Children's Lunch with Left-overs

2011/02/14 17:29:56 網誌分類: 語文意粉屋
14 Feb


(I used a topic from a past paper, which was for group discussion, to write this 'speech'... =.= Don't trust that I was a class teacher- since I've never been a teacher ^0^)


Whole-day education not only increases teachers’ workloads related to teaching and administration works; the lunch time, which they were able to take a rest in the past, scheduled primary school class-teachers an additional task to dine with and look after students(那是兩個任務了). It was not until recently many teachers raised the concerns about students’ left-overs in their lunch boxes. 其實這不是近來才有的問題, 但題目說「近來」, 牽強地這樣寫 ~


Despite the factors related to tight lesson schedules with students’ active engagements in extra-curricular activities or tutorial classes within the school’s context, from my observation, there are 4 main reasons for students not finishing their food.


First of all, even our teachers reflected that the lunch boxes from our caterer (/keɪtərər/) are almost tasteless. Although healthy is important, tasteless food is never stimulating to students’ appetite. Secondly, particular students in my class submitted their medical reports of  ‘mushroom allergy’. The third reason, which we really should address to, is students’ mental and physical uneasiness caused by different kinds of factors, like eating too much junk food, or being tired of classes inside or outside schools(一間學校, 應該是the school啊). Furthermore, the size of the caterer’s lunch boxes are relatively large. Consuming too much food is both harmful and impossible for young and thin students, especially those in lower forms. Higher form students are more aware of their physique and would like to keep fit and be cool in front of their peers.


To solve these problems, the school should conduct a research on students’ eating preferences, including what food they could be allergic to. Class teachers, GS and PE teachers should also cultivate correct health values to students during lunch hours and during lesson time. The school should also contact the caterer and suggest two sizes of lunch boxes, with the new one lighter, and with less price (好像用lower prices比較好?!). This is to guarantee that no students are cramming food down ‘in order not to waste money’. For students’ lack of appetite, class teachers should grab opportunities to meet those students individually and investigate into the issues.


In conclusion, there should be cooperation among teachers, the school, parents and the caterer. Last but not least, students’ voices are of paramount (/’pærəmaʊnt/) concerns with the existence of this Student Welfare Committee.(這句有點怪...)


(What's wrong: the examination requires me to talk for approximately 3 minutes, and from internet informations I sensed that I should say 540-900 words. I suppose I could not say too many words with my normal speed. This 'essay' contains 1937 words- far more than what I already could not bear...


This is a writing exercise to remind me what words and sentence structures could be used. I could only remember things after writing, saying or typing, while my memory is even poorer than anyone could imagine. This is why I need to revise so many things... maybe because I'm a bit ADHD.

In fact, I would only write key points on cue cards when doing my examination. This 'writing exercise' is to assure myself that I 'could be organised'. Of course, things could be very different when having the speaking exam...

Another blog-piece to raise self-confidence.)


還是不夠抑揚頓挫……要再留意重要字眼。語速都練過4-5次, 最後發現真的要培養情緒, 假設自己真的在演講。1937字用了3分11秒, 應該不用害怕說話太慢。(其實第一次練習時說得太快, 自己很心焦的, 慢下來就比較淡定了)

回應 (2)
ivina 2011/02/16 12:13:41 回覆

Dear Mrs Mak,

The writing is by me and the corrections are also by me. I am such a strange person that would like to mark my own works. I found errors when reading aloud the 'essay' so I put those words in between with a different colour.

Wow! Passion's really what I need... I'm really delighted to receive your suggestion ^0^

In fact, I am preparing for my LPATE. Today is my 'deadline'. Hahaha!

Thank you for your comments and I would really try my best to do my exam. Million thanks!

2011/02/16 10:00:57 回覆

Dear 芷

So good to see that you are requiring yourself to prepare well for a challenge in term of exam.  So good.

I am a bit confused about the writing you are going to present for the spoken exam.  Is it written by you?  But i can see you are making some remarks in between.  Seem that it is not your writing, is it? 

Why i ask you this question as an oral presentation needs 抑揚頓挫 as you want yourself to have.  Actually a good articulation needs passion.  Passion of yourself to the topic.  When you have passion to the topic, the articulation will be touching and moving. 

So if it is your writing, just express your own passion and understanding of the topic, then the outcome will be good.  Otherwise, try to understand the topic more so to develop some more self-understanding of the topic. If the topic cannot impress your own self, you won't be able to impress others. 

BTW, i find the introduction is not really relevant to the body of the text.  The introduction is about teachers' work load and the body is about the left-over.  It will affect the fluency of an oral presentation as the whole piece doesn't align well in content. 

Keep up and your will certainly get return from your effort. 



ivina 2021/12/09


ivina 2021/12/09


wongi 2021/11/06

送上星星。姜B魅力很厲害,他的影迷在金鐘的麥當奴排隊,在mirror 樂隊前拍照啊!場面熱鬧啊!

淺雪 2021/10/30
