Grace Williams

2010/07/16 23:12:45 網誌分類: 基督教歌曲
16 Jul


Spirit Come - Grace Williams

Your Anointing - Grace Williams


Holy Spirit Rain Down

An extract from the book 烈火的洗禮 (Baptize by Blazing Fire #2  Book 2)

Jesus commanded that we never commit the sin of adultery. Among the countless of people going to hell, many of them are adulterers. The Lord had reminded us, "Didn't your church members witness the adulterers tormenting in hell? Adultery is a sin that is very difficult to repent." The Lord hates His people committing spiritual adultery but He also despises people committing physical adultery even more.

Many ministers and church members are deluded in thinking that if they just confess their sins using the name of Jesus, they are absolutely forgiven.
As a result, they continue to commit the same sin, repent again and think they are covered by grace. They trample 踐踏 on grace and do not hesitate to commit the same adulterous sin over and over. The Lord resented their delusion. (Revelation 2:21-23) Before a person comes to Jesus, they do evil out of ignorance. Jesus is very angry that people have accepted Him as their Lord, but continue to sin repeatedly without hesitation. The Lord shouted angrily, "It will be very difficult to forgive ministers who commit adultery in secret. If they do not repent sincerely, they will end up in hell. "


The following is my sharing with a sister in Christ in USA about shaking of hands in some Christian meetings.

Dear sister,

Thank you for your sharing about the peculiar 罕見的 behaviors in some charismatic (靈恩) meetings or 靈恩 churches.  Based on my experience in the past 30 years, I think that the shaking of head/hands, striking by the Holy Spirit and later falling down on the floor, are very common in those meetings.  These people were come under the influence/power of the Holy Spirit and some peculiar behaviors were seen.  Christians may have visions and some of them may be caught up in spirit to Heaven.  I believe that 80% of them are genuine cases. 

I believe that the gifts of the Holy Spirit 靈恩 are still manifested in our present days on earth although 85-90% of the churches in HK denied their existence (that is a great tragedy).  I must confess that I did not have any spiritual gift as stated in 1 Cor. Chapter 12.  I did not purposely seek spiritual gifts because I knew that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are given to the believers according to the will of the Holy Spirit and the willingness of the believers to receive them.  Here below are some video clips about divine healing at which you can see people with shaking of hands and falling to the ground under the power of the Holy Spirit.  Some people are afraid of these peculiar behaviors because they are lacking of such experience/knowledge. 

Always remember, we can test the spirit in case of doubt in accordance with the guidelines laid down in the bible (Is Jesus Christ is Lord?; Did Jesus Christ came to earth in the flesh?).

May the Lord Jesus guide you and protect you wherever you go?

Brother Frankie,  16 July 2010

Andres Bisonni Ministries

Miracles in Holy Spirit Crusade in Ecuador!


Andres Bisonni Ministries

Amazing Miracles in Pakistan!


Holy Spirit Crusade and Miracles in Mexico City

Holy Spirit and Miracles in ISRAEL


風月堂 Orchard Garden Cafe & Restaurant

I have dinner with my parents at 風月堂 Orchard Garden Cafe & Restaurant tonight.  It was the first time that my father went to such kind of restaurant.  The place is quite special for those elderly people. It is a good place to enjoy meal for the teenagers and young couples.  We enjoyed the meal very much.

Frankie  16 July 2010

A lovely and elderly couple. God bless my parents

回應 (10)
2010/07/18 23:02:25 回覆



That small child is right.  Jesus Christ came to this earth from heaven and died on the cross of Calvary for our sins so that we need not go to Hell on the condition that we accept Him as saviour and Lord in our life on earth.


2010/07/18 22:03:02 回覆



2010/07/18 07:57:38 回覆

Dear May,

Good morning!  Thank you for your blessing.  My father is 83.  I hope that they can have a better life and know Jesus more than a saviour.

Have a happy Sunday!


