
2011/08/26 11:03:07 網誌分類: 基督徒見證
26 Aug



Pastor Henry 亨利牧师 meeting. 



在那天下午,我參加一個祈禱會。在祈禱會我遇到亨利  Byamnukama 牧師” . 亨利牧師是 ” 遇到耶穌” 的創始人和牧師。他來自非洲。約下午2:05 ,亨利牧師要求我們一個小團或一對一祈禱。一個職員要求我到前面,並與一個兄弟祈禱。接著,亨利牧師指著我,請我來台前附近。他說,他對我發預言。他說:“上帝呼召你做一個牧者,當我看到你步行走向另一個兄弟面前,我看到一個圖畫,你拿著一本“聖經” ,有許多人跟隨你然後告訴我,你是他的僕人”。因此,亨利牧師在我的額頭和雙手用油膏抹我。亨利牧師按手在我的頭上,然後我躺在地上。他還要求祈禱的全組人(約三十人),為Frankie祈禱。約5分鐘後我從地上站起來。當我為前面的兄弟祈禱,我說方言。這一次,我說方言不一樣。我覺得我所講的語言是一個亞洲國家語言。這是一個精彩的遭遇。這是神呼召我的第六次確認。請為我禱告。非常感謝!願主保佑你!


Frankie, 2011824 


The following was my sharing in relation to my recent encounter on 24 Aug 2011. 

I have attended a prayer meeting in this afternoon. Pastor Henry Byamnukama, the founder and senior pastor of Encounter Jesus Worldwide Ministries, attended the prayer meeting. He came from Africa.  At about 2:05p.m.today, Pastor Henry asked us to pray in a small group or one to one.  A senior staff of the meeting requested me to move to the front and pray with a brother.  Then, Pastor Henry pointed at me and requested me to come to the front near the stage. He said that he has a prophecy for me.  He said, “ God has called you to be a pastor.  When I saw you walking to the front towards another brother, I saw a picture of you. You are holding a bible.  There are many people following you in the picture Jesus Christ then told Pastor Henry that Frankie is a servant of Him.”  So, Pastor Henry anointed me with oil at my forehead and both hands. I then fell down on the floor when Pastor Henry laid hand on my head.  He also requested the whole group (about thirty persons) to pray for Frankie, who has been called to be a pastor.  When I got up from the floor again after about seven minutes, I prayed with the brother at the front, speaking in tongue.  This time, my tongue language has changed.  It seemed to me that the language which I have spoken was an Asian country. This was a great encounter.  That was the sixth confirmation that God has called me to serve Him.  Please remember me in your prayer.  Many thanks!


May the Lord bless you!

Frankie, 24 Aug 2011



Here below are two prophecy about my calling 呼召.


197819  第一个预言 

在英国利兹市马蒂亚斯圣教会St Mathias Church(圣公会教堂)的一位长老,巴克斯顿格雷厄姆先生Mr. Graham Buxton (他是布拉福大学 Bradford University 的讲师) ,给我第一个预言。那个礼拜天在敬拜神后,我留在教堂请求他为我祈祷,他对我发预言。我请求Graham写下他对我发的预言:




主给我经文约翰一 3:1-2因此,我被说服这预言是从主来的你们看,父赐给我们的是怎样的爱,就是让我们可以称为神的儿女,我们也真是他的儿女。因此,世人不认识我们,是因为他们不认识父。亲爱的,现在我们是神的儿女,将来怎样,还没有显明;然而我们知道:主若显现,我们必要像他,因为我们必要看见他本来是怎样的 







201071  第三个预言  

这个预言来自于中国大陆的姊妹。我们在香港的基督教复兴特会上相遇。神籍着她说出我的弱点和一些经历。包括秘密。而这些秘密连我朋友都不知道,令我惊诧不已。神提醒我改进自己的某些不足 ,并给我鼓励

1不要自卑。 2要清晨早起,迎见神,赞美神。 3不要轻视自己 ,不要认为自己的属灵生命不好。 4你过去并没有委身于神。 5你要专注神,仰望神,因为主是你属灵的丈夫。6 一些基督徒在真理上不认同你的观点 。他们不理解你,多次毁谤,不要恨他们。 7在你前面道路上有风雨,但是暂时的。风雨后,一切都会归于平静。 8忘记过去痛苦的事情,在主的面前,将烦恼,重担交给主。 9你过去总是办事自立,你没有求问神的旨意。 10你没有对神履行你一些诺言。 11奇妙的带领, 鲜花恩典伴随。 12不要有淫乱,包括思想。 13当你爱你的神,事奉他,你的妻子会更爱你。 14不要被家庭辖制。15你所说的话有一些错误,无意中得罪了神。上帝原谅你,因为你不是故意犯罪和你的意图是好的。 16、上帝给你土地, 脚踏的地属你,给你一座城 ( 例如:教会,团契, 细胞小组) 17无论你走到哪里,荣耀伴随你。 18神给予你一些鼓励:前进!继续努力!神在向你招手

The following were part of email messages from the sister who took notes at the time of the prophecy.  



我相信神會奇妙的帶領你,一步步向你顯明,並且向你印證祂借著我們所預言的,其實那個弟兄的看見不也正驗證了我們為你的禱告和預言嗎a black brother Joe nearby told me that he saw a vision/picture. Frankie was in the picture. Water fountain with water come out from Frankie. Water flow from Frankie and go out to the front. In front of Frankie, there are many people and they drink the water. ” ( end of April 2011 at a training )












Teacher training session on 18 Aug 2011 about hearing the voice of God.

The followings are some prophecy from students for Frankie.

1.     Frankie is a American football player with full armour . Get the goal.  nobody can stop him. Frankie is a person like Forrest Gum in the US movie. ( Fiona)

2.    Speedy anointing will be given to him. From Christine.

3.    Frankie is a person who will not do harm to others. Easy to talk to others. ( Pastor John)

4.    A secret weapon, American football ( Richard)

5.    Bona, who is a brother from Africa, heard the word ” Pastor-family” .  Also a bible verse, God will restore all the lost which were eaten by locust蝗蟲.

6.    Frankie is like a horse at a situation which is about time to start running, full of energy  (From Bill). 



回應 (2)
2011/08/31 13:14:17 回覆

人生与圣经: 人生最大的希望是信仰(约翰福音3:16上帝爱世人,甚至将他的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信他的,不至灭亡,反得永生。)

人生最大的试探是贪财(提摩太前书6:10 贪财是万恶之根。有人贪恋钱财,就被引诱离了真道,用许多愁苦把自己刺透了。)


2011/08/31 09:40:41 回覆

羅 馬 書 8: 28-30
我們知道,為了愛 神的人,就是按他旨意蒙召的人的益處,萬事都一同效力。 29因為 神預先知道的人,他就預先命定他們和他兒子的形象一模一樣,使他的兒子在許多弟兄中作長子, 30他預先命定的人,又呼召他們;所召來的人,又稱他們為義;所稱為義的人,又使他們得榮耀。
