
2011/06/30 21:28:25 網誌分類: 基督徒見證
30 Jun
The following is my sharing with a sister in China on 29 June 2011.

I would like to share an incident with you about God's protection.  On 10 June 2011, two sisters from China went to visit my mother's home and prayed for her, my younger sister and my wife.  One of them was a gifted Christian.  She prayed for my mother about her knee problem and occasional pain at her belly.

At night, I accompanied them to go back to the hotel because they were new in Hong Kong.  We took the underground train ( MTR) to go back to the hotel.  After reaching the correct MTR train station, the two sisters and Frankie took the escalator 電扶梯 to move from the train platform to the upper floor.  As the escalator and the elder sister moved upward for about one to two feet, she lost balance and fell down.  The younger sister tried to support the elder sister but failed.  Both of them fell down and slided down along the escalator.  I usually walked at the front and guided them.  However, this time I was at the back and I stood below them.  Seeing that they fell down, I tried my best to support them and stop them from further moving down the escalator電扶梯.  I shouted loudly several times and requested someone to press down the emergency stop.  However, I saw that people were frightened.  They were panic.  About 15 to 20 seconds later, someone pressed the emergency stop and the escalator stopped moving upwards.  I was shock at that moment.  Later, I thanked God and we immediately made a prayer at that station. One day later, I saw that there were many warning labels at that area and at the escalator.  A big warning signboard was newly erected to warn people when taking the escalator.  Both the elder sister and Frankie felt that it was an attack/challenge from the devil as he was not pleased what we did on that day (many of us confessed sins before God).  God is good.  He has protected His children. ( 詩篇 91 : 住在至高者的隱密處的,必在全能者的蔭庇下安居。 2 我要對耶和華說:你是我的避難所,我的保障,你是我的神,我所倚靠的。3 他必救你脫離捕鳥的人的網羅,脫離致命的瘟疫。 4 他必用自己的羽毛遮蓋你,你要投靠在他的翅膀底下;他的信實像盾牌,像堅壘。 5 你不必害怕黑夜的驚恐,或是白日的飛箭; 6 也不必害怕黑暗中流行的瘟疫,或是在正午把人毀滅的毒病。 7 雖有千人仆倒在你的左邊,萬人仆倒在你的右邊,但災害必不臨近你。

Two days later, I saw sad news on newspaper in Hong Kong. Someone protested at the top of a covered bridge (walkway). Later, a senior policeman tried to climb up the top of the covered bridge. However, he lost balance and fell down while he was doing so.  His head was seriously injured and he died a few hours later. When I noticed this sad news, I realized that God's guarding angel protected His children in our daily life. Our heavenly father is good. Without His permission, not a single hair is allowed to fall down on ground. Thank you Jesus, Praise the Lord. Glory to God!

Have a joyful and thankful heart to the Lord for the Lord is good.  Come and taste the goodness of our God.  He is gracious and loving.  He is our Father in Heaven.  Blessed the Lord, O my soul !

Frankie, 29 June 2011.

Sharing from a sister in China



Sister M 



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