A Glimpse of Heaven - by Cliff Smith

2010/05/26 08:51:33 網誌分類: 宗教
26 May

A Glimpse of Heaven

Cliff Smith was a soldier and he was wounded in war.

This man had a near-death experience.  He was seriously wounded at the Vietnam War. At one moment, his spirit came out of his body. He found that he was inside a hallway.  You may start watching at the second video where he talked about his experience in the hallway.  He requested God to give him a second chance. His request was immediately granted and his spirit came back to his body on earth.


Cliff Smith, who was a Vietnam War Veteran, describes dying during the Vietnam War and seeing Heavens gates before getting a second chance at life. He describes the angel, the bright light and Gods blessing ...

A Glimpse of Heaven & Second Chance At Life Part 1 ( testimony at war in Vietnam.)

A Glimpse of Heaven & Second Chance At Life Part 2 ( testimony about meeting his guardian angel; later God gave him a second chance and allow him to come back to earth)


The following is a feedback from a sister in Christ.

午安 Frankie!

說得對! 神造人有不同的性格和意志, 而人又有不同的成長經歷, 因此就各有不同的視野和觀點。我們需要求主賜下智慧,也要具備同理心, 除了看自己, 也要多站在他人的角度看, 盡量減少不必要的衝突, 務求在不遺反真理之下, 達至求同存異的精神。

林前 10:23 凡事都可行, 但不都有益處; 凡事都可行, 但不都造就人。所以, 5:15 你們要謹慎行事, 不要像愚昧人, 當像智慧人。

5:2 也要憑愛心行事, 正如基督愛我們, 為我們捨了自己, 當作馨香的供物和祭物, 獻與上帝。

帖前 2:12 要叫你們行事對得起那召你們進祂國得祂榮耀的上帝

GOD bless you!


A sharing from a sister in Christ for Frankie.

Please be positive still even though things seemed to be getting worse! I have just got a very strong feeling that God wants you to learn something which would be very important in serving HIM. Maybe HE wants to completely break yourself down, namely not to bother about what people would think about but to do what is pleasing in God's sight.
It is because people always make mistakes, have conflicts and misunderstandings amongst themselves, but HE will never ever make any mistake at all!

so, please do not take your eyes off HIM (Jesus Christ)!  


The song - Quando Sento Che Mi Ami - sung by

Sissel and Jose Carreras - is so lovely.

You have no regret if you can spend a few minutes

to listen to their exceptional performance.


Priscilla Ahn's "A Dream"


惟有自卑,才能升高 -作者:查思博牧師




詩人寫道: 我將一切珍寶獻在你的腳前;你的滿足就是我最大的賞賜。你過去作所的配得讚美;主啊,你真奇妙!

回應 (6)
2010/05/27 13:29:23 回覆

約翰一書 4:19-21

我們愛,因為神先愛我們。 20 人若說我愛神,卻恨他的弟兄,就是說謊的。不愛看得見的弟兄,就不能愛看不見的神。 21 愛神的,也應當愛弟兄,這就是我們從神領受的命令。

If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen.

馬太福音 5:43-48


你們聽過有這樣的吩咐:當愛你的鄰舍,恨你的仇敵。44 可是我告訴你們,當愛你們的仇敵,為迫害你們的祈禱, 45 好叫你們成為你們天父的兒子;因為他使太陽照惡人,也照好人;降雨給義人,也給不義的人。 46 如果你們只愛那些愛你們的人,有甚麼賞賜呢?稅吏不也是這樣作嗎? 47 如果你們單問候你們的弟兄,有甚麼特別呢?教外人不也是這樣作嗎 48 所以你們要完全,正如你們的天父是完全的。 

2010/05/27 12:31:08 回覆

The following is a sharing with a blog mate who is not Christian.

Man and God are of great difference.  Man was c reated 創造 by God on the sixth day of God’s creation.  God is the creator of this universe. Religion is no good. It cannot bring you real peace 平安.  As human beings, we have a spirit inside us.  After physical death, our spirit will either go to Heaven or go to Hell 地獄.  All human beings have sinned against God and will be punished.  If we accepted Jesus Christ as our master 主人of our life on earth (Lord ) and our saviour拯救者/救世主, God will forgive us since Jesus had already paid the price on our behalf for the punishment when He died on the cross of Calvary. A religion cannot save you from the wrath 憤怒 of God at the end of your life on earth. Jesus Christ is the only way to God.



2010/05/27 11:04:05 回覆






2010/05/26 23:33:48 回覆


That is one of my favourite food.  Thank you!

Good night!



2010/05/26 23:25:23 回覆

Brother Frankie,

good evening ! Like it ?


2010/05/26 17:20:49 回覆

The following is my sharing with a brother in Christ.

//福音是恩典,不是靠善行可以得到, 這樣問題就來了,因為跟本無尺量, 怎樣知什麼是對什麼是錯//

The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth.  In Romans 7, it mentioned about two laws in us. If you have the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit will guide you. If you yield to the law of the spirit, you will not sin. If you yield to the flesh, you may sin. The bible said that the peace 平安 in our heart will guide us in making decision 決定/判斷.  If you are a born-again Christian, you will not participate 參與 football gambling, smoking ( cause harm to your health), going to sex websites, buying sex magazine, etc.  The Holy Spirit will indicate to you that you are wrong if you did such things.  You will have an uneasy 心神不安的 and uncomfortable feelings.

沒有可能加句「大罪小罪」的答案, 因為神看罪無大小,是有還是無//

The bible said that the children of God will not continue/ keep on sinning.  If he/she did so, they did not truly repent (a change of mind, turn away from sins). They may go to Hell. Jesus is the most high priest 大祭司 and Jesus is now praying for the world and for us to the Father God in Heaven.  If we accidentally sinned, we confess to God and ask the blood of Jesus to cleanse us.  God is faithful and He will forgive us.  God loves us and He does not trap us. The blood of Jesus will cleanse our sins committed in the past, the present and the future. If we truly repented and we accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour, we put our whole trust in Jesus and He is our master, He will carry us through to Heaven.  No need to worry. However, we need to walk with Jesus daily, follow His teachings and love one another as Jesus loves us.

//不是每個人死前都可以原諒他一生的仇敵, 也不是每個人都知自己的神學知識有否誤差.天主教講的都有誤差,我們可以說他些比我們還有愛心的天主教徒不能得見主面?除了滿頭問號還有什麼?//

Jesus taught us to forgive others (example: to forgive your brother 70 X 7 times; in Greek, it referred to unlimited number of times).  If we did not forgive others, the Father God will not forgive us.  That was said in the bible.  Therefore, we must forgive others. Jesus taught us to forgive our enemies and pray for those who persecuted迫害us.  Therefore, we must 原諒我們一生的仇敵 and those people who sinned against us.   About Catholic friends, I think that those Catholic friends will be saved if they truly love the Lord Jesus Christ and they accepted Him as master of their life and the Saviour.

Brother Frankie  

