狂升暴跌支持 QE 3

2011/07/15 05:01:51 網誌分類: 笑看股海風雲
15 Jul


剛才看到以下兩則新聞, 真的禁不住笑出來!

昨天美國聯儲局主席伯南克出席國會聽證會說到, 若美國經濟無起色, 不排除推出新的刺激經濟方案。言論甫出, 市場立即理解為 QE 3 快要推出, 美股急升超過 150 點。然而昨天美股收市, 最終祇是上升 44 點。伯南克欲出「口術」, 無奈市場不領情。更可笑的是, 今天伯南克否認即將推出 QE 3, 害得美股由上升轉為下跌。

昨日早上小弟已留言說伯南克的「口術」無效, 美國若要推出 QE 3, 美元必須急升, 美股必須暴跌!

另一邊廂, 美國總統奧巴馬與共和黨國會領袖商討增加發債上限的時候, 竟然大發雷霆, 拂袖而去。奧巴馬是一位不懂政治的美國總統, 打高爾夫球、在白宮開會、繼而相約週末到大衛營度假, 能夠做到甚麼?

奧巴馬希望對頭人乖乖地同意增加發債上限, 必須借助美國金融巨擘的力量。當美股暴跌、美元狂升, 所有人對美國經濟前景感到極度悲觀, 誰還敢冒天下之大不諱, 阻撓美國繼續發債度日。奧巴馬需要的是一次金融大風暴, 而不是在白宮飲咖啡開會、打高爾夫、週末到大衛營度假!

倘若奧巴馬懂得政治為何物, 應該馬上找高盛、大摩、美林美銀 .... .... .... 等等金融機構的 CEO 磋商。

資金撤出美國股市, 美股頃刻間暴跌, 自然人心惶惶。避險資金可能選擇美債, 亦可能選擇黃金、白銀、石油 .... .... .... 等等的商品。美債升, 美元自然上升。國際商品市場主要以美元報價, 若避險資金選擇購買商品, 亦會令到美元需求量大增, 因此美元急升。

QE 3 推出之前, 必須美元狂升、美股暴跌!

美國不增加發債上限, 美國財政部豈能發新債?美國聯儲局又如何回購美債?不能回購美債, 伯南克又焉能推出 QE 3, 開動印鈔機, 大印假鈔票?

那麼, 美國國會何時才會同意增加發債上限?增加多少億美元的新額度?

小弟認為, 本年 8 月中旬, 美國國會才會通過增加發債上限方案, 而新增額度應該是 4 萬億美元。

QE 3 推出之前, 國際金融市場一定是風高浪急, 連場大風暴。7 月份大家還可以買一些股份走一、兩次短線, 到 7 月底至 8 月初, 大家最好暫時撤退, 安心等待美國新的大龍鳳上畫!

當美國確定增加發債上限, 繼而推出 QE 3 之後, 全球股市又會狂升至不能置信的水平。

免責聲明 : 以上網誌內容純屬小弟個人意見分享,並未對任何人士構成邀約或投資建議。小弟亦不會評論任何人士的投資行為、投資組合和買賣情況。任何人士在作出任何投資决定前, 應先行評估財務狀況和承擔風險能力。


Bryan ki (呀其)  14/7/2011 9:40:22 







before114  14/7/2011 9:13:09 

博士早晨, 我真的看不透, 美元會先升

(註: 事實證明, 通常跟我看法不同的人都是正確的)



**Dr. 168 the Great**  14/7/2011 8:03:50 

before114 :

小弟經常講, 美國另起爐灶推出 QE 3, 實在是勢在必行!

尋晚伯南克講 QE 3, 美股曾上升超過 150 點, 但係轉眼間升幅收窄至幾十點。

如果美國金融界希望有 QE 3, 美股應該大跌, 唔係大升。推出 QE 3 之前, 美元應該急升, 港元應該隨勢上升。

伯南克想出口術, 美國大戶唔多相信, 所以美股升幅收窄。緊接下來, 美元急升, 美股急跌, 咁就有機會逼聯儲局推出 QE 3 啦!


before114  14/7/2011 7:50:56 

今日伯南克又講QE3, 好像以後港元都會不斷貶值





Bernanke: No Plans Now for Bond Purchases

By Jeannine Aversa and Joshua Zumbrun - Jul 15, 2011 2:00 AM GMT+0800

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke told Congress that the central bank isn’t currently ready to embark on a third round of government bond-buying to stimulate the economy.