2010/07/18 01:10:19 回覆




2010/07/17 21:51:28 回覆

Dear 如玉, 

Thank you for your kind advice and reminder.

Have a joyful Sunday!  Good night!


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2010/07/17 16:09:55 回覆

父母都健在而且看上去身體很不錯,Frankie 好福氣!


2010/07/17 15:30:59 回覆


Good afternoon!  Have a happy weekend!


qqcheng (小吉)
qqcheng (小吉) 2010/07/17 13:13:56 回覆

thank animations

2010/07/17 11:37:38 回覆

Gary and Kathi Oates

Gary Oates was a good partner of John Wimber in the Vineyard Movement. John Wimber was one of the Christians who has greatly promoted the charismatic (靈恩) movement in 70s.  John Wimber was the father of Sean Wimber who is the husband of Christy Wimber.  Christy is one of the pastors of the Yorba Linda Vineyard in Southern California, which was planted back in 2006. Both Christy and Sean were the key workmen in the Vineyard Movement since the beginning, back in 1977.

United Kingdom Mission Trip Report

Supernatural Encounters and Miracles Abound in Brazil   Jul 17, 2007
Brazil Mission Trip Report

In this same meeting, there was a little boy, who was one week away from being four years old. He was wearing very thick glasses. The lenses were thick like the bottom of a Coke bottle. Throughout the meeting, the little boy was worshipping, dancing and moving among the people enjoying the presence of God. At the conclusion of the meeting, he went to his car with his mother. He took his glasses off and threw them down. His mother asked him what he was doing. He told her, Jesus had healed his eyes and he did not need his glasses any more. His mother told us he went around all that day with his hands raised to the Lord saying, hallelujah, hallelujah. We saw the little boy and his mother a few days later. He was not wearing his glasses and could see perfectly! Hallelujah, indeed!

Due to an accident, the joint in a man's finger had been totally destroyed. He had no ability to bend or even flex his finger. In response to a word of knowledge, the man came forward and received a restored joint and complete range of motion in his little finger.

In a relatively poor Baptist church in Londrina there was great freedom, excitement, energy and joy in their worship of God. At one point during worship, they parted the assembly in order to c reate an aisle for Jesus to come in. As this was done, one of the team members saw Jesus, appearing as the Son of Man, walk into the building and down the aisle they had created for Him. He was dressed in a white robe that was trimmed in gold. He was smiling and enjoying the worship that was going on around Him. He walked down the aisle to the front of the church, where He turned and was smiling broadly to all of the people.

One team member had a face-to-face encounter with the Ancient of Days. She could clearly see His facial features and the rich beauty and ancient quality of His eyes. His eyes were emitting brilliant diamond-like light. From there, she was shown a bound and sleeping giant, which represented Brazil . God sent warrior angels and a call for intercession to free the sleeping giant.

Mike taught powerfully in several afternoon sessions exclusively for the team. He shared the prophetic strategies God has given him for advancing the kingdom of God over cities and nations and the importance of understanding and praying the Lord's prayer in our everyday lives. Davi shared his testimony of being healed as a child from Down's syndrome and his throne room experience with the four living creatures. They sang and prayed a prayer of impartation over the entire team for the worship anointing of the four living creatures

18 Feb 2007

Each service ran a full two hours. The church seats 1800 and all the services were full except for the 1 o’clock service when “only” about 1000 were present. There was no break between services – the only way you knew one service had ended and another had begun was that the worship music started up again. Ah, yes, the worship music. Even those of us who don’t understand more than a word or two of Spanish were covered with glory bumps and ushered into the very Throne Room of God! What a glorious experience! Anita and others took many photographs – and the Glory of the Lord shined forth in the photos. A host of angels could also be seen in the photos, joining everyone in lifting praises to our Holy God.

God was especially touching eye problems that evening, along with other conditions. A man in a wheelchair got up and walked. There were pictures circulating the next day of him riding a bike to church! One of our beloved interpreters, Sergio, received a special blessing: God gave him a supernatural tooth filling. But not just any tooth filling…a gold one! As someone said, “God didn’t just fill his tooth – he gave him some ‘bling-bling’!”

