John Paul Jackson testimony, the authority

2011/07/20 11:40:00 網誌分類: 基督教
20 Jul

John Paul Jackson : his testimony and

a sharing about authority and the relationship with God



John Paul Jackson conducted a training in HK

at the end of April 2011.

He gave each attendant a hug in lieu of laying-on of hand.




John Paul Jackson : Seven days behind the veil

I was aware that God knows every detail about every single thing in existence - even those things that are not yet. There is nothing outside His knowledge. He knows what it is, where it is, why it is, and what will happen to it before the end. He knows its past, present and future. He knows every cell in every physical and nonphysical body-every subatomic particle. He knows every piece of sand in every crystal in every stone in every mountain. He knows every thought of every creature, all at the same time. Nothing is beyond Him. Nothing is outside of Him. 


John Paul Jackson is an end-time prophet who had been caught up in the Throne room and he saw Father God in mid 90s.





不要自卑, 我們揀選的人. 哈利路亞!

Frankie, 19 July 2011

歌林多前書 1:27-31  神卻揀選了世上愚笨的,使那些有智慧的羞愧。他也揀選了世上軟弱的,使那些剛強的羞愧。 28 他也揀選了世上卑賤的和被人輕視的以及算不得甚麼的,為了要廢棄那些自以為是的, 29 使所有的人在神面前都不能自誇。 30 你們因著 神得以在基督耶穌裡,他使基督成了我們的智慧;就是公義、聖潔和救贖 31 正如經上所說的:誇口的應當靠著主誇口


瑪拉基書 3:16-18


那時,敬畏耶和華的人彼此談論,耶和華也留意細聽;在他面前有記錄冊,記錄那些敬畏耶和華和思念他名的人。 17 萬軍之耶和華說:在我施行作為的日子,他們要屬我,作特別的產業;我必憐恤他們,好像人憐恤那服事自己的兒子一樣。 18 那時,你們就要再看出義人與惡人、事奉 神的人和不事奉他的人之間有甚麼分別。 

回應 (1)
2011/07/20 16:17:09 回覆

The following is a feed-back from a sister about a topic that was related to submission 服從 to God and the authority 當權者/權柄, no complaint 抱怨, no criticism 批評 and judgment on others.