“We’re not prepared at this point to take further action,” Bernanke said today, in response to a question from Senate Banking Committee Chairman Tim Johnson, a Democrat from South Dakota. Johnson asked Bernanke why the Fed wasn’t immediately starting a new stimulus program given the weak economic recovery and rising unemployment.

Stocks fell, driving the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index to the lowest level of the month. The S&P declined 0.7 percent to 1,308.25 at 1:18 p.m. in New York after rising as much as 0.7 percent. Gold futures pared gains after reaching a record $1,594.90 an ounce.

In House testimony yesterday, he said the Fed still has tools to spur growth, and that “we have to keep all the options on the table,” driving share prices higher. Bernanke told Senators today that policy makers want to see if the economy rebounds as anticipated in the coming months, and that they are keeping a close eye on inflation.

Should the economy turn out to be weaker than expected, the central bank may provide more monetary stimulus, Bernanke said. A third round of quantitative easing, or QE3, is an option if a recent economic slowdown persists and deflationary forces re- emerge, he said.

When Necessary

“We just want to make sure that we have the options when they become necessary,” Bernanke said. “But, at this point, we’re not proposing to undertake that option.”

Bernanke said the Fed faces conditions that are different today than they were last August, when he signaled a second round of large-scale asset purchases. At that time, the economy was in danger of stalling, he said, and the Fed was concerned the country may experience deflation, a widespread and prolonged d rop in prices, wages and the values of assets such as homes and stocks.

“Today the situation is more complex,” Bernanke told lawmakers. “Inflation is higher. Inflation expectations are close to our target,” he said. “We are uncertain about the near-term developments in the economy. We’d like to see if, in fact, the economy does pick up, as we are projecting.”

Close to Target

Senator Richard Shelby of Alabama, the committee’s senior Republican, told Bernanke that he has concerns that additional bond purchases would fuel inflation.

“It appears that the Fed may be going in the wrong direction,” Shelby said, referring to Bernanke’s testimony of today and yesterday leaving the door open to additional stimulus should the recovery appear to be fizzling out.

“The last thing our weak economy needs right now is an inflation scare,” he said.

Shelby criticized the Fed in November when it launched a $600 billon bond-buying program to rejuvenate the economy, saying the purchases, which ended last month, could trigger an inflation surge. Shelby also said bond buying by the Fed could prompt a wave of speculative buying on Wall Street, leading to asset-price bubbles.

As he emphasized yesterday in testimony before the House Financial Services Committee, Bernanke told lawmakers today that the Fed must be flexible and prepared to shift in either policy direction. The Fed may tighten credit if inflation were to rise more than anticipated, he said.

Main Message

“We’re not proposing anything today,” he said. “The main message I want to leave is that this is a serious situation. It involves a significant loss of human and economic potential.”

The nation’s unemployment rate rose to 9.2 percent in June, the third straight monthly increase. Employers added 18,000 new jobs, the fewest in nine months.

Bernanke yesterday predicted economic growth would pick up in the second half of this year at a pace above 3 percent. He estimated the economy expanded at a 2 percent rate during the first six months of this year, or slightly less than necessary to reduce the unemployment rate.




Obama vs. Cantor: Tempers flare as debt ceiling negotiations take a dramatic turn


President Obama and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor engaged in a high stakes test of wills at Wednesday's debt ceiling negotiations in the White House, trading dramatic ultimatums in the most intense round of talks yet. With tempers boiling over, Cantor took his grievances public in an unprecedented press conference after Obama issued a veto threat and told the Republican lawmaker he'd had "enough."

The meeting began normally enough, with Obama welcoming the eight congressional leaders from both parties to the White House. He made opening remarks and then called on Cantor. Cantor griped that the number figure in cuts has been shrinking since last week. Last Thursday - when Obama and House Speaker John Boehner proposed a grand bargain that Cantor helped bring down two days later in the face of a revolt from the right - the President had offered $1.7 trillion in savings, Cantor said, as a baseline of agreement.

After the failure of the big $4.5 trillion deal, Cantor took over the negotiations for House Republicans. Suspiciously, he said, the baseline started shrinking. "When we were there yesterday somehow the number became 1.6 to 1.7 to 1.8," Cantor said he told the President. "So all of a sudden we are now drifting further downward and today we now look to be below $1.4 trillion." Democratic sources say the number, which came from the talks led by Biden - talks that collapsed when Cantor walked away from them two weeks ago - hasn't changed. It has always been $1.5 trillion as a base with an additional $200 billion in health care savings that Republicans wanted and that the Administration had agreed to push for with congressional Democrats.