Because of the breakthroughs when Kathi ministered, the last session of the conference experienced an open heaven over the meeting. As Gary began ministry time, a portal opened over the left side of the church as healing angels began to descend on the people. It was interesting to see that almost all of the people who came to testify came from that section of the room.

England, Ireland, & Wales Mission Trip Report     22 Dec 2006

One young man had found gold dust on his hands earlier and believed it was a sign that he would be healed of liver problems. He asked God for confirmation and asked that someone would have a word of knowledge for liver problems – and one of the members did! He stood to receive healing and testified that he could feel things changing in his body. He said he would go to the doctor to get himself checked out. Later that evening when a team member prayed for him, God took him into the spirit into a third heaven visitation where he saw the throne room. He was completely “wrecked” afterwards and could not even speak without garbling his words and bursting into tears, still overcome with the power of his experience.

Report on Meetings in Alaska, Massachusetts, and Ohio
September 2006

A teenager had a major encounter with an angel. He was not walking with Lord and reluctantly came to the meeting. While he was standing in the middle of the portal, an angel had a strong grip on the boy’s wrist and would not let go. It looked like a tug-a-war going on as he was being pulled in different directions, while trying to hold his ground. This went on for several minutes. He was exhausted by the time the angel let go. Even the next morning his wrist was sore. It reminds me of Jacob wrestling with the angel. It changed the boy’s life. He’s now on fire for God.

August 10-25, 2006

PRAYER MOUNTAIN The conference was held at Pujeon Prayer Mountain outside of the city of Ulsan . The place was packed and everyone sat on the floor. They said it was the largest crowd in the 10 year history of Prayer Mountain . One of the pastors said the conference was, “an historic event”. The meeting the first night was OFF THE CHARTS!! At the end, during ministry time, there was a spontaneous eruption of the Holy Spirit. God visited the place with His manifest presence. A portal opened over the room and the glory of God fell! The people began crying out, shaking, coughing (sovereign deliverances), falling like flies…the floor was littered with bodies. This went on non-stop for 17 minutes!!! Gary never spoke a word the whole time. A very high percent had their eyes opened to see into the spiritual realm, and some were taken to heaven. Gary never spoke about healing that night but during the outpouring more than 20 people were sovereignly healed. God just did it! It was one of those rare meetings where God showed up big time! Really awesome!! Gary ’s interpreter said with tears in her eyes, “I’ve never seen anything like this”…

A lady with arm and wrist pain since giving birth 13 years ago was healed. Not only that…she was believing that her eyes would be healed at the meeting so she took her contacts out before she came to church. God saw her great faith and healed her. She now has perfect vision. -Teenage boy with long standing serious knee pain who walked with a limp was totally healed. -A lady who suffered with major migraines for years and was experience great pain during the meeting was healed. She said the power of God came on her, she went down, had a vision of Jesus touching her, and all the pain left! -A humorous one…a lady hurt her finger two months ago in an argument with her husband and had experienced constant pain since then. She was totally healed! -A lady with chronic pain in her stomach since high school (about 20 years) was healed. -A lady with arthritis all over her body had great difficulty sitting down was healed and could both sit and from a standing position bend all the way over touching her fingers on the floor

Manizales, Colombia Mission Trip Report (July 18 – July 24, 2006)

This was a first for me! During morning prayer, I was praying blessings over each member of our team. As I prayed, an angel of the Lord walked briskly up to me. As the angel approached, his left hand was on his stomach; with his right hand, he reached out and took the blessing I was praying at that time. Immediately, the angel turned and hurried away to deliver the blessing to the particular people for whom I was praying. I was thrilled to see that form of transfer of blessing in the realm of the spirit.


