Struggle and resistance

2011/02/19 19:20:05 網誌分類: 語文意粉屋
19 Feb

這是一篇在一本書找到的好看短文, 該書叫「高級英文模範作文」, 出版社為「南洋圖書公司」, 出版年份是1967, 售價1.6港元, 是爸爸很久以前買的{#icons_panda7}

Wintry blast rattles over the earth: all living creatures are paralysed by the cold shell into inactivity.

By God! What a terrible picture! Nature, brilliant and full of life as it was yesterday, become, now desolate and despondent. All and all is dead and dull. Blizzard, frost and ice carry in their wake havoc and destruction. How can we the most sensitive of creatures stand against such a pressure? Well, the only way is to struggle, to resist!

However great is the menace of winter, however fierce is the force of chill blast, we are not despaired. No! Never! What we have is warm courage; what we have is the spirit to struggle. March forward! Let us do away with the evil environments and establish ourselves in a new happy and idealistic world!

March forward with a cheerful heart! Spring, that beautiful and lovely spring, is waving to us!

這篇激昂的文章, 好看之餘有些生字需要查查的。現在吃東西了! (先吃再查, 哈哈)

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ivina 2021/12/09


ivina 2021/12/09


wongi 2021/11/06

送上星星。姜B魅力很厲害,他的影迷在金鐘的麥當奴排隊,在mirror 樂隊前拍照啊!場面熱鬧啊!

淺雪 2021/10/30