But Cantor wasn't done. Not only was the baseline number shrinking, he said, but the details had changed: the White House wanted $80 billion in Medicare spending and another $50 billion to fix the dual eligible problem in the Prescription Drug Program. "That's something we never agreed to in the Biden talks," Cantor said.

The President replied that though the White House still advocated for the $1.7 trillion figure, House and Senate Democrats could not support it, especially without revenue increases. The President added that the new conditions also came from congressional Democrats. "Maybe they ought to get it straight and see if they can get to $1.7 trillion," Cantor told reporters in an unprecedented press conference outside of House votes in the Speakers Lobby after the White House meeting. (See TIME's graphic: "Is College Worth It?")

Given that the two sides are so far apart - House Republicans have long demanded the value of any increase to the federal borrowing limit be offset by deficit reductions, and it will take at least a $2.4 trillion hike to get through 2012 - Cantor offered to back off his insistence that there be only one debt ceiling vote. (Some context: up until this point House leadership aides had always said that the reason they were resistant to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's suggestion of multiple votes is because they knew more than one vote would never pass their conference - ie, they didn't consider it a concession, but a necessity.) "And so, I said, 'Really, Mr. President, if you look at where we are right now we are very far apart," Cantor told reporters. "And if you want the full $2.4 trillion increase and you won't sign anything else, I don't know if we can get there. And so, I said I was willing to come off of my insistence that there be one vote that perhaps we could avoid default. That's when he got very agitated."

Democratic sources coming out of the meeting allege that Cantor rudely interrupted the President three times - an accusation Cantor's staff hotly disputes ("Eric waits to be recognized before speaking to the President," says Cantor spokesman Brad Dayspring). Democratic sources say that it was the third interruption that sparked the President's temper.

The following paraphrased account of what President Obama said next is cobbled together from Democratic and Republican sources:

What we're seeing here confirms what the American people think is the worst about Washington: that everyone is more interested in posturing and political positioning and protecting their base than solving real problems. Eric, I could get well above the numbers the GOP is talking about with revenue increases. I am not afraid to veto this and I will take that message and defend it to the American people. If we default, it will be a tax increase on every American. My responsibility is to the American people. I have reached the point where I say, 'Enough.' I have sat here long enough and no other President - Ronald Reagan wouldn't sit here like this. I've reached my limit. We've reached the point where something's got to give. You've either got to compromise on your dollar for dollar insistence or you compromise on the big deal, which means raising taxes. Eric, don't call my bluff. I will go to the American people on this. This may bring my presidency down, but I will not yield on this.

According to Cantor, Obama then shoved back his chair and stormed out of the room. Democrats present at the meeting said there was no shoving or storming involved, he simply got up and said, "I'll see you tomorrow." (See TIME's photoessay: ("Showdown in Wisconsin")

"I was somewhat taken aback because, you know, I was compromising," Cantor told reporters. A Democratic source involved in the talks scoffed at Cantor's "compromise." "We're not a banana republic," the source said. "We're not going to deal with this every three to six months. If you think it's hard now imagine how hard it'll be in the middle of an election."

The episode illustrates how far apart the two sides remain, even as the nation stands at the brink. But perhaps almost as troubling is Cantor's litigation of this tension in the press. I have never seen negotiations broadcast so openly. It's not a good sign. For every major successful bill I've covered on the Hill - Medicare Part D, the Bush tax cuts, the 2005 energy bill, CAFTA, the pension overhaul, TARP, the stimulus and health care reform - the principals always came out of the room and said, 'We're making progress,' or 'Nice try, but I'm not going to negotiate with you,' or even, 'I'm not going to negotiate with myself.'

An agreement on raising the debt ceiling will not come from winning a spin war. If talks collapse, both sides will be blamed and whatever they're saying now really won't matter much in the face of economic disaster. The only solution at this point is to bite the bullet and draft a deal everyone is unhappy with. And the more public the process is - both for Cantor and the President - the harder it will become to reach a deal behind closed doors. Don't get me wrong, I like getting the story as much as the next reporter. And if something big happens, we usually find out. But when talks blow up there's a real risk: if negotiators can't trust each other not to snipe in the press - and this goes for both Cantor and the President, who has given his fair share of press conferences during this - how can they trust each other to join arms and enact something as painful as deficit reduction?



