic :  You can watch each week archieved video clips ( about 20 minutes ). You will be amazed of what God is doing nowadays. Open up your eyes and see the world. Don't limit your circle.

Sid Roth's :





You can watch CBN seminars.:

Bobby Conner


Kris Vallotton and Chris Quilala


Sharon Stone with Gordon Robertson


and many other good video clips on the websites.

Good teachings from City Harvest Church in Singapore.




website of Revival Christian Church in Hong Kong


Drawing Heaven

She is now 12 years old and started painting at age 4, her Mother was
an Atheist so God was never discussed in their home and she was never
taught anything about God or the bible.  She has visions and has told her Mom
she has visited heaven numerous times. She gives God the glory for her talent. She has never had an art lesson.  Her family now believes in God!  Enjoy. This 3 minute clip from CNN is so awesome. 



I just received an email about the testimony of 柴玲 

柴玲 Chai Ling, former Tiananmen Square student leader, accepted Jesus Christ as saviour and Lord in December 2009.  She was baptized and gave her testimony on Easter, April 4, 2010.

Her story is very touching.  God can do mighty works among us.  God used 一群佛教徒冒著生命危險救了我 (柴玲).  The devil attacked her inside an aeroplane in the sky. 我要坐飛機去華盛頓。在飛機上,撒旦開始攻擊我……半昏迷狀態的我,醒來感到窒息和眩暈,一種將死和失去控制的感覺。這種黑暗勢力的攻擊,是我在天安門廣場也未曾體驗過的。但是這次,我陷在了過去和將來之間,我失去了所有的目 標和意識,我丟掉了所有力量。我呼求主耶穌的幫助,攻擊才慢慢退去。  The testimony is so amazing. Please spend 30 minutes reading this great testimony .

The testimony of 柴玲 in Chinese published at a Christian newspaper.


 For English, pl. read the following link:



5 May 2010

回應 (6)
2010/05/08 13:59:27 回覆



Thank you for coming to my blog.

Regarding your question, I understand that most of the true Christians have peace in their heart.  As for me, I have been to churches for about 45 years  and I have accepted Jesus Christ as my saviour for 34 years. However, I have been back-slide for about 10 years and I came back to God since 18 months ago.  From my experience, I can have peace in my heart because I knew that the creator of this universe, my saviour Jesus Christ looks after me.  God forgave my sins and He accepted me as a child of God.

You may read my testimony at the following link:

Frankie 的見證


You are welcome to ask me questions.  I am an ordinary Christian and I will try my best to give you an answer.

Have a happy weekend!


2010/05/08 12:40:28 回覆





2010/05/06 17:10:54 回覆


Feed on spiritual food. Do not always be a small baby; grow and become adult.

Have a happy day!


希伯來書 5

論到這些事,我們有很多話要說,可是很難解釋;因為你們已經遲鈍了,聽不進去。 12 到這個時候,你們應該已經作老師了可是你們還需要有人再把神道理的初步教導你們。你們成了只能吃奶而不能吃乾糧的人 13 凡是吃奶的,還是個嬰孩,對公義的道理沒有經歷; 14 只有長大成人的,才能吃乾糧,他們的官能因為操練純熟,就能分辨是非了。

2010/05/06 16:55:43 回覆

No matter i am happy or sad.

God always stand by me.

2010/05/06 16:34:17 回覆

Happy Mother’s day!

Mother Of Mine-Hayley Westenra


2010/05/06 09:36:08 回覆


The daily bread on 6 May 2010 for Frankie

遭遺棄的考驗 -作者:查思博牧師





