Training on “Hearing God’s voice”.

2011/05/05 09:10:21 網誌分類: 基督教
05 May

Training on “Hearing God’s voice”.

I would like to share with you some encounters in a training last week. The trainer is John Paul Jackson. He is a prophet at the end times. It was a training session for prophetic people. I was not that type of person who has such gift. We have an exercise in the training.  A group of 4 persons came together, asking the Holy Spirit to give words of comforts and encouragement or vision/picture for each individual. In my turn, two sisters shared with me something special. Two sisters shared with me what they saw from the Holy Spirit for Frankie.

A sister from Korea shared three words with me. She said that God gave her three words in her spirit man for me. The three words are “Oak of righteousness” (公義的橡樹). It was in以賽亞書 61:3. I felt that the Lord is comforting me as the name of the chapter is comforting the afflicted (悲傷). 以賽亞書61:1 is a bible verse given to a church 611 XXX.

Another sister from Taiwan received a picture from the Lord for Frankie. In this picture, she saw a white paper. There was a black dot (point) at one corner. She said that you are just a small dot at a corner. God is pulling you out to the rest of the white paper.

In the evening, I request another sister to do similar thing for me. While we were talking about my request, a black brother Joe nearby (from Vine centre, Hong Kong) told me that he saw a picture. Frankie was in the picture. Water fountain with water come out from Frankie. Water flow from Frankie and go out to the front. In front of Frankie, there are many people and they drink the water. That is wonderful; God told me through a brother in U.K. many years ago that God will use me to bless other people.  In fact, I have requested a sister in China, who is an elder of a church and is in prophetic ministry, to seek guidance from God about my spiritual gift 2 months ago. She asked the Holy Spirit.  Later, she told me that my gift is evangelist 作傳福音的.

There are others blessings too. God is so good to me.
A sister from China gave me a feed-back after I have shared with her about the picture " the black dot at a corner of a white sheet
. She said : 感謝神,神知道您的現狀,知道您幾乎是被忽略的,但神要讓您走出。到更寬闊的境地,因為他是神。讚美主。

In the training, we have learnt about the factors affecting hearing the voice of God. In an incident reported in the bible, there were many people following Jesus Christ.  A voice from Heaven was heard.  Father God was speaking about His son and His glory.  Some people could not hear God’s voice.  Some people heard His voice like thunder, many waters, like an angel, or a small still voice.  John Paul Jackson said that the variance is because of our difference in spiritual levels; we have not suitably tuned in. Therefore, we may have variance in describing God’s voice.  Frankie has not yet heard God’s audible voice. 

From the training, I learnt that at least, there are two areas which I need improvement.  1) To have a close (intimate) fellowship with God every day; spend time reading His words, pray to Him, listen to His feed-back, silence before him (that is 等候神; it was mentioned by 江秀琴牧師) . 2) the way and attitude of how Frankie listen to others. I often concentrated my work and did not response to others when they talked to me. I did not pay full attention to others when someone was talking to me with the issues/topics which I have no interest or little interest.  John Paul Jackson said that if you have this poor attitude, God responded to you in similar way. Therefore, we cannot hear God’s audible voice. I noticed that God is Holy.  If we are living in sinful life, we also cannot hear His audible voice. We have constantly made the Holy Spirit unhappy (grieved傷心 the Holy Spirit). We need to repent and confess our sins to God.  May this sharing be a blessing to you! Jesus loves you!



John Paul Jackson : Seven days behind the veil

I was aware that God knows every detail about every single thing in existence - even those things that are not yet. There is nothing outside His knowledge. He knows what it is, where it is, why it is, and what will happen to it before the end. He knows its past, present and future. He knows every cell in every physical and nonphysical body-every subatomic particle. He knows every piece of sand in every crystal in every stone in every mountain. He knows every thought of every creature, all at the same time. Nothing is beyond Him. Nothing is outside of Him. 

John Paul Jackson is an end-time prophet who had been caught up in the Throne room and he saw Father God in mid 90s.






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回應 (2)
2011/05/07 14:01:23 回覆

Hi, Good afternoon!

God bless you!



立 冬
立 冬 2011/05/07 11:20:09 回覆