回應 (21)
2011/07/16 09:36:04 回覆

Marco: thank you

2011/07/16 02:23:59 回覆

before 114兄,

你又何需咁講你自己呢? 只要下次諗嘢嗰陣唔好咁直接, 要諗埋仲有咩嘢衍生出嚟之後有唔同嘅方向同結果, 咁你就一定唔會再有咁嘅事情發生.

信我啦, 我都係過來人, 我之前都不知犯過N咁多次錯, 都係因為諗嘢太直接. 博士好好架, 教咗好多人嘢..無論金融亦或政治, 真係博學淵才!



2011/07/16 02:14:22 回覆

博士, 音樂人同咁多位網友: 晚安!

我個人估計: 個大龍鳳上畫日期指日可待(下星期內)! 嘻嘻:) 其實博士咪講咗叫大家小心由7月底至8月初個囉....

其實博士呢段嘢真係唔難明, 雖則我一開始我都停了一停, 先至諗到博士想講出美元多咗係唔會devaluation, 因為比人買美債同商品, 亦因為咁債王立即買番美債仲話好安全同實有得賺.

博士呢啲咁高深嘅知識都知, 真係仲叻過個債王呀!!! SUPPORT!!




2011/07/16 00:23:16 回覆


2011/07/15 22:01:04 回覆

博士、音樂人、penny及各位: 晚上好! {#icons_panda2}


2011/07/15 21:07:40 回覆


Good Evening, Dr168 the great, Music girl & all blogmates~

幪面馬仔 2011/07/15 15:52:47 回覆

oh........我買咗D英鎊喎 {#icons_panda7}

2011/07/15 15:48:59 回覆


我的直線思維是美元會泛濫, 避險會買瑞郎、日元等, 但因美元不值錢, 高息貨幣如澳幣會造好, 因澳洲商品多。(咁你明白, 我點解買甚麼都會蝕甚麼) {#icons_cat5}

2011/07/15 14:42:56 回覆





2011/07/15 13:55:01 回覆




2011/07/15 13:50:36 回覆


要避險, 一是買美債, 一是買商品。

買美債固然用美元, 買商品亦是用美元。

美元需求量增加, 自然上升。



before114  15/7/2011 12:15:09 

多謝博士解釋 ,我唸我呢世都不會完全明白


2011/07/15 13:19:02 回覆

{#20080508141348256.GIF}博士 {#201104301419538618.gif}

2011/07/15 12:15:09 回覆

多謝博士解釋 ,我唸我呢世都不會完全明白

幪面馬仔 2011/07/15 11:26:14 回覆
2011/07/15 09:29:16 回覆




2011/07/15 07:28:21 回覆

{#n推介 +3.gif}

Good Morning Dr. 168 the Great, Music Girl and all blogmates~

2011/07/15 06:44:15 回覆

Good morning, Dr. 168 and everybody. {#icons_cat1}

2011/07/15 06:00:28 回覆

Good morning Dr. 168 the Great, Music Girl and all blogmates

send free letters


2011/07/15 05:28:00 回覆

{#good morning have a nice day.gif}



2011/07/15 05:23:08 回覆







2011/07/15 05:16:32 回覆




2011年7月14日 18:32 HKT 更新
【收市解碼】消息好壞交錯 港股走勢飄忽  
7月 14日 星期四 17:51 更新



出口股表現迥異 利豐(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)、思捷分佔藍籌表現首尾位



限購令或擴至二三?城市 內房股多受壓



半年原保費收入增 財險走勢傲視同儕



5月汽車出口按年大增 汽車股逆市造好

汽車商會指,今年首5個月汽車出口量29.88萬輛,按年增長53.77%,出口金額36.31億美元,增長47.64%。汽車股亦普遍向好,華晨(01114)升4.47%,收報9.59元;中升(00881)升4.03%,收報18.08元;正通(01728)升3.09%,收報10元;長城(02333)升1.62%,收報12.56元。不過,早前發盈警的比亞迪(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)(01211)遭瑞信降目標價至10.1元,拖累該股跌2.95%,收報23元;吉利(00175)上半年總銷量21.3萬部,按年升9%,但6月銷售按月跌4.6%,股價跌2.15%,收報3.18元;東風(00489)跌0.66%,收報15元。