I was praying with someone and as soon as I got done the Holy Spirit told me that there was someone coming forward in a wheelchair that He wanted me to pray for. I turned around and immediately saw a lady being brought forward in a wheelchair. I immediately began walking towards her and began asking the Holy Spirit to give me a miracle to see that lady walk out of her wheelchair. The translator told me that she had been confined to her wheelchair for the past 18 years after having had 11 major strokes. I began praying the Lord's Prayer over and over again.... I continued this prayer for sometime and then she lifted her paralyzed arm and then she began raising herself from the wheelchair and I began weeping with joy and thanking my Sweet Jesus for the miracle. She walked around the Church and left her wheelchair behind

A young lady of 25 had been involved in an accident sometime back and one of her legs was about 1 inch shorter than the other. When she saw God lengthen the older lady’s leg by 3 inches, she said she knew God could heal her leg also. He did- We prayed and God lengthened her leg. - Several of the team members experienced flecks of gold appearing on their hands and arms as they worshipped and prayed for people. Others saw gold appearing on the hands and faces of those for whom they were praying.

The Lord performed an overhaul miracle in the life of a young girl, who had never walked before. Due to some form of brain damage, the girl had disturbing eyes and paralyzed hands and legs. The mother was asked a series of questions. The covenants and yokes and curses were broken off the life of the mother first then we started praying for the young girl. After about 45 minutes of prayer, she was able to coordinate herself. God touched her neck and she was able to hold her head straight. We pulled her out of the wheelchair and told her to walk in Jesus name. She walked for the first time in 13 years. Tears of joy and shouts of joy know no bounds, as she walked for the first time in 13 years. Praise God!

During ministry time at one of Kathi’s meetings, an angel walked up to a team member and fed him manna from heaven. We prayed for a man who had skin disease on his arms and elbow area. We saw it reduce in size. That evening he came looking for me in the service for prayer. New skin was forming over all the sores on his arm and back. He felt fire all over and a washing sensation going through him. The translator saw this and was so excited that he also wanted prayer. He had never seen this before. He wanted prayer for Cancer and HIV. He repented of his old life and the growth on his throat disappeared after we prayed. Praise the Lord!

Several team members prayed for various people with deafness and blindness and their hearing and sight were restored. One team member prayed for a tumor of the hip. The tumor disappeared and the pain stopped.   

2010/07/17 11:13:41 回覆

The following is my reply to a sister in USA about the possibility of evil spirits dwelling in Christians.

Dear sister XXX,

Thank you for your sharing!  I had also been deceived by the evil spirits 32 years ago when I studied in UK.  However, I am not going to share it with you for it may frighten you.  From what you have mentioned that Christians can be possessed by the evil spirits, I agreed with you of such allegation.  I learnt from a pastor in their anniversary DVD that he graduated in bible college at the end of 80s.  However, he was addicted to playing ‘Ma Chong’, and lust sins.  He said that he was powerless in his ministry.  After about 15 years, he received the baptism of the Holy Spirit (fullness of the Holy Spirit ). He repented and confessed his sins to God.  A total of about 30 evil spirits were casted out of him by a group of Christians in prayer.  A famous singer “胡美儀 ” has the practice of ‘氣功” in 80s. Later she became a Christian. However, some evil spirits still refused to leave her after a long time from her conversion.  A pastor later prayed for her and it took a very long time before casting out all the evil spirits in her.  I understand that Christians may have evil spirits in them if he/she purposely committed certain sins again and again without repentance or they involved evil spirits in the past.

Therefore, I agreed with you that there are cases of evil spirits possessing/dwelling in Christians who were living in sinful life. However, I believe that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are still manifested nowadays.  There are real Holy Spirit cases while there are evil one who imitating the true God to deceive people.  That is why we need to test the spirits whether they come from God or the Satan.  It is unwise to reject all cases when there is a possibility of the false/imitated case.

May the Lord give you good discernment regarding the things that related to the unseen spiritual world and the spiritual battles!

Brother Frankie  17 July 2010

Please read my dreams from God and my two prophecies at the following links.

My dreams from God.

Two prophecy (預言) from God for Frankie.
