Surprise Sithole's special encounter 特殊的遭遇

2011/09/16 19:53:41 網誌分類: 基督徒見證
16 Sep


 Surprise Sithole's special encounter 特殊的遭遇

 Surprise Sithole has prayed for 8 dead people who came back to life!   

Those people who died  more than 48 hours are counted by Surprise Sithole. His fellow-workers also prayed for 100 people who came back to life.  In such statement, only those who have been dead  more than 24 hours were counted.   They were raised from  the dead.

He is now working with Heidi Baker ( Iris ministry) in Africa.This man has been caught up in Heaven (in throne room)  and come back to earth.  He has seen angels and he has special encounters with angel's assistance in the Iris ministry. He said in another interview that he has seen a big angel with two large wings at his back.  The angel is very tall, as high as a two-storey building.

Frankie,15 Sept 2011


Surprise Sithole at Glory Gathering Part 1



Surprise Sithole at Glory Gathering Part 2


Angels & Red Ants - Surprize Sithole





We are His people, c reated by God for His glory .   我们是上帝的人,我们是他创造的, 了他的荣耀。  

Isaiah 43:7 NKJ  "Everyone who is called by My name, Whom I have created for My glory; I have formed him, yes, I have made him. 就是所有按著我的名被召的人,是我為自己的榮耀創造的,是我所塑造,所作成的。”Isaiah 61:3   That they may be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified. 他們必稱為公義的橡樹,是耶和華栽種的,好使他自己得著榮耀。

Why you are born? you are born for a purpose.
以弗所書 2: 10 我們原是神所作成的,是在基督耶穌裡創造的,為的是要我們行各樣的善事,就是神預先所安排的NIV - For we are God's workmanship (masterpiece傑作), created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do



Brothers and sisters, we will have glory in eternity (使他們得榮耀). Romans 8:28-30 我們知道,為了愛神的人,就是按他旨意蒙召的人的益處, 萬事都一同效力。 29因為 神預先知道的人,他就預先命定他們和他兒子的 形象一模一樣,使他的兒子在許多弟兄中作長子, 30他預先命定的人,又呼召他們;所召來的人,又稱他們 為義;所稱為義的人,又使他們得榮耀

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