
2010/05/11 20:20:59 網誌分類: 旅遊
11 May


About four years ago, my family visited some relatives

in Australia. We spent 7 days in 悉尼.

悉尼(英文: Sydney),又叫雪梨,係澳洲新南威爾斯首府,坐落響澳洲東岸。響1788阿瑟菲臘 (Arthur Phillip)同第一艦隊登陸悉尼洞,聲稱澳洲係大英帝國嘅屬地。



Some suggestions, 別錯過
  • 在邦迪海灘(Bondi)或棕櫚海灘(Palm)追逐完美的海浪。
  • 在歷史上著名的岩石區(Rocks)水濱、鮑莫路(Balmoral)海灘或在手指碼頭(Woolloomooloo Wharf)進餐。
  • 不論晝夜參加爬橋活動(BridgeClimb),攀登到宏偉的拱形悉尼海港大橋(Sydney Harbour Bridge)的最高點。
  • 參加土著遺產導遊團,看看悉尼皇家植物園(Royal Botanic Gardens)中的果蝠和30公頃的主題園林。
  • 在日落時或者隨時乘坐曼利渡輪(Manly Ferry),體驗悉尼最價廉物美的刺激消遣。
  • 在遙望海港的塔龍加動物園(Taronga Zoo)或者達令港的悉尼野生生物世界(Sydney Wildlife World)認識一下澳洲獨有的動物。
  • 在悉尼歌劇院(Sydney Opera House)感受美侖美奐、不可思議的演出,或者在新南威爾斯藝術畫廊(Art Gallery of New South Wales)欣賞世界上最好的土著藝術展之一。
  • 從達令港乘坐遊艇出海漫遊或者噴射式快艇尋找刺激。



Sydney Bridge


Telstra Stadium

inside a museum

Queen Victoria Building - a shopping hall

The building was completed in 1898

 inside Queen Victoria Building 

The interior with the Great Australian Clock

Australian National Maritime Museum at 達令港 Darling Harbour

達令港 Darling Harbour

Sydney Convention centre - Darling Habour

Darling Habour

Darling Habour

 I visited this warship軍艦

A big bird standing in front of a shop, waiting for food

Fishing at Sydney

塔龍加動物園(Taronga Zoo



On the way to Three sisters mountain

On the way to Three sisters mountain

On the way to Three sisters mountain

Three sisters mountain


小鎮 Kiama Blow Hole 吹穴(浪花洞)

Kiama 噴水洞是該區著名的景點之一,因為天然的地理環境,



向天發射,最高可達 25 米。

小鎮 Kiama

Wollongong 市中心往 Kiama 車程約需 40 分鐘 (35km)

Fishing boats

A local Chinese church


My friend,


Nothing happened in our life is by accident. It is not an accident that you come to visit this blog.  It is not an accident that you come and read the blog messages.  There is always a purpose.  God is leading you to come to here. You come to this blog so that you can be encouraged when you faced difficulties, discourage, a suffering and a hard time.  You come to this blog so that you can read the blog messages and come to know Jesus Christ, the only way to God.  Repent (a change of mind, turn away from a sinful life) and live in a glorious life; change from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light.


Have a joyful Wednesday!

God bless you!  May God give you courage and strength to face new challenges on a new day!



The following is my sharing with a blog mate denia on 13 May 2010.




Dear denia, Thank you for your sharing.  I agree with you that 真正的朋友最終都會留在自己身邊的.  One of my friends is Jesus Christ.

Have a happy day!


回應 (10)
2010/05/13 14:33:32 回覆


This is a beautiful day!  The sun is shining.

Have a joyful afternoon!



2010/05/13 14:19:21 回覆

悉尼很漂亮 {#icons_cat2}

2010/05/13 08:24:34 回覆

Christians should not back-slide 後退

希伯來書 10

38.我的義人必因信得生,如果他後退,我的心就不喜悅他39 但我們不是那些後退以致滅亡的人,而是有信心以致保全生命的人。

2010/05/13 08:23:53 回覆

Warning ! 

Christians should not commit sin continually and easily

希伯來書 10

如果我們領受了真理的知識以後,還是故意犯罪,就再沒有留下贖罪的祭品了; 27 只好恐懼地等待著審判,和那快要吞滅眾仇敵的烈火 28 如果有人干犯了摩西的律法,憑著兩三個證人,他尚且得不到憐憫而死;

29 何況是踐踏神的兒子,把那使他成聖的立約的血當作俗物,又侮辱施恩的聖靈的人,你們想想,他不是應該受更嚴厲的刑罰嗎 30 因為我們知道誰說過:伸冤在我,我必報應又說:主必定審判他自己的子民31 落在永活的神手裡,真是可怕的

2010/05/13 08:22:51 回覆

當跟隨神 -作者:查思博牧師










2010/05/12 17:06:38 回覆

My friend,

I just watched a great sermon given by Rev. Kong Hee. 

Please listen to the preaching by Rev. Kong Hee dated 17 April 2010 about the topic of Power of Forgiveness at the following link:



Note : the sermon started about 44 minutes later.



2010/05/12 11:14:44 回覆

The following is my sharing with a blog mate this morning,

Good morning!

It is alright that you may not fully understand the gospel(good news) about Jesus Christ at this moment.  You may start by praying to Jesus Christ everyday with a 3 minutes prayer.  Prayer is just a talk to God. You may speak to Him everything at any time.  You can also start reading bible 聖經for 15 minutes each day. You may buy a bible or reading the bible on the internet.  Here below is a hyperlink.  You may start reading 約翰福音 first



耶和华 : is the name of God .

God has a son and this son is named 耶稣, or 主耶稣.

There is only one God and God is in three persons, namely, the Father God

父神 , Jesus 主耶稣 and the Holy Spirit 聖靈


主 is mostly refer to Jesus in New Testiment 新約 of the bible. However, it may refer to God (神) as well in the old testiment 舊約 of the bible.


2010/05/12 11:09:15 回覆

There are two types of books in Heaven for recording the names of human beings.   

One is the Lamb's book of Life 羔羊生命冊 which recorded the names of people who are born-again Christians and they are faithful and obedient to the Lord Jesus until the end of their life on earth. 

There is another type of book called the book of life 生命冊 (啟廿: 12) which recorded all the details of the life of each individual on earth.  Therefore, be careful what you did on earth. Every piece of good and bad deeds 行為 is recorded.  Remember this, please.

Brother Frankie

2010/05/12 09:39:24 回覆


Good morning! Thank you for sharing! 

悉尼——好美的城市. However, I like the outskirt 市郊 of 悉尼.

Have a happy Wednesday!


2010/05/12 00:00:38 回覆


悉尼——好美的城市——留下了您的足跡,值得回味! {#99.gif}+1
