聖靈賜的恩賜 - 朱植森牧師

2011/07/26 20:47:40 網誌分類: 基督徒生活
26 Jul

聖靈賜的恩賜 - 朱植森牧師

歌林多前書 12 : 4-11

恩賜有許多種,卻是同一位聖靈所賜的; 5 服事的職分有許多種,但是同一位主; 6 工作的方式也有許多種,但仍是一位 神,是他在眾人裡面作成一切。 7 聖靈顯現在各人的身上,為的是要使人得著益處。 8 有人藉著聖靈領受了智慧的言語,又有人靠著同一位聖靈領受了知識的言語, 9 又有人因著同一位聖靈領受了信心,還有人因著這位聖靈領受了醫病的恩賜, 10 另有人可以行神蹟,另有人可以講道,另有人可以辨別諸靈,也有人能說各種的方言,也有人能翻譯方言。 11 這一切都是這同一位聖靈所作的,他按照自己的意思個別地分給各人。

聖靈賜的恩賜 - 朱植森牧師

The talk was given by 朱植森牧师 about 聖靈賜的恩賜. The conference was held for the pastors and preachers of churches.



Today I attended the morning prayer meeting in my church ( 7:00-9:00am).  We have two preachers preaching this morning.  The sharings are related to Noah and the flood.  After over two hundred days of heavy rain and the flood, Noah and his family came out of the ark and built an al ter for offering.  God was pleased with his offering. God said in His heart that He was satisfied with the offering and He will not use flood to destroy human beings in future.  He blessed the earth.

This morning, God reminded me to be patient and wait. He will control and handle all necessary things.  I have a chance to speak and pray with one of the core staff of the church.  She shared with me that I should not always stay at an inferior 較差的 state (I have been a prodigal son for ten years).  She said that God will have no attention about your past in the wilderness, wandering as a prodigal son.  He welcomed you back to the family with arms wide open; kill a cow for celebration, you are put on beautiful garment as a son of the family.  God will speak to you direct, no need to seek advice from various people, prophets, etc.  She heard the word " service"服侍 from the Holy Spirit.   She advised me to start service in the cell group, such as helping liaison 聯絡 with other cell members, other works in the cell group, etc.  Some accusations 指控 alleged in the prophecies 預言 were not from God.  She quoted the bible verse in 耶利米書 29:11 因我自己知道我為你們所定的計畫,是使你們得平安,而不是遭受災禍的計畫;要賜給你們美好的前程和盼望這是耶和華的宣告。For I know the plans I have for you,” de clares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Those accusations kept you away from the peace of the Lord.  Trust in the Lord for He loves us.  Spend time with God in private and build up close relationship with Jesus.  Read His words to build up the foundation.  We have a blessed time of sharing and prayer.

Frankie, 26 July 2011



Very good teaching by -葉光明

Please spend 2 hours watching the 4 videos.



盡情的敬拜 Extravagant Worship



Speaking in tongue and interpretation of tongue

 Prophecy & End Time  by Peter TAN

010 Prophecy & End Time (2009/04/17) from El Shaddai Ministries on Vimeo.





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